Chapter 3 Welcome
Tish POV
The sound of muffled voices wakes me from my sleep. The sun is beating through the windshield of the car, and I am beginning to sweat. I turn my head to look out of the window and see two faces pressed against the glass.
I scream in fright and scoot over into the driver's side of the car. My hand is clutched to my chest as I try to calm down, but the two guys looking at me don't leave. I don't know where Fred has gone, and panic starts to burn through my veins. I reach for the keys, but they are no longer in the ignition.
One of the men walks around the front of the car to the driver's side, and I fumble to lock the doors. But I am not quick enough. The door opens, and I fall backward out of the car. The man catches me and holds me in his arms.
A sense of calm washes over me, and I look up into his blue eyes. He is smiling broadly at me, and I don't understand what is going on. The other man races to our side and is just as eager to get his hands on me as the first. A weird tingling sensation spreads all over my skin where they touch me.
"Put her down," Fred grumbles loudly.
The one that is holding me furrows his brow and mumbles under his breath. Instead of putting me down, he places me in the arms of the other man. The other man holds me just as close as the first, and he also smiles weirdly at me.
I look between the two men and realize they must be brothers. There are subtle differences between the two, but not anything that one would notice right away. They appear to be about my age, and they are incredibly handsome with rock-hard muscles. When I am done gawking at the two of them, I clear my throat awkwardly.
"I can walk," I whisper.
"Why would you want to do that when you have us?" The first says.
The second man marches down a small dirt path with me in his arms. I look over his shoulder at Fred, and he is talking animatedly with a beautiful woman. He is pointing in our direction, and she is pointing at the pack house. The argument is about me, and I instantly feel guilty.
"Please put me down," I whisper.
"We are almost there," the first tells me as he pushes open a door to a small cabin.
Once we are inside, the second man finally puts me on my feet. I quickly spin around to see them both advancing on me. I raise my hands and try to stop them from coming closer.
"Please," I beg. "I have been through a lot. I don't want any trouble."
The two men share an odd look with one another and take a step away from me. I keep my hands up as I put more distance between us. Once I feel comfortable with the space between us, I let my hands fall to my side.
"I am Tish," I tell them.
"Tish," they repeat in unison.
The first man steps forward and offers me his hand. "I am Kai, and this is my twin brother Kaden."
They both have hands extended for me, but I don't take them. I wrap my hands around my chest and try not to feel out of place.
I twist around and look at the cabin. It is smaller than the apartment I shared with Mae, but it is nicer. The thin layer of dust on everything lets me know that it hasn't been used in a while.
My reflection in the window catches my attention, and I groan in frustration. My clothes are a mess. I am covered in mud and grass stains. My hair is matted to the side of my head, and my skin is filthy. I can only imagine how badly I smell.
The twins are watching me carefully, and I am beginning to feel a little uncomfortable under their gaze. I rock back and forth on my toes and chew on my bottom lip. I don't know what I am supposed to do now.
Suddenly, the beautiful woman barges through the door with a basket in her arms. She is smiling, but it doesn't reach her eyes. I get the feeling she doesn't want me here.
"Welcome," the woman says cheerfully. "I am Luna Scarlett."
"Oh my Goodness," I reply. I bow awkwardly, and the twins chuckle.
Luna Scarlett shoves the basket into one of the twins' hands before slapping them both on the back of the head.
"You will have to forgive them," she groans. "They act more like Fred than me."
I look up from my bow and swallow hard. "Fred is the Alpha?"
"Of course, he didn't introduce himself," Luna Scarlett rolls her eyes. "He has never been one to flaunt his status. I am sure my sons have already introduced themselves to you."
"Yes, ma'am," I reply respectfully.
Luna Scarlett looks me up and down and wrinkles her nose. My cheeks heat with embarrassment. I know how I must look.
"In the basket, you will find all the necessities you need to get cleaned up and to make this place a home," she tells me. "I noticed you didn't come with a bag. I will send the boys to round up some clothes. What are your sizes?"
"Yes," Kai grins. "What is your bra and panty size?"
Luna Scarlett elbows him in the side, and he doubles over, gasping for air. I make a mental note to never cross her or make her angry.
The three of them are still waiting for my answer about clothing sizes. "Umm," I mumble. "I wear a small or a medium top and a size four bottom."
Kai and Kaden lean in closer, and I assume they are hoping I will divulge my bra size. But I keep my mouth shut.
"I think we have enough information," Luna Scarlett smiles. "We can figure out the rest."
She ushers the twins toward the front door of the cabin, but they are fighting her the whole way.
"You have to leave so she can make herself presentable," she grunts as she pushes them out the door.
The twins wave to me over their mother's shoulders, and she slams the door behind her. I look around the cabin and let out a little sigh. This is the weirdest encounter I have ever had with a werewolf.
I peek into the basket that the Luna left, and she was right. It is filled with everything I need. I grab a few toiletries and head to the bathroom.
I peel off my clothes and toss them in the hamper. I open the shower curtain, and a large black spider falls into the tub, and I let out an ear-piercing scream. I back myself against the wall and look for a weapon to kill it with, but faster than I can think, the bathroom door bursts open.
The twins are snarling and growling, looking for the threat. Their eyes land on me, and their mouths fall open. I do my best to cover myself, but they have already seen everything.
Pointing to the tub, I whisper, "Spider."