Chapter 1 Assigned to Babysit Three Alphas
Blair's POV
The two story condo stood, majestic as the light of the sun bathed it in radiance.
"We are here, Ms Blair," the driver said as the car came to a halt in front of the condo I looked at dreamily.
"Oh! We are…" I sighed, opening the door of the car.
My feet to the ground, but my eyes remained on the house as I pulled out my luggage with me. Not like it contained a lot of clothing to showcase any opulence, but it did well to show my status with its almost raggedy looks. Oiled and shone by my mother to make it appear amongst the year's trend.
"Why do I have to be here?" I asked myself, throwing my dark hair behind my ears to let me see properly.
The condo looked beautiful from the outside. Painted white with flowers dotting every part of it that would fit. The front of the house had some palms growing in front of it, giving it that exotic feel.
It was exotic as this place belonged to the alpha Atlas. and everything about them screamed wealth in all ramifications. I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath as the car whirled into life before screeching down the road.
I opened my eyes to see perfect blue skies and fluffy cotton clouds dotting it to produce a mass of beauty, but I wasn't here to enjoy the sights. Instead, a duty awaited me and just in the space of two days was something important.
My shoulders dropped as I thought about it. I'd be spending my days with adults who may never know what they wanted while my eighteenth birthday was in sight. I took another deep breath as I put my hands on my back, picking it up and moving into the door.
June 30th was my birthday. It would be an auspicious day if I could get to a good start with the boys inside. I shrugged my shoulders as I walked to the door.
I stopped, hanging my hand before the doorknob as I thought to either knock or enter the room outright as my position demanded. I shook my head, knocking instead so as not to startle.
"Is anybody home?" I asked after receiving no answers after knocking for a while. The door creaked open to a silence that was eerie. Three boys of legal age and of different packs can't have the room this quiet, I thought to myself as I shut the door behind me.
I let out a deep breath as I recalled the incident. The alpha stood in front of me with a stern look on his face. I could tell that whatever he wanted to tell me wasn't something I could take lightly, or it would be to my detriment.
"I want you to do something for me," he had said with his brown eyes staring at me like he was peering into my soul.
There was no way I could say no to someone of his personality. It was almost equal to signing my death warrant. Not even the police would crack the case surrounding my death, but that wasn't the only reason I did not refuse his offer with the proposition of doing something.
It was too good to be true. ‘Members of the pack,' he had said, if only I performed the job well. My mom and I would find a place to call our home instead of being labeled as rogues.
I had looked at him with eyes that waited for him to say all that what he offered was a lie, but he had straightened up, patting his hands on his suit to take out dust before relaxing on his seat.
"Think about it," he said as he leaned on his hand, crossing his legs over each other.
There was nothing for me to think about, but I had to give him the feeling that I thought about it as I raised my eyes to meet him, not necessarily to meet his eyes as I knew what that denoted. "I'll do it."
He chuckled as he leaned towards me. "That's a wise choice you've made there," he said as he stood from his seat. "Pack your day and get ready. In a few days. You'd be transported to their area of residence."
That was the defining moment that led me to this house. I shook my head to remove the thought, admiring the interior of the house.
The quietness was not the only thing that caught my attention as I looked at the ground. I dropped my load, taking some clothes in my hands. The clothes looked to have formed a trail in a direction.
"Why were there female clothes?" I asked myself, as I could see bras and some g-strings on the ground. "I thought there were only three boys in this place," I said to myself as I followed the trail. It went through a stair, leaving me unable to take a capture of how the house looked like.
I could tell the television sat in the left hand of the sitting room. Three couches surround it, all draped in brown.
I turned my head away from mapping the house, walking stealthily to where the clothes led. It was impossible for a male and female cloth to appear in the same place that it would lead to the very thought I was trying to avoid.
My mind knew where it all led to, but I want to assure myself that it was a figment of my imagination as I followed. The top of the stair looked just as exquisite as the down floor. Three paths led to three doors at the top.
The clothes pointed to the middle door. This floor was as quiet as well, but I could hear the sound of water dripping but I could not pinpoint the exact place, focusing my attention on the door where the trail of clothes stopped.
"Harder, yeah."
I stopped at the sound I heard from the other side of the door. The sounds of bodies clapping increasing with every step I took closer to the door.