It was another usual boring afternoon for me as I sprawled on the couch trying to finish another chapter of my book. I was in deep thought about how to construct the next paragraph of the chapter when the main door opened.

My eyes widened as I stood up to check who it was because I knew no one was supposed to be home that early.

"Rhea." Princess Esmeralda came into view as she moved closer to envelop me in a hug.

"Esmeralda?" I gave her a confused look. "How come you are here?"

"I was bored out of my mind when I suddenly remembered that I have another friend who would be feeling bored like me, so I came over to keep you company." She beamed at me.

"Friend?" I blinked in surprise.

That was the first time anyone would ever refer to me as a friend. I didn't even know what it was like to have a friend after being cooped up in the house for twenty years.

"Well, I think you are beautiful and nice, so I think we should be friends. That's if you don't mind that I'm three years younger than you."

"Of course not." I shook my head. "Have a seat. What would you like me to offer you?"

"Water would be okay for now." She occupied the couch I was sitting on while I went to the kitchen to get some water for her.

On getting back to the living room, I noticed her going through my laptop. "What are you doing?" I placed the glass of water on the table.

"I didn't know you write." She glanced up at me with an amazed expression.

"I do. I've had a passion for it since I was a little girl that's why I'm taking a creative writing class online."

"Have you published any of your books?"

"No, I don't think I'm that good yet." I scratched the back of my neck.

"That's not true." She shook her head as she continued scrolling through the chapter I was working on. "I've only read a few paragraphs of this chapter and I can tell you are gifted."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes." She glanced at me. "Promise me you are going to publish this book when you're done with it."

"I'm entering a contest with it and it will get published if I win." I shrugged.

"There's no doubt that you are going to win, I'll be looking forward to reading it when it gets published and I'll also make Estefan get a copy."

"Does he read?" I cocked an eyebrow with an amused smile on my face.

"When he's not being his usual annoying and cold self, you'll find him reading. That guy has read almost all the books in the Royal Library. It's like he's addicted to reading."

"That's cool." I smiled in admiration. "I'm surprised he has not written any book with the amount he has read."

"Me too."

"Pardon me for asking, but why is he so cold and reserved?"

She sighed and leaned into her chair. "I wish I could tell you but it's not my story to tell. Maybe if you get the chance, you can talk to Estefan yourself."

"Like I'm ever going to cross paths with him again."

'Except if Leah succeeds in becoming his princess.' I thought to myself.

"You're right."

Esmeralda and I spent the entire afternoon getting to know each other. She told me about her second brother, Prince Esteban who was the crown prince of Spain. I was confused as to why Estefan was not made the crown prince since he was the eldest son but she further explained to me that Estefan is an illegitimate child of their father and he couldn't be made the Crown Prince over the first legitimate child.

When it was getting close to dinner time, Esmeralda left after receiving a call from her father, asking her to come back to the hotel. She promised to come to visit me again before she returned to Spain.

My family came back just when I finished preparing dinner and we all ate together as we talked about our day. I used the opportunity to tell them about Esmeralda's visit and Mom was touched by her compassionate heart.

After dinner, I retired to my room for some privacy so I could continue my book but Leah had to choose that perfect time to waltz into my room with an annoying smile on her face.

"What do you want this time?" I narrowed my eyes at her as I leaned my back on the headboard, folding my hands.

"Guess who had a lunch date with Prince Estefan today?" She posed like she was taking a picture for the cover of a desperate women's magazine.

"Did he invite you out for lunch or did you invite him?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"It doesn't matter who invited who, Rhea. What matters is that we spent quality time together, getting to know each other," she said dreamily.

"Why don't you spend some quality time getting out of my room?" I pointed to the door.

"Stop pretending, Little sis. We both know you secretly love it when I come to keep you company." She sat on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night." I rolled my eyes at her. "Will you please leave now? I'm trying to write and your presence is blocking all my inspiration."

"You're such a drama queen." She clicked her tongue. "You know, I think you are just angry at the fact that you are going to have to respect me when I marry Estefan and become the Princess of Spain."

"You just met him yesterday and you don't even know if he likes you and yet you are already talking about marrying him.

"Because I know he's going to marry me. Don't forget that I have a history of getting what I want and what I want is to become the Princess of Spain which I'm going to achieve through Estefan."

Leah's obsession to become the Princess was going overboard and I had a feeling someone was going to get hurt in the process; either it was her or the Prince. But there was nothing I could do to stop her except sit back and watch the whole situation unfold.

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