Chapter Five:Father And Daughter

Eva was in so much trouble.Her father was going to be so furious when he found out about this.Not that Eva blamed him.She was annoyed at herself for letting someone tear her down and make her lose her temper on the first day at her new school.

Tina was going to have a field day since she already hated having her stepdaughter living in her home.She would probably kick her to the curb if we had her way.

Eva was sitting in the office waiting to be called in to see the head.Megan was opposite her and throwing a dagger looking her way.They were both silents.

The door opened and the head teacher appeared.He did not look too impressed at the sight of the two girls in front of him.

"What's the meaning of this?"he demanded to know.

"It was my fault,sir,"Megan said through fake crocodile tears.Eva frowned wondering what she was up to.

"I walked into her and I apologised but she lost her temper and attacked me."Megan wept.

Eva could not believe the nerve of this girl.She had caused this and was lying to make it all look like Eva was the troublemaker.

The head teacher turned to Eva and asked if this was true.

"No!She pushed me and was calling my friend names.I was sticking up for myself and my friend.You can ask the whole cafeteria since they were watching!"Eva exclaimed waving her arms about as she explained.The head teacher looked at her and then back at Megan.He let out a heavy sth and glanced at his watch.

"I do not tolerate fighting in this school.You both have detention on Friday after school and you might be the new girl but we don't allow this sort of behaviour here."he raised his eyebrows and pointed at Eva.Megan smirked smugly thinking that she had gotten away with it but then a knock at the door made them all look up.

"Ah yes,your parents are here to collect you,"he announced,causing both girls to gasp.Eva was sure her father would be very disappointed in her but she was surprised when he didn't look mad.Megan's mother looked horrified at her state of Mia and forced her to apologise.

"You apologise to this young girl right now!You can rest assured that there will be no cinema for you this weekend."Her mother demanded.Eva was taken aback as she had assumed that Megan's mother would be as stuck up and snobby as her daughter.Instead,she was strict and it was clear that Megan was humiliated by her mother's reaction in front of everyone.

"But Mum.."Megan started to whine but her mother threw her a look that made her immediately close her mouth and eyes fall to the floor in shame.

"I'm sorry,Eva,"Megan mumbled.

Her mother seemed satisfied with that and dragged her daughter away.They could still hear her rambling on at Megan as they walked down the corridor.

"Let's hope it doesn't happen again."Mr Rickart said.

"Yes,sir,"Eva answered."It won't happen again."

"I guess that we should be going as well.Thanks for your time,Mr Rickart."Eva's father held out his and the headteacher shook it.

Eva couldn't wait to get out of there.She needed a shower and to get changed.Hopefully,tomorrow would be a better day.

Tim closed the door and walked around to the driver's side,he watched his daughter as she buckled herself in and held her bag on her lap.

"You know if there's anything you need to talk about,you can come to me,"Tim told her to which she nodded.

Tim knew how difficult it must be for his daughter to up and leave everything and everyone that she knew and loved.

"Are you ok?"he frowned as she stared out the window.Eva turned to him and nodded.He smiled bad at her and thought to himself how much she looked like her mother.

"Shall we go grab some ice cream after you get changed?"

Eva nodded eagerly at that.Tim grinned since he remembered how much she had loved when he took her to the ice cream parlour when she was a small girl.Before he had made the big mistake of leaving and never going back again.

"Am I not in trouble?"Eva wondered,looking at her dad who shrugged his shoulders and then pulled a silly face.

"Looks to me like you were just sticking up for your friend.I'm sure her mother will be dealing with her though."Tim chuckled and Eva breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly her phone started to buzz and she saw a message from her so-called best friend,Lara.

"Sorry I didn't call.We miss you but think you should know I and Dan kissed you last night.We like each other."

Eva read the message and felt her blood boil with anger.

She decided to block them both and let them have each other.Neither were worth her tears and she didn't need anyone like that in her life.She was determined to finish school and make her mother proud of her.

"Everything ok,Eva?"Tim asked as he started the car up and placed both hands on the steering wheel.

"Oh,everything is just fine."Eva smiled up at her dad.

Once she was changed and ready to go,Eva jumped excitedly back into the car.They were soon parked outside the ice cream parlour.Eva couldn't wait to get inside and order her favourite banoffee ice cream.It was going to taste amazing since she had not had it in so long and her mouth watered at the thought of it.

"Eva.Let's find a secret shall we?"Her dad chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm.It was nice for him to be able to have time alone with his daughter especially since he had finished work early when he received the call from the head teacher to come and collect Eva.He knew that Tina would not be too happy about it so he decided it would his and Eva's little secret.

"Thanks,Dad!This is too good!"Eva gushed as she took her first spoonful of ice cream.Tim grinned and tucked into his own.

Eva thought that maybe it wasn't going to be so bad being here,after all.

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