It is now almost 4pm and I can't take it anymore. Something must be wrong with me, I keep seeing things, and I feel as though everyone is out to get me.
I must be going out of my mind, I am constantly in fear, this must be as a result of being locked up for days.
' well no time to reflect on why all of this is happening, I need to seek a doctor for solution' -I think before heading to Doctor Lora's Office( My psychologist for the past 9 years, she has been helping me fight the trauma from watching my parents being slaughtered before my very eyes).
After observing me for a while, she comes up with the most unthinkable conclusion. She claims I have panic disorder and advice I take some drugs, abstain from worrying, and stress.
By the time I leave the hospital, I am raging mad at Ralph,'this is all his fault, he will pay for this'- I think.
But by the time I enter our bedroom and see how beautiful it looks, I forgive him right away, no one has ever done something so beautiful for me.
This one singular act of his has erased all his wrongs.
I take a bath, get dressed and wait patiently for him, I wait for minutes, and the minutes turn into hours, and I can't take it anymore.
When It is almost 9pm and he is not still back yet, which was so unlike him to come late, not because he likes staying at home, but because likes to keep an eye on me.
I immediately take out my cell and dial his number, but he doesn't answer, and I panic.
' What if something happened to him' I try to call again and this time he answered after a long period, of the phone ringing.
"Hello Love, Where are you, I have been so worried"I say in a hurry.
"I am sorry love, I didn't mean to make you worry"He says, and I realize that it's not Ralph speaking.
His voice sounds relaxing, authoritative and smoothing, making my heart beat faster. That voice most belong to Gabriel
"Gabriel"I say with a smile.
"I am glad you remember me"He says.
Ralph arrives at the club a few minutes to 8pm. He was holding a jewelry box in hand, it contained a beautiful necklace and I suppose it would be a gift for his wife.
I look at him and feel so envious. I have never wished I could been in anyone's shoes, but now I find myself wishing that his wife be mine.
Since the day first day, I spoke to her, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, that day in fact I couldn't sleep, her voice kept echoing in my head.
It's crazy, but I think I might be falling in love with my brother's wife, a woman I have never met before.
Ralph leaves his phone on the table and strays to the bar for some drinks, a few seconds later, his cell phone starts ringing and I see the caller ID as MINE, I presume it's his wife.
I ignore the call in order to avoid trouble, even though I am dieing to hear her angelic voice. She calls again and I can't resist the edge to hear her voice, so I answer.
"Hello Love, Where are you, I have been so worried"She say in a hurry, making my heart skip a beat.
"I am sorry love, I didn't mean, to make you worry"I joke, she stays quiet for something before speaking.
"Gabriel"She says, and never before have my name sounded so good.
"I am glad you remember me"I say with a smile.
"How could I not, you made me laugh so much last time"She says excited
"and I equally earned you a slap"I say "I am sorry about that"I apologize.
"It's fine"She says.
"I missed you"I confess unknowingly, and she laughs.
"Yeah right"She says "Is Ralph around?".
"Yes, he will probably be spending the night with me, hope you don't mind?"I ask.
"It's fine, I have to go now. I don't want to bother you"She confesses, before I cut in.
"No please, I like talking to you"I beseech her,.
why do I keep saying the stupidest things to her.
"I like talking to you too"She confesses making me blush, no woman has ever made me behave like this, it's like I am a child again who can't control himself.
"I wish I could see you some day. I bet you are extremely beautiful"I say honestly.
"You are wrong, I am hideous and fat"She says.
"That's not true. I think you're alot prettier than you think. If your husband doesn't tell you that often, then he is stupid. Plus, I like my women chubby. Turns out that I and my brother have the same test in women"I say.
"No, RALPH likes them slim"She says.
"Then why did he marry you then?"I question
"I really don't know"She confesses.
"Well, I know. Because he loves you and because you are gorgeous, just like I said you are"I say.
