Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Czar Gregovivk

Australia – Norfolk Island

"Who authorized this?"

I stretch in the chair near the minibar, dropping my head onto my shoulder as I watch Jonathan Roy burst into the hotel room like a hurricane. I take a slow drag from my cigarette, staring at him.

Hu Li, who’s sitting calmly in the armchair by the bed, rises and slips his hands into his pants pockets, his feet tapping slowly on the ground. I observe the serene Chinese man. Anyone who sees him wouldn’t guess that he’s the top reaper of the triad. He's one of the quietest advisors to rise in Sodoma, yet the most ruthless and impartial.

"Roy," Hu Li greets him, bowing his head slightly in respect. "The scouts were unaware that the girl was your companion."

I notice Roy’s fists clench at his sides, his face immediately turning toward me with a scowl. I raise my eyebrows, taunting him, knowing full well he’ll never admit the girl is his companion. His obsession with control won’t allow it, even though everyone’s seen that he’s fallen for her.

"She’s not my companion," his voice seethes with anger, but he can't hide the bitterness laced in his words.

"No?" I ask, mocking his stubbornness. I stand up and extinguish my cigarette in the ashtray. "If she’s not your companion, why did you almost go for my throat the other day?" I tease him further, reminding him of my unexpected encounter with his girl.

I was walking calmly along the boardwalk, watching the beach, heading toward our meeting point where Roy was waiting, when the clumsy girl bumped into me, spilling her ice cream on me. And before I could tell her it was fine, I saw her kneel down in front of me, cleaning my boot stained with ice cream.

"I'm not here to explain myself to you, Czar," Roy snaps, stepping forward. "I’m here because a damn rule was broken!"

"All the advisors are aware of each other’s restrictions, Jonathan. It was a mistake, and it’s already been corrected. Someone opened the door to the room," Hu Li explains. "The scouts only realized after, once they were too enthralled by the mastery with which you handled your submissive."

"And I must add, Roy, your little one has quite the talent." Roy reaches the edge of his composure and grabs my throat when I push him further. "Even I could lose myself in her submission."

I keep the playful tone, enjoying this side of him. If I weren’t so amused watching the ever-composed Jonathan Roy—Sodoma's most revered advisor—lose his cool over a woman, I would’ve punched him for even thinking of grabbing my neck.

"Don't push me, Czar," he growls like an animal, releasing me.

"A master only loses control over his companion, Jonathan." I wink at him, adjusting my jacket. "You’re lucky I have a good heart and like you, Roy. For your sake, I saw who opened the door to the room, letting the scouts in."

I step forward and head to the bathroom to fetch the culprit who broke the rule, costing Jonathan a spectacular display in front of several advisors during last night’s initiation party for the newcomers. It was an exclusive event here on the island.

"Who was it?" Roy asks, his voice tense with anger.

I drag Freire by the arm, pulling her out of the bathroom and into the middle of the room. Her face is red as she sobs. I let her go and give her a slight push on the shoulder, forcing her in front of Jonathan. She stumbles and falls at his feet.

"As you all know, we’re a family. No one screws over anyone, especially not a council member." I keep my voice calm, stepping back and slipping my hand into my jacket pocket as I glance at her.

"We had a meeting with the rest of the council via teleconference this morning and reported what Freire's been up to," Hu Li says, looking at her with disgust, shaking his head. "The decision of Solomon is yours, decide her punishment," Hu Li says seriously, staring at Roy.

"I didn’t know..." Her fingers try to reach the tip of his shoe, but Jonathan steps back, glaring at her in anger. "I swear, Jonathan, I didn’t know it was you in that room..."

"You're as fake as those silicone tits," I say, walking slowly and stopping by the window, lighting another cigarette.

"You can’t blame me for this, I didn’t know..." Her voice cracks with lies, her eyes spilling more tears.

Of course she knew! I was walking down the hallway, bored, when I saw her leading the council members straight to the room reserved for Roy and his girl.

"You knew, Freire!" Roy shouts, filled with rage. "You were with Czar and me when all the rooms were assigned. You knew exactly which one was mine. You did it because you're a vengeful bitch!"

"I taught you everything you know, Roy. Everything you’ve learned, I was the one who trained you..."

"I bet ten bucks it was out of jealousy," I say quickly, fixing my gaze on Freire and taking a drag from my cigarette. It’s always been obvious she has a platonic crush on him. "Tell us, Freire, how did it feel when you saw your master looking at his submissive in a way he’ll never look at you?"

Her painted red lips tremble, and avoiding my gaze, Freire stands up. She's a bitter, lying cow who, even in the face of the truth, keeps a look of injustice.

"You're banned, Freire," Roy sentences coldly, his eyes reflecting pure hatred. I’ve never seen him so unhinged.

"You can’t ban me..." She looks at Hu Li in desperation, seeking help.

"You broke the rules of a master in his own house, Freire," Hu Li says quietly, his fingers brushing his suit as he straightens it.

"Whatever Jonathan decides for your future will be enforced." My voice echoes loudly, sealing her fate. "You're banned from Moscow. No Sodoma in all of Russia will open its doors for you."

"The Lotus Triad bans you from Hong Kong’s Sodoma," Hu Li delivers the final blow, his mouth sealing her expulsion from Sodoma.

I calmly smoke my cigarette, watching her as her presence is expunged from Sodoma. A council member’s decision is the decision of all. Freire is banned from every house of the other council members, and no Sodoma doors will open for her. She can only return if Jonathan ever calls for her again. Freire’s no fool; she’s leaving with her tail between her legs, knowing that every step she takes is under our watch. One misstep, one word against us, and the price will be too steep for her to pay. Everyone pays, one way or another. Sodoma always wins.

"You’ll regret this, Jonathan," she spits bitterly, glaring at him.

Roy steps forward, silencing her as she stumbles back.

"Are you threatening a master, Freire?" Jonathan growls through clenched teeth, his gaze piercing until she lowers her head in submission, staring at her shoes.


"Good. Now I advise you to leave my island before nightfall, or I swear you'll never leave."

Freire turns, opens the door, and exits the room, sobbing uncontrollably as the door slams behind her.

"Well, now that we’ve handled the case of the old hag obsessed with Jonathan’s dick, I need to head out. Got business to take care of," I say, shrugging as I flick my cigarette out the window, stepping away. I pull my sunglasses from my jacket pocket and let out a long sigh.

"Plenty of girls to watch, huh?" Hu Li smirks, teasing me.

"It’s been a long time since one caught my eye. They’re all the same. Anyway, if you two decide to swing by Moscow, don’t call me, I don’t want to see your faces for a while," I say with disdain, turning my back and leaving the hotel room.

I walk slowly toward the elevator, feeling Freire’s gaze burning into me as she turns and watches me head in that direction. She wipes her face, smearing her makeup even more.

"Are you happy now?"

"To be honest, I can’t say I’m happy." I smile and stop in front of the elevator door. "But my day improved by 15% after watching Jonathan kick your old ass out of Sodoma."

"Foolish boy, you and Jonathan are nothing more than children playing in the council!" She stomps her foot in frustration, raising her finger and pointing at me. "Your father was wrong to give you his seat instead of Kaiser!"

"Here’s what you should do: when you die"—I tilt my head, turning my face to look at her—"which I assume won’t take long considering your age," I lift my finger and touch the loose skin on her neck, which even her plastic surgeries can’t hide anymore, "tell my father that personally, in hell!"

I wink at her, laughing as I step into the elevator as the doors close, slipping my sunglasses onto my face.

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