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♥ Chapter 18 ♥

Kael Darkmore.

I stand there, watching the door close behind me, feeling a mixture of frustration and anger. I was so close to tasting her lips. Furthermore, I punch the wall hard; the pain in my fist relieves some of the tension I feel. I let out a deep sigh and ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm my clouded mind.

I sit back in my chair and look at the papers on my desk. What happened was frustrating, but not completely in vain. The talk about the arranged marriage was a strategic move to see how she would react, and although the kiss failed, I managed to get something of value out of the conversation. Her reaction indicates that she's thinking of filing for divorce, but something stops her. He seems to be threatening her in some way. If I find out that this bastard hurt her, I'll do everything I can to make sure he spends years in prison.

I decide that I need to share this discovery with Magnus. I take out my cell phone and call him. The call is quickly answered.

''Kael?'' Magnus answers, his voice unperturbed.

''Magnus, I need to tell you what happened,'' I say, with a tone of urgency. ''I almost got to kiss Yara, but she ran away before I could.

'' Interesting. And what else?'' he asks, curious.

'' During the conversation, I mentioned a case of an arranged marriage to see how she would react. She showed interest in knowing about the divorce process, which gives me the impression that she's thinking about getting divorced but seems hesitant. She seems to be afraid of something, possibly due to threats from her husband. If I hear that he's hurt you, I'll do everything I can to make sure he spends years in prison.

'' That's great news. '' Magnus says, his voice now more tense. ''It looks like we're getting close to what we want. We need to keep an eye out for any sign that she really is considering divorce. And if he threatens her, we'll have to act quickly to ensure her safety.

'' I agree. '' I reply as I walk around the office, trying to organize my thoughts. ''Our strategy now must be centered on keeping in touch with Yara and continuing to probe her to better understand the situation with her husband. If she really wants a divorce, we'll need to be ready to help her. I think we should let Damien talk to her about it. He studied psychology and knows how to approach these issues calmly, getting people to open up.

'' Good idea. '' Magnus agrees. ''Damien may be able to extract more information and make Yara feel comfortable revealing what she really thinks. And let me know if you get any more information. '' Magnus says, his tone firm.

''You bet.'' I say, hanging up the call and putting the cell phone back on the table.

The frustration is still palpable, but the prospect that Yara might be considering divorce gives me a new impetus. We need to act with strategy and precision. If there's a chance to help her get out of this marriage, we'll make sure she has the support she needs.

Sitting down again, I start going through the documents on my desk, trying to channel the anger and frustration into something productive. We know the situation is unfolding, and, with due care and strategy, we'll be able to get even closer to what we want. The plan is in motion, and nothing is going to stop us.

After a few minutes, I decide it's time to inform Damien about the conversation I had with Magnus. I pick up my cell phone again and call him. The call is answered almost immediately.

''Damien?'' I say when he picks up.

''Hi, Kael. What's new?'' Damien asks, his voice calm.

''We need to talk about Yara. '' I begin with a serious tone. ''I had a talk with Magnus and I want to update you on the details.

'' Go ahead. '' Damien replies, interested.

''During the interaction with Yara, I mentioned a case of an arranged marriage to gauge her reaction. I almost managed to kiss her, but she ran away before I could. However, she showed interest in knowing about the divorce process, which gives me the impression that she is thinking about getting divorced but seems hesitant. She seems to be afraid of something, possibly due to threats from her husband.

'' I see. '' Damien says, his voice showing concentration. ''This could be an opportunity to help her, but we need to approach the situation carefully. What do you suggest?

''I think the best thing would be for you to talk to her. You have experience in psychology and know how to deal with these issues sensitively. Your approach could help make Yara feel comfortable revealing more about her situation. In addition, we need to be on the lookout for any signs that her husband is threatening or mistreating her. If this happens, we need to act quickly.

'' I agree. '' Damien says. ''I'll prepare an approach that can provide a safe environment for her and try to get more information about her situation. It may be difficult to approach her at first, as she was very embarrassed by what happened in my room earlier today, but I'll try to create a space where she feels comfortable talking.

''Good,'' I reply, relieved. '' Try to take it a bit easy.

'' That's fine. '' Damien says. ''I'll do my best to get her the information she needs and make sure she feels safe.

''Thanks, brother. '' I say, hanging up the call and putting the phone back on the table.

I put the phone under the table, calmer now that Damien will take care of the situation. With his help, I hope we can get the information we require and offer Yara the support she requires. The initial frustration gives way to a sense of renewed purpose. The situation is developing, and every step we take brings us closer to the end goal. We are getting closer and closer to ensuring that she is ours—finally ours. The plan is in motion, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that everything falls into place correctly.

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