"I will take your word for it then"She says and I assume that she is smiling.
"I really like you, in fact I think you are too good for my brother, just dish him for me. I promise to treat you like a queen"I joke, but honestly, a part of me really wants to say that to her for real.
She quickly erupts in laughter, I love how melodious her laughter is, I don't want it to end.
"You are such a flirt"She teases.
"Not true. I happen to be very decent. I bet my brother said all those things, just because he knows that I am alot more handsome than he is"I tease and she laughs.
"You have a very angelic laugh. I think you should do it more often"I inform.
"Thanks, I will keep that in mind"She says.
"You better. Can I tell you a secret?"I ask.
"Yeah sure"She gives the go ahead.
"You have the prettiest voice I have ever heard"I confess
"Enough with the excessive flattening"She says.
"But I am not flattering you. Your voice sounds like the harmonious melody from the combination of 3 oprah singers"I say and she laughs.
"Are you flirting with me?"She ask.
"Is it working?"I ask, making her laugh.
"Maybe"She says and just like that it was confirmed, I have fallen in love with my brother's wife.
' Did she just give me the green light'- I think.
' Come on man, she's your brother's wife. Have some self respect'- My subconscious scolds me.
But I can't help it, I love being in her presence and so does my wolf.
I have done so many sinful things in my life time, but this takes the biscuits. I can't be feeling this way, I don't want to feel this way.
"Gabriel"She calls me out of my thoughts.
"What is it?"I ask.
"Thank you"She say "Talking to you away lights up my day".
' Come on princess stop encouraging me to fall more for you'
"I feel the same. Talking to you always puts.
a smile on my face, and that's coming from a man who almost never smiles"I confess
"Yeah right"she says with a long laugh.
Hearing her laugh sends a million thoughts running through my mind,
what if I met her first?
Will she have been my girlfriend or maybe my wife?
"I wish I met you before my brother did"I mutter unknowingly.
"What did you say"She doubts, making me realize the crap I had just accidentally spilled.
"I mean, I love you"I say mistakenly again "that wasn't what I meant to.."I try to correct, but she cuts in.
"It's fine. I love you too Gabriel"She voices, and I could hear my heart beat in my ears.
If only she understood the kind of love I was talking about, but this is for the best, what could a worthless womanizer like me, be able to offer her, at least my brother doesn't cheat.
"I better go to bed now, still have work in the morning"She informs.
"Oh I heard about that, what do you do?"I ask.
"I am an interior designer"She informs.
"That's amazing, I am a real estate developer"I confess with a smile.
"What? get out"She says with excitement.
"I am not kidding. I will love to do business with you in the future"I confess
"Same here"She says "Good night Gabriel".
"Wait, your name please"I request
"Rieka"She says simply,.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman"I say "Good night Rieka"I say, before she cuts the call, then I let out a laugh for how stupid I sounded over the phone.
"I see you got a new catch"Ralph says as he wheels in the drinks.
"What are you talking about?"I ask confuse.
"I mean the woman you were talking to, I could hear your laugh from a mile away"He says.
"Oh that , it was just Rieka"I inform as I take a sip from my glass.
"What?"He ask angrily "Why the hell would you be talking to my wife?"
"Relax man. She called and you weren't around"I confess.
"You shouldn't have answered it"He yells and people start staring.
"Stop making a scene, shut up and sit down"I ordered.
"You call this a scene, you are not allowed to talk to my wife, she's mine"He yells.
Is he always this possessive
"And if you want it to remain that way shut up and sit down"I warn and he finally keeps mute
"You know what, just go watch your face, I think you have had to much to drink"I say.
He doesn't move an inch, instead he stares and me with disgust.
"That was an order"I say, and he angrily snatches his phone from the table before leaving.
He leaves for such a long time that I begin to fear that he might have dished me, but just when I begin to worry, he gives me a call.
"Where are you man"I ask nonplussed.
He confesses in tears.