Chapter FIVE.
The day for her interview was finally here and Ruby was ready, she wanted the job more than anything in the world so she had to make a mark at today's interview she thought. She woke up as early as five am because she felt that first impressions matter a lot. She got out of her bed, walked into the bathroom for a quick shower, turned on the faucet and let the water wash away every iota of sleep. Reaching for the towel, she dried her body and walked back to her room to get dressed.
She picked up the outfit Naomi had chosen for her and laid it on her bed while she went on to dry her hair. Once she was done drying her hair, she slipped into the dress for the day. She let her hair drop and applied very light makeup, she put on her shoes and made a swirl. When she was done, she took one last glance at herself in the mirror then picked up her handbag and left the room. Naomi was setting the table when Ruby walked in.
" How do I look?" Ruby asked as she made a three-sixty turn.
"You look beautiful and confident" Naomi complimented.
"Thank you" Ruby replied with a smile.
"You are welcome, now sit let's have a quick breakfast before heading out" Naomi said as she placed a plate of pancake, eggs and bacon before Ruby. The food smelled delicious and Ruby couldn't wait to dive in, she salivated while Naomi served her. Immediately the food was set before her, she picked up her cutlery and started eating. Ruby finished her breakfast before Naomi could even eat half of her plate.
"Can I get more?" Ruby asked sheepishly. She couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy hormones, these days she has such a huge appetite. Naomi just smiled and served her more. When they finished eating and clearing the table, they both headed out.
Naomi dropped Ruby at Teeka Interiors, and after saying a few words of encouragement to lift her friend's spirits, she drove off. Ruby adjusted the hem of her dress, raised her chin, she walked into the building.
"Good morning " She greeted the lady at the front desk.
"Good morning, how may I help you?" The lady asked without looking at Ruby.
"I'm here for the interview " Ruby replied.
"Your name please," the lady asked in a very polite tone.
"Ruby Qin."
"Please have a seat, let me inform Mr Trainor of your presence, " The lady said before picking up the intercom.
Ruby sat down on a chair opposite the lady. Although Teeka is a start-up, the interior is so beautiful and overwhelming, the colour palate used in decorating was so beautiful, and the fabric used in making the chair she sat on was so soft and comfy. Every furniture and decor piece was well arranged the way it should be.
"Maybe because it's an interior company that's why they put in their best to make their interior stand out" Ruby thought.
Ruby was already tired and bored of waiting, so she decided to chat with Naomi while she passed the time.
"Hey girl what are you up to?" She texted.
"Nothing much just trying to pick an outfit for a client" Naomi replied.
"Why are you texting? Has the interview ended? Another text from Naomi followed.
"No, it hasn't even begun, still waiting to be called into Mr Trainor's office" Ruby texted back.
"Okay, don't feel nervous, you've got this," Naomi said. Ruby read Naomi's text and smiled, she was about to reply when the door adjacent to where she was sitting swung open.
"Ruby Qin!!!" A voice called out.
Ruby looked up as she quickly put her phone away, she got up from her seat and with a smile responded.
"Yes sir."
"This way," The man said.
They got to the door of the office meant for the CEO, the door had a name tag and also a title beneath the name tag.
"Knock and go in, Mr Trainor is waiting for you," He said then turned around to leave.
Ruby adjusted her hair and dress then she knocked slightly.
"Come in," a voice said from inside the office. She opened the door and walked in as elegant as she could trying so hard to hide the fact that she was nervous because that wasn't a good sign in an interview.
"Good morning sir," Ruby said politely.
"Good morning...Take a seat" Mr Trainor replied.
"Ruby Qin right? He asked looking down at the documents on his desk.
"Yes sir."
"I'm sorry it took this long to schedule an interview."
"No problem sir," Ruby said.
"Let's begin...have you ever worked as a secretary before?" He asked Ruby in a professional tone.
"No sir, I haven't but I am willing to give it a try and am a fast learner" Ruby replied trying to make up for her lack of experience.
"If you get this job you have to tally as my Pa also, you travel with me and schedule my meetings, are you up for it?" He asked quizzically.
"Yes sir I'm up for it and I'm also very good with planning schedules" Ruby said. Although she has never worked as a secretary, she has a personal planner where she plans her day-to-day activities so that wouldn't be a problem.
"Okay...can I see your resume?" he asked stretching forth his hands. Ruby handed her resume to him, he took it and started going through it. After a while, he relaxed his back on his chair and glanced up at Ruby with a questioning look.
"Your resume is great, why choose Teeka when you can work anywhere else?" He asked with surprise evident on his face. Ruby saw this as an opportunity to sell herself, she has a bachelor's degree from the Department of Fine Arts in Interior Design at NYU which was why her friend asked if she was interested in the role of a mere secretary.
"Teeka is new in the interior business from what I gathered and I love to nurture and watch things grow. Secondly, my effort won't be undermined unlike in those bigger companies and my knowledge would be put to good use. I see that Teeka is really an interior company after beautifying spaces and not just making money.
"Why a secretary position and not a designer?" He asked.
"I figured it won't be a bad idea to work directly under you and learn from you" She replied firmly.
Mr Trainor took a deep breath, truly Ruby would be an asset to his start-up company but he wondered if he could pay her. He stared intensely at the resume in his hand contemplating on what to do.
"Ruby I don't think we can afford to pay you, this is a small company still struggling to make a name in the interior business," He said in a sad tone.
"I can help change that sir, and for the salary, I will accept any reasonable amount you offer but on the condition that I get a shot at a designer position when there is an opening" Ruby replied trying to convince Mr Trainor to employ her as she needed a job. She could start as a secretary and then work her way up to designer she hoped.
Mr Trainor thought hard about Ruby's offer and he liked it.
"Fine when can you start?"
"Monday is fine by me but if you want me to start earlier I can" Ruby said. She picked Monday so she could sort out her pregnancy issue before resuming.
"Monday is fine, you can pick up your appointment letter from the human resource office on your way out" he said reaching for the telecom on the desk, he dialled a number.
"Please come get Miss Qin" he spoke into the telecom.
Shortly a knock was heard at the door and the door swung open, the guy who had picked her up from the receptionist was standing beside her.
"Take Miss Qin to the human resource office to pick up her employment letter," Mr Trainor said to the man before turning to Ruby.
"You can go with him, would be expecting you on Monday" he said.
After picking up her employment letter, she walked out of the office feeling so happy that her life was finally coming together she couldn't wait to share the good news with Naomi her one true support system.
"Ruby!!!" A familiar voice shouted. Ruby turned to the direction of the voice and there stood Naomi waving and signalling her. Ruby smiled and walked up to her.
"How was the interview? Did you get the job?" She asked Ruby all in one breath.
"Maybe" Ruby joked.
"What do you mean by maybe?" Naomi asked in a confused tone.
"Are you not here to pick me? Let's go home" Ruby said teasingly as she walked to the other side of the car, opened it and got in. Naomi was now more confused maybe Ruby didn't get the job and she was trying to be optimistic she thought. As she was about to start the car engine Ruby flashed an envelope before her.
"I got the job I was just messing with you" she said with a wide grin.
"Oh my God, you truly got me, I thought you didn't get the job...I'm so happy for you we need to celebrate" Naomi replied with excitement as they drove out of Teeka.