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♥ Chapter 9 ♥

Yara Blake.

Ronan smiles proudly.

''They're going well, father-in-law. We're closing an important contract with a foreign company. If all goes well, our profits will triple in the next six months.

'' That's great! '' My father exclaims, excited. ''I always knew you had a talent for business.

''Thank you. '' Ronan replies, savoring the compliment. ''But, of course, maintaining a company of this size isn't easy. Operating costs are high, and competition is fierce.

My mother intervenes, looking at me sideways.

''That's why it's so significant that Yara contributes, isn't it? A wife should always support her husband in everything.

I feel my face heat up at the comment, but I keep my gaze down, still absentmindedly fiddling with my food. Their voices sound distant, as if I'm watching everything from outside, disconnected from reality.

''Absolutely.'' Ronan agrees, taking a sip of juice. ''Her salary will be a great addition to balancing the company's finances at this crucial time.

I bite my lower lip, holding back the words that are struggling to come out. It's unfair that my efforts are just another resource for him, without any consideration for what I want or need. But I know that if I say anything, the situation will only get worse.

Lost in these thoughts, I don't even realize that I'm still playing with the food on my plate without eating anything. Suddenly, I feel a quick, firm slap on my hand. I look up in surprise to find my mother's stern gaze fixed on me.

''Stop playing with your food, Yara. That's very childish and rude. '' She scolds, her voice cold and cutting.

The sound of the slap still echoes in my ears, and shame overwhelms me. I feel all eyes on me, and my face burns with embarrassment. I swallow, struggling to keep my composure.

''Sorry, Mom,'' I mutter, hurrying to get a bite into my mouth, even though the food doesn't seem to go down my throat properly.

''You need to behave better, especially now that you're taking on more responsibility. '' She continues without hiding her disapproval. ''A grown woman doesn't behave like a spoiled child.

'' Exactly. '' Ronan agrees, with a satisfied smile on his lips. ''I hope she learns that while working for the Darkmore family. Discipline is everything.

Their every word is like a stab, but I force myself to chew and swallow, keeping my expression neutral. Inside, I feel small and insignificant, wanting to disappear from that place.

The conversation flows between them again, now discussing details of Ronan's contract and investment opportunities. I'm physically present, but my mind is far away, thinking about what my life will be like working at the Darkmore mansion. Will I be treated with a little more respect there? Or will it be just another place where I'll be subjugated and ignored?

I look discreetly out of the window, watching the blue sky outside. A light breeze sways through the trees, and for a moment, I wish I could be outside, free from all those ties that bind me. But I quickly come back to reality when I hear my mother calling me.

''Yara, bring your father some more juice.'' She orders without even looking at me.

''Of course.'' I reply promptly, getting up.

As I fill the glass, I allow myself to breathe deeply, trying to calm my nerves. Holding back the tears has been a constant effort, but I can't allow myself to weaken now. I return to the table and hand the glass to my father, who nods in thanks before resuming the conversation.

The rest of lunch passes in the same way, with them discussing matters that don't include me, while I do my best to remain invisible and not provoke any more criticism or reprimands. When they finally finish, I feel a deep sense of relief, even though I know I'll still have to deal with the clean-up and possibly more unpleasant comments.

As I collect the plates, I hear my mother commenting on how the desert could have been better, and my father agrees, suggesting that I try harder next time. Ronan just laughs, amused by my humiliation.

Clutching the pile of crockery tightly in the sink as they leave the kitchen, I can finally let out a heavy sigh. I feel the tears burning in my eyes, but I hold them back once again. I can't cry now. Furthermore, I have work to do.

As I turn on the tap and start washing the dishes, I promise myself that when I get to Mr. Darkmore's mansion, things will be different. I hope that there I can finally feel free, without anyone humiliating me or trying to hurt me. I will continue to fight silently, waiting for the moment when I can live without fear and find a little peace and dignity.

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