Read with BonusRead with Bonus

♥ Chapter 23 ♥

Yara Blake.

I'm inside the cab, and the sound of the engine is drowned out by the chaos of my thoughts. I'm on my way to that prison again, back to Ronan's house, and all I can think about is the kiss I had with Mr. Magnus. His lips on mine, the way he touched me, the desire in every movement... I've never felt anything like that before. I've never been touched like that. Nor have I ever been desired. I can still feel the warmth of his body against mine, the firmness of his hands on my waist, and the softness of his voice when he said, ''Wow.'' My heart races just remembering it.

I look out of the cab window, trying to push these thoughts away, but it's impossible. My farewell to Mrs. Thompson was quick, almost mechanical. I said goodbye and hurried out of the mansion, trying not to look back. Because I know that if I get to that house too late, I'll get caught. They said they'd be waiting for me and that I could count on them, but... can I really trust them?

Mr. Kael is a judge, a respected and powerful man. He mentioned that he has helped many women trapped in arranged marriages, but I can't help wondering what could go wrong. What if they can't help me? If Ronan finds out, he'll hurt me even more. Just the thought sends a shiver down my spine. I have nowhere else to go. My life has been this prison, this constant fear, this humiliation.

I want to believe what Magnus said. I want to believe that they really care and that they want to help me. But I'm also afraid. I am afraid of being deceived or of giving myself over to something I don't understand. They want me, I know that, but is that all there is to it? Is it just desired? What if that's it? What if, once they've got what they want, they let me go? What will become of me?

I've never known what it's like to be in a real relationship. My marriage to Ronan is based on fear, humiliation, and slavery. I don't know how to act, how to be desired, or how to be loved. Am I capable of being loved? I feel my eyes fill with tears as doubt eats away at my chest.

The driver's voice brings me back to reality.

''We're almost there, miss,'' he says, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

I nod, trying to control my emotions. I need to be strong. Furthermore, I need to survive. And if Magnus, Damien, and Kael really want to help me, maybe I should give them a chance. But can I? Can I allow myself to be happy?

The cab turns the corner, and I see Ronan's house approaching. My heart squeezes, and my breath catches. Once again, I'm back in my nightmare. But now, there's a tiny spark of hope deep in my chest. Possibly, just possibly, I can find a way out.

The driver parks the cab, and my heart beats faster as I search for some notes in my bag. I pay quickly and get out of the car. My feet feel heavy as I approach the house, my prison. I take a deep breath before opening the door. I need to survive until Saturday night. After that, I'll go back to Mr. Darkmore's mansion to work. Just a few more days, that's all.

As I enter, I'm hit by an unbearable smell of garbage. The room is a mess: beer bottles scattered around, dirty clothes strewn across the floor. My stomach churns at the sight of the accumulated filth, and I feel a lump in my throat. I try to stay calm, but it's difficult.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs makes me shudder. I look up and see Ronan, wearing a suit, watching me with a cold, calculating gaze.

''You're back. '' His voice is sharp, without any trace of warmth. '' Good.

He descends the rest of the steps, his eyes never leaving mine. I feel a shiver run down my spine.

''Tidy up this house, it's a mess,'' he orders, without any emotion. “I have an important dinner, and I'll be back in the afternoon. When I get back, I want this house cleaned and all my clothes washed.

I nod, my voice caught in my throat. I try to move, but he's faster. In a second, he's in front of me, his hand gripping my jaw tightly.

''I hope you behaved yourself in that mansion. '' His voice is a menacing whisper, too close to my face. ''Were you close to any men, Yara?

My mind panics. Magnus' touch is still fresh on my skin, and my lips are still tingling from the kiss. I try to hide the tremor in my voice.

'' N-no... I just worked. I just focused on cleaning. '' I stutter, knowing that my answer is unconvincing.

His eyes narrow, and his hand squeezes my jaw even tighter. The pain is almost unbearable.

''Why did you stutter?'' He asks, his voice low but full of restrained anger. ''Were you near any of them, Yara?

I shake my head frantically.

''No!'' My voice is a desperate whisper.

He leans closer, and I can smell the bitterness of his breath.

''Then why are your lips swollen?'' He snarls, the anger in his eyes growing. Suddenly, he pushes me against the door, holding me there. ''Are you lying to me? What the fuck happened to your lips?

My body begins to shake uncontrollably, tears streaming down my face.

''I-I... I