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Leonid smirked scornfully. "Father? You are an orphan girl now."

Elvira rubbernecked at Leonid in heart-shakable shock.

A chair flew at him from Lev's side, but he just got lucky to not get hit his body. He gasped in fear, tapping his heart to calm down as his wide, frightening eyes were fixed on that chair broken into pieces.

Lev shifted his fuming stare quickly to sympathetic towards Elvira. "Elvira, you have no one. We are your family now."

"What?" With a shaky head, she shifted her already-brimmed eyes to Lev.

Her mother died of cancer when Elvira was 17 years old, and her father died in an accident in the same year. For the promise Leonid's father made to Elvira's father, she had been raised as a little girl in the 'Fyodor' family. Unfortunately, no one likes her except Leonid's father and Lev. As Leonid's father, Mr. Fyodor had come to know he had a big responsibility; he promised that he must take care of teen Elvira since his family members all hate her, so he rushed Lev to come back to Russia and take care of their company in his place.

As three years passed, Elvira developed her hatred into love for Leonid. However, Leonid had no interest in her. Just because Elvira loves Leonid, Mr. Fyodor married her to Leonid at the age of 19.

"What happened to you? You are already familiar with us. Why do you cry like it was the first time you heard it?" Lev doubted her, and at the same time, he held back tears as he couldn't digest her tearful, miserable face.

"When did they leave me?" She sobbingly asked.

"At your 17," Lev replied shortly.

For a minute, she kept standing right there as tears ran down her cheeks.


She whipped off her tears, snivelled, and her reddish eyes met Lev, who had already spilled a tiny drop of tears, while Leonid doubtfully glanced at her crying for a long time.

"Lend me one million right now; I'll find someplace to rent. But, importantly, I don't want to live with him." She adamantly stomped as Levused his finger to slide away his teardrop.

He took out his phone and exchanged two million dollars with her when she only asked for one million.


She quickly transferred 10 million dollars to Leonid's account number, which she noted on the contract paper.


Leonid checked his phone, smiled satisfyingly, and handed her pen willingly as Lev frowned at him.

She signed the divorce paper and tapped the pen on the table, as she wanted to distinguish how much she disliked him right now.

Lev sighed, unseated, and inserted his hands in his pants pocket handsomely. He proposed, "You don't need to stay outside; come with me."

"No, why do you burden yourself? I will find something suitable for me." She said that her life got toasted.

She left the room as her high heels ticked while walking. Lev followed her back after once glaring at Leonid's smiling, phenomenally satisfied face.

"He must be stupid," Lev smirked scornfully once after shutting the glass door behind him as Elvira was already about to step into the elevator at the corridor corner.

'However, I got what I wanted. From now on, I can go to my secret place," he flicked the paper as if he got what he had been fighting for his whole life.

Right now, Elvira was more like an orphan who had two people to love truly, Lev and his father, but she intently defeated that because she was unfamiliar with all of this sudden failure at the age of twenty. However, mentally, she was 16 years old, which must make it hard to digest all of this twisted, enigmatic fate.

With foxy eyes, she wasn't even able to look at the empty sidewalk. However, she was walking like she had no engagement with this twenty-year-old Elvira.

As she tangled into this mysterious life where she couldn't find the reason why she was here and had no faithful friend to expose her inner running thought that was about to explode in faintness, her soft body fell back on those warm, huggable veins-popping arms. Her eyes gradually shut as those dark blue irises spontaneously shone like a bluish shade, with white-shaded eyes getting the foggy view and becoming so dark in a second.

"Elvira, Elvira," A fading voice could be heard, echoingly fading in front of her deadly, dark view while her body had no movement in response.

Later, her lazy eyes slightly flickered and processed to open it, and at last, it successfully opened up, distinguishing her elegant fishy eyes, only to find out that she was lying in someone's room where the lavender scent that she was inhaling was easing her mind and calming her inner self without any harm.

She inhaled deeply, as if she were getting more relaxed, and exhaled. "Wow, I feel like I'm at home." With an intoxicating voice, she praised the neat, clear atmosphere.

"Sit up," the same deep ocean voice commented so calmly that it eased her ears too.

Not much needed to think about whose voice was that; she was a hundred percent sure that was Lev. Without any fear or trembling, she pulled out her own body from the covered bed sheet to lean against the neat white bed's head, where pillows were already laid horizontally against it.

"Here you go," he said, handing her some hot water in the chill weather.

She cupped the cup, pressed it as if her hands needed much more warmth, and sipped like a small child, making sounds during a sip.

"What's your problem? Why do you divorce him early?" He asked, adjusting her bed sheet to cover up to the slightly exposed part line of the breast.

"Sorry," As she realised, she pulled up more up to her neck, covered it, and pressed her chin against the soft-weighed sheet.

"I need an answer for what happened to me after the age of 16." With seriousness, she demanded and took a sip of hot water.

"Mmmm... I don't have any idea of your life from 16 but know from 17," he said after much thought.

"Okay, tell. Start with what's your relationship with me and why I have your number only." She confidently demanded, as if she knew that he wouldn't ask 'why' or step back from her wants.

"I'm your friend. My brother is your lover. When I was abroad, you and Leonid had already behaved like a married couple. However, unfortunately, your mother and father passed away. That's why Papa asked me to come back to Korea, because, as a teen girl, you haven't reached puberty yet because of your poor health. My whole family hated you for how Papa treated you, especially when comparing you to their children. Don't worry, I and Papa will always support you."

He offered a lovely smile to comfort her loneliness and started to explain, "And then, within a year, you were in our house, your age attended, and because of your puberty, you started roaming behind Leonid. Leonid kept getting annoyed with you for that. That was such a beautiful memory for me."

He mockingly laughed at her. However, he dropped it quickly once he noticed her serious face towards him, and that was enough to shut his mouth. "Sorry," he instantly apologised.

"And then you became adamant to marry him, then Papa..." He started the words confidently and dimmed his voice when it hit the word 'Papa'.

His pupils slightly shook in fear and guilt, swallowed the next word, and jumped to a conclusion. "At the age of 19, Papa forcefully married Leonid to you just because you asked."

"So, he has no love for me?" asked, not curious but as if she wanted a clear answer.

"can't put it like that... But it was like that..." Without confidence, he nodded.

"Leevv!" She dearly pronounced, however, his expression for an important moment was always useless; he wouldn't express much, and no one was able to find out if he liked it or not. There was much confusion for the opponent.

"Hmmm," as usual, he hummed.

"Love you," she warmly pronounced.

He unseated, brought the empty cup back, patted her head gently, and offered a lovely smile.

See, it was also still confusing for her.

"Is he doing it normally as a friend, or does he have love for me?" She asked herself as he left the room.

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