Chapter Four:Fight
Eva stepped up the pathway and took in the new surroundings that would now be her new school during the last year of her school journey.
She took a deep breath and gripped her bag tightly to her chest.
Eva stopped and looked at the tall figure blocking the doorway.He was huge,over six feet and had a clipboard in his hands.
"Eva Smith,"she stated,and the man glanced at her for a second before returning to his clipboard.
He grunted when he found her name and allowed her to enter.
"This is your class schedule.She will show you where you need to be."He handed Eva the necessary information and pointed to a girl opposite.
The girl was wearing a name tag which read Nessie.Eva noticed that she was a pretty girl with glasses and probably a bit of a nerd.She wore a bright white shirt with a black tie that matched her black skirt and tights.Her shoes looked hideous to Eva,but she didn't say a word about that.
"Hi,Eva.Welcome to our school.I will show you around."Nessie said,gesturing for Eva to follow her.Eva quickly followed her and tried to work out what her first lesson would be.
The corridors were packed with students going in all directions to different lessons.Eva was amazed at how different it was from her old school.
She didn't feel comfortable being the new girl In town,but they would soon forget she was the new kid and move on to someone else.
"So,you are here for your first lesson.I will be back after class to show you to the lunch hall.You can sit with me if you like."Nessie offered Eva,who smiled and gave a slight nod of agreement.
"Things may seem a little different here,so don't be alarmed,"Nessie whispered to Eva.
Eva frowned and eyed the girl suspiciously.Was she crazy or something?
Nessie opened the door,and Eva slowly walked in;she decided that things could not get any weirder.
Well,she soon changed her mind when she came face to face with the most handsome male she had ever seen.His deep brown eyes looked up at her as she entered the room,and she felt an overwhelming urge to touch his soft-looking brown hair tied back from his face.His small straight nose led to the most tasty-looking lips,and all thoughts of her ex were soon gone from her mind.He smiled at her,showing off his dimpled,and returned to work.
Eva's heart had skipped a beat,and she almost tripped over her feet,causing the class to ripple with laughter.Eva burned red with embarrassment as she made her way to the only empty seat,which was at the back of the classroom.
"Welcome,Miss Eva,great introduction there."the teacher,Miss Evans,said with sarcasm in her voice which was met with a few stifled laughs from around the classroom.Eva rolled her eyes and placed her bag on the floor.
She took out her pencil case and notebook and took notes as Miss Evans droned on.The day went pretty fast,and before she knew it,it was lunchtime,and Nessie was calling her over.Eva grabbed her lunch tray,which consisted of a tuna pasta bake,an apple crumble and small juice to wash it down with.Eva was looking forward to lunch since back home,she and her mother always used to cook meals together.
"Eva,over here,"Nessie called out again as if she hadn't heard her the first time.
Eva smiled and made her way over to Nessie.
Suddenly she was shovelled into the wall,and her tray went flying.She shrieked in horror as the contents of her lunch fell all down her face and in her hair.
The cafeteria fell silent as Eva gasped and wiped the food from her eyes.
"Oops.Should watch where you are going."a girl to the side smirked at Eva.She was a bit shorter than Eva,her long black hair was tied back in a high ponytail,and she looked like she might be a cheerleader or something.Her two friends dressed like her with blue strappy tops and matching shorts.
It did not take Eva too long to realise it was no accident.The girl seemed to have an issue with Eva,yet she had no idea what since this was the first time that she had laid eyes on her.
"What is your problem?"Eva scowled,getting herself up and brushing the food off her ruined top.
"You are my problem,bitch."she snarled rudely at Eva.
"You don't know who I am."Eva glared at the girl in disgust.How dare she mistreat Eva when she has never met her before?
The girl turned to her two sidekicks and laughed,causing them to copy her.
Eva was not bothered that the whole cafeteria was watching them.She was too busy trying to keep her calm.This girl had pushed her too far.She should have just apologised and been on her way.
Nessie rushed over to Eva and helped her clear the mess up.
"Ohh,look,it's little miss nerd to the rescue."The nasty girl laughed cruelly.
"Don't be so mean,Megan."Nessie sighed,readjusting her glasses.Eva looked back at the girl.So her name was Megan.Eva would be sure to keep herself away from this horrible girl.
"Don't be mean,Megan."Nessie sighed.
Megan chuckled and pointed the finger at Nessie's forehead.
"Watch yourself!"she warned.
Eva had had enough of this girl talking to her friend like that.She thought that she was the queen bee of the school.
"Say sorry now."Eva finally lost her temper and lunged toward Megan.She grabbed a huge chunk of her ponytail and pulled her down so hard she fell to the floor and screamed.Eva had no idea she was so strong.Megan screamed at her to let go,but she wouldn't until she heard an apology.
"Ok.I'm sorry!"Megan yelled tearfully.Her head hurt badly,and this new girl was not letting her go.
"Fight!Fight!"the whole cafeteria started to chant.
Eva spotted the boy with brown eyes.He was staring right at her,and Eva felt a trickle of excitement rage through her as he grinned her way.
"Headteacher's office now."One of the teachers strode into the hall,eyes blazing with anger.Eva smirked,feeling satisfied,as the girl was crying and holding her head.The other girls had already rushed to wherever they were headed,choosing not to be involved.