Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Mabel Shot

I am the dawn of the world and the last star that falls in the night. Just as I took the form of Caius Caligula, I can take the form of anyone. I am all men and I am none.

I was thirteen years old when I first heard these words being spoken by actor Malcolm McDowell, who played the mad and sadistic Roman emperor in the film Caligula, on an old television in the attic of the house of the couple who had adopted me. I remember sitting on the floor, with a bowl of popcorn between my legs, holding back laughter as I secretly watched the strange film. My adoptive parents were film buffs; they collected a vast array of VHS tapes, containing several classics, which they described as the seventh art. The old cassette tape was inside a box, along with some old sculptures, and I was always curious, wanting to know why only that tape was left inside the box, and not on the shelf, with the others. At first, I was unsure whether or not I should watch that movie, but I didn't care. I've always been gifted with a gigantic curiosity for someone as small as I was.

I remember that my eyes didn't blink, wanting not to miss a single second of the scenes that were portrayed in the movie. Alekessandra Shot caught me watching the movie when it was almost over. That day she hit me, it was the first of many beatings she would give me. She punished me, on my knees, telling me to pray, as penance to purge my sinful and filthy thoughts, that I didn't have to see those things. The funny thing about all that was that I didn't feel like a sinner or filthy. I was just curious about sexuality, and what would be normal for my age, since I was entering puberty. But she didn't see it that way. Severely punished and with my face swollen from the slaps she gave me, I walked out of the room on tiptoe during the night and returned to the attic, but the film was no longer there; she had taken it with her.

A few years later, when I was already living alone, I found myself sitting on the couch one Sunday night, watching the much-maligned Caligula again. Its main focus is not even to be controversial, but to transport the history of ancient Rome to a much more visceral, dirty, rotten side of the human being. A truly legendary and eccentric work of 1970s cinema, one can truly say that it belongs to the seventh art. A literal and metaphorical orgy of pornography and torture, full of sadism and perversions that shocks the audience. But it is also strangely harmless by today's standards, if we stop to think about it, but here, now, looking at the center of the room, which has several people around it, admiring the real scene that is being played out in front of everyone, seven meters away, in the center of the room, I realize that Caligula did not only portray the perversions and dark desires of the Roman era.

But of today!

My mouth opens and closes three times, without knowing what to say, how to express what I am seeing so explicitly in front of me. I look at the naked man, with his genitals tied with leather thread, along with his balls, with two trays arranged in his hands. He could look like a nudist waiter if he were in another setting. But the woman completely covered, from head to toe, in a silicone outfit, behind him, she is the main star of the bizarre show. And when I say completely covered, it is because you really can't see anything of her, not even the tips of her fingers, hair, mouth, eyes, nose, absolutely nothing is visible, her entire body is covered. — My God, what is this?! — I whisper, in disbelief, not because I don't understand what is happening before me, but because I never imagined that I would see it in person one day.

It is clearly a sadistic act between a woman and a man. I had already read some articles about sadomasochism, and I have watched porn movies about sadists, I have my curiosities, but I never thought I would see this beyond the pages of books and the screen of my laptop. She whips his ass, while the man tries to balance the trays in his hands, without knocking over a single glass that is on top of the silver trays. Two other women walk, silently, to the center, joining them, a redhead and a blonde. I see them stop in front of the boy, who is being whipped, slowly stroking his chest, lowering their hands to his penis tied with his balls. They caress him, while they kiss in front of him, sighing softly. The white and transparent fabrics on their bodies fall to the floor as they undress. The redhead's hands stop on the blonde's round breasts, who throws her head back, with the redhead kissing her throat, sucking her slowly. When the redhead kneels down, facing the blonde, and kisses her belly, stopping her head in front of the blonde's vagina, I hear the male moan, which lets out a low sound of pain from the whipping he is receivingo. My eyes stop at the man's genitals, and I see his swollen and completely purple sack, with his cock getting harder.

"Why are they doing this to him? — I ask Macro, unable to take my eyes off the boy's red face, who is holding the trays.

"They are delaying his erection to prolong the pleasure —

Macro answers, quietly, close to my ear. —While the dominatrix[13] disciplines him — he tells me, nodding toward the woman dressed in a silicone outfit.

"That, to me, doesn't seem to be a delay of pleasure, but rather an application of raw pain — I murmur, incredulous, imagining the pain this man must be feeling in his cock.

"For some, pain is considered pleasure, Mabel — he says and chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest. —Look at his face and tell me if it's pain he shows.

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