Chapter 1: An Unexpected Discovery

Hannah 's POV

Sometimes, I wonder how my life can be this perfect! I never believed in happy endings, but all the happiness that I have had in my life. I started believing in wonders and miracles. I think I should send him a text.

The plane landed after six hours, I took my luggage and came out of the airport. It feels so good coming back home after so many days.

After a twenty-minute ride, I reached my office and entered the building. Michael doesn't work here, but he has a room for himself in my office because he wants to be close to me. I find it so sweet. I arrived at the office and went to his room, but I didn't see Michael in his room.

I decided to wait for him in my office. The quiet halls felt comforting, I could hear my heels making noise in the silence. I walked towards my office, expecting to find it as I had left it—neat, organized, and ready for my return. Instead, I was met with a scene that shattered my world. I felt as if the ground trembled under my feet.

"Ahh, Michael, what are you doing?" The voices are coming from my office. What is going on? My heart was beating in my ears. What is happening, can I see it? I have to do it. I have seen it with my own eyes. My husband can do this to me, how? Why? I took this one step and without their knowledge, I saw them.

"Michael, be quick, Hannah can come back anytime soon..." Lyla said.

"Don't worry, no one will see us," Michael said.

I saw Michael and my assistant Lyla  having sex in my office. The betrayal hit me like a punch to the gut, knocking the air out of my lungs. I stood frozen in the doorway, unable to process the scene before me.

This can not be true. It can not happen. Lyla urged Michael to hurry, fearing that I would return soon. But Michael, unconcerned, reassured her that they had time for a few more rounds before my arrival. Each word felt like a dagger to my heart, the casual cruelty of their actions twisting the knife deeper.

I feel like throwing up. I called Michael on his phone. My heart was beating so fast. I don't want to talk to this shameless man, the cheater, a coward, and the man who betrayed me. But I have to do it one last time.

"Hello, Michael!" I said I controlled my voice to not break up.

"Hello, darling, how are you?" He said with a sore expression on his face.

"Fine, I wanted to inform you that I was coming today, but," I stopped.

"But?" I can see the worry on Michael's face. The panic in their actions. Pushing down my disgust.

"My business trip was extended and I still need two more days to go home." I told him then hung up.

I saw the evil smile that came upon his face. I feel so angry right now, that I wanted to burst inside the office and catch them red-handed. But no I have to wait, I can not let my anger out, not right now... I heard them once again.

"Oh, Lyla , I am so happy, she will be out for two more days, and now we have all the time in the world. Michael laughed, hugging her tight.

"Ha-ha, I am so happy, let's enjoy our time then," Lyla  kissed him, and I saw them with disgust.

I had a headache after hearing and seeing all this, but I have to be strong. I used my phone to record evidence of Michael's infidelity. The realization Michael never truly liked me, broke my heart. All the things that he did for me, all the love that he showed towards me, it all was a lie. How can I trust someone, anyone, after all of this, my life was a lie.

Now, I have all the proof. I am not a miserable girl, I am Hannah  McLean, one of the best attorneys in this city. I will not let Michael ruin my life and spend my hard-earned money on this bitch. I will destroy him.

That's it, I wiped the tears from my face and got up. I came out of the office building and took a deep breath. I went towards the bank, which is two streets away from my office.

"Hello, can I meet the manager? Ask them Hannah  McLean is here," I said to the reception. The girl nodded her head and called the manager.

"Yes, Ms. Mclean, how can I help you?" He asked after we were seated in his office.

"Mr. Lincoln, I want to cancel all of Michael's credit cards. And I also want to change all my card and account pins." I requested Mr. Lincoln be taken back a little, but after an hour my work was done. I then went back to my house.

I unlocked the door and got inside, I felt gross coming here, this was our house. Our safe place but that man destroyed it. He ripped the lie off of my eyes and I saw the harsh reality of the world. But why? I don't know the reason, but I have to take the necessary steps. I went to my study and turned on my laptop. This is it.

I prepared divorce papers to send Michael via email. I can not live in this house. I put an advertisement to sell my house on the Internet. I will sell it and move to a different neighborhood. I feel suffocated here. This house contains so many memories that are not valuable to me anymore.

I was so shocked to learn it all, but my initial shock gave way to a cold, calculating resolve. I would not be a victim. I would take control of my life and strip Micheal of everything he thought he could exploit. The betrayal, while devastating, ignited a fierce determination within me.

I went to my room and started packing. I picked up my suitcase and tried to open it. It surprised me that I couldn't open it. It was then I noticed it wasn't mine. The luggage tag was smudged, but I could make out the last name 'Reed' and a phone number. I dialed the number on the tag.

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