Rieka can't leave me so easily, I know her secret she's a sucker for apologies and second chances, although there's something about her today, she seems some what very confident and independent.
Well, unfortunately she's still brainless. Women are so stupid, they believe that they can change a man, but the truth is, one can only change oneself, and I am not ready to give her the freedom she claims she deserves.
"Do you mean that?"She doubts.
"Of course babe, I am determine to make this marriage work. I don't mind giving up everything as long as I get to be with you"I say.
"What are you saying?"She ask confused.
"let's go far away from here Rieka, let's sell all our possessions and move away to a far away place. Just the two of us"I say as I held her hands in mine.
"Give me this one last chance babe, I promise I wouldn't let you down"I assure her.
"Ok"She says.
"It's a yes?"I question.
"Yes"She answers and I hug her
"Thank you so much babe"I gratify.
Today is the most beautiful day of my life, Rieka isn't so bad.
.She is actually very good at almost everything once given a chance and she's equally very easy to talk to, plus it's really easy to make her laugh, I guess I never noticed how truly beautiful her smile was.
I don't want the day to end, but as life will have it, nothing good last forever.
The next morning, she decides to head to her lawyer's to formally begin the sale of her company.
A few minutes later I am seated in my study, when I recieve a call from Gabriel.
"Hi bro, what is up?"I question.
"They found the body bro"He confesses rather sad
"What?"I ask confuse "Do they suspect anything?".
"Not at the moment, but I got you covered don't worry"He assures.
"Why do you sound so sad then?"I question confused.
"That man had a kid yoo"He says.
"So?"I ask nonchalantly.
"Aren't you even sorry, you rendered someone father less"He says angrily.
"You have rendered a lot of men wife less , and I don't see you being sorry for it. That man was trash, I think his kid is better off without him"I point out.
"You need to get your brain check, you're not reasoning well at all"He says.
"Whatever"I say nonchalantly.
"I will keep you posted alright. Greet your wife for me ok"He says before hanging up.
' Again with my wife, this dude is shameless'- I think to myself before a familiar female voice boom from behind me.
"I see you have been avoiding me"I turn around and there she is, LIFA.
"What are you doing here?"I ask angry.
"I came to see you, because I missed you"she confesses.
"Stop being shameless Lifa"I yell "Get out".
I command as I open the door for her but she adamantly refuses.
"You can't send me alway, not after everything we have been through today"She says "Ralph I love you".
"And I love Rieka"I say simply.
"She doesn't love you"She says.
"You are wrong, she loves me as much as I do her, if not more"I correct and she laughs.
"You think she loves you, what an idoit"She laughs "She's only with you because, she's desperate. Once she finds someone better, she will dump you immediately".
"Shut up"I yell angrily, as I strangle her
"Believe it or not. Your know you have hurt her too much for her to feel anything for you, apart from hate"She says while choking ,and I let her go.
She starts coughing in order to fill air into her lungs.
"She loves me"I yell angrily.
"Why don't you put her to the test then"She ask.
"What do you mean?"I question intrigue.
"Tell her you admitted the poison, that got rid of your second child and her womb, and let's see if she still wants to be with you"She says with an annoying smirk.
"What???"I hear Rieka say from behind "You killed our children"She says in tears.
"Rieka, I can't explain.. "I start speaking before LIFA cuts in
"Ralph stop lieing to her, Rieka you are my sister and I think you need to hear this, Ralph doesn't love you, he was the one who got rid of your kids and rendered you wombless. He only married you for your money and because I asked him. plus he's not even you m..."Lifa starts saying, before I cut her off with a slap.
"Shut up and get out"I command and she obliges reluctantly
"Babe, it's not what you think"I say as I move toward her, only to be stopped by a slap, which comes as a shock, because never before has she ever raised her voice at me talkless of her hand.
"Babe listen..."I say angrily but she cuts in.
"No you listen. I have had enough of your uncontrolled behavior. You are annoying and so full of yourself. You claim you love me, but yet you got rid of our kids. What type of monster does that to his own kids"She yells in tears.
"Babe, I am sorry"I say on my knees "I was confused, I didn't have feelings for you then"I confess and she slaps me again.
"You are not even denying it. You have always treated me like trash, you have insulted me countless times for not being able to conceive, when you are to blame"She cries
"I am sorry love"I cry on my knees as I hold on to he legs.
"I am sorry, I can't forgive you. You don't deserve me, you don't deserve everything that I have done for you. You know what, I am done, with you, with everything"She yells.
"What are you saying babe?"I ask confuse.
"We are done, I want a divorce"She says.
"No, you can't do this to me, to us"I cry
"No I didn't do anything, you didn't this to us"She says.
"This is because of Gabriel right"I ask angrily.
"What has he got to do with this?"She questions.
"Everything, You are just looking for an excuse to leave me for him"I yell.
"That is so typical of you, blaming everyone but yourself, for your flaws"She yells.
"So now you see flaws, before I was perfect right. Admit it you're in love with my brother right"I yell angrily.
"Yes"She says "I love him with all of my heart, I am willing to kill anyone for him, does that make you feel better?"She confesses.
"You are shameless"I say angrily.
"I am and we are over"She yells "You will hear from my lawyer"She says and tries to leave, but I can't let her, so I push her against a wall back first, and she goes unconscious.