Chapter 2 Not The First Day I Anticipated
Blair's Pov
The door creaked open as I touched the doorknob. I pushed it wide open to see two persons on the bed. A male and a female, having the time of their lives.
"Ahh.." she moaned as he thrust her from behind, pushing her from her back to support his weight while he continued with what he was doing.
I stood still, almost shell-shocked from the incident, as this was the least thing I had expected to see on my first day here, even when I knew it was happening. Her moans and her grunts echoed through the room as they continued like I wasn't even there.
I was certain that they knew someone had entered into the room but either they didn't care or they assumed it was someone else that had walked in because the sound of the door creaking was a dead giveaway.
He stopped for a couple of seconds, pushed her to the bed like she was some used rag while reaching for the drawer close by and tore off a condom. He removed the used cap from his d!ck and wore the unused condom on his dick.
He drew her roughly by the hair after he had gotten a hold of himself, sweat dripping from both their bodies like they ran a marathon but then again, some people classify sex as a sport. He pounded her in a doggy style while she screamed in ecstasy.
My expression had changed from pure irritation to something along the side of discomfort. I was getting hot from watching them, the air in the room suddenly became too hurt. I used my hand to fan myself and took several breaths to steady myself.
"This is not the reason I came here," I reminded myself still watching her scream and moan while he thrust into her.
"Oh, goodness.." I said without realising and clasped my hand tightly to my mouth.
This was enough reason for me to change my mind and ask for a reassignment from the Alpha, I mean i already don't want to be here, i wanted to work with my mom and keep her company since she didn't have anyone to talk to in the pack but I knew I couldn't. If I ask for a reassignment, who knows what the conditions might be and if my mom and I would still be offered citizenship in the pack. I can't risk taking chances.
I sighed. I just have to do what I can to survive in this place and after a year, my mother and I will be free.
Armed with this thought I coughed loudly, "Ahem!" my expression showed irritation. In case I haven't told you yet, I could control what I say, yes but my expression is always a dead giveaway to what I'm thinking.
For the first time since i got here, I perceived the stank of sweat and sex. It filled the room making me uncomfortable, I swiftly placed my hands over my nose in an attempt to minimize the smell.
"Well, if there isn't someone who would want to rain on my parade," the guy said as he pushed the girl to the bed, lying on it with his hands behind his head. "I must guess that you are the new maid, and if so, I would like something for me and my guest. You can leave my presence now and get to cooking. As you can see, I'm famished from the little quest I had here," he said as he slapped the girl's butt. She giggled at his action, making her butt jiggle.
I could feel a scowl appear on my face at his words. "If you had looked a bit deeper than with those perverted eyes of yours. Maybe, just maybe, you would have known that I was your babysitter. Truly, you are a baby. I can attest to that with the way you behaved," I said as I placed my hands on my waist.
"I do not think I am the baby, by the way. If anyone was a baby. I'd say you were the one with the way you look at us with those eyes of yours. It leaves no doubt for me that you are the maid and I'd like a meal in about thirty minutes. If you could run into the kitchen, it would save both our time," he said as he turned to the girl next to him, caressing her body.
My fist folded over itself as the next thing I wanted to do was walk over to him and smack the smirk he had on his face as he kissed the lady.
"It could be your father who sent me to watch over your ass. I do not know why they had to send me to an uncouth child such as this," I said out of spite, but joy leaving my lips as I maintained the position I stood.
He seemed to have noticed as he rolled away from the bed, exposing a toned skin. Golden from the tanning under the sun. The prospect of being born to royalty that most if us lowborn would never experience even in a hundred years to come.
"There is no other information I would need from you if only you would get the food as I ordered, but you have chosen the side of a bad maid. Maybe I could get my father to fire you if he is the one that hired you," the boy said as he took a shirt from the table, placing it over his shoulder but still left his lower half open.
The sun shone through the window. Dust dancing through the rays like they expected something more.
"She might not be the maid," the girl he was having sex with said as she turned to face me. A smile on her face. She was a beauty even as she morphed her ears to show she was a werewolf like all of us.
"Well, I do not care," he said as he sat on the bed without exposing any intimate part of himself.
I was grateful for that, at least. The sight I met with was traumatizing enough for me. I was not ready for another sight.
"Hey, girl. Can you leave the room for both of us?" I asked, snapping my fingers at the girl lying on the bed.
"No can do, hunny. He has not asked me to leave his presence yet," she said as she wrapped the bedsheets over her body.
"Maybe if you get the food for the both of us. She would get on her way just as you want," he said as he turned to face me, flashing me a smile. He turned away at that instant, giving me little time to map his face.
What am I to do? I asked myself as my eyes danced from him to the girl on the bed who had her head propped up by her arm on the bed and back to him. "What would you do, mom?" I asked as I looked at the slave before me like I was talking to my mother.
"You sure you are okay?" the girl asked as she say up, looking at me with her dark eyes that harbored emptiness.
"Nope. I'm not," I said as I folded my arms across my chest. "I'm thinking of the words I'd use for someone as shameless as he is," I continued as I placed my hand underneath my chin like I was thinking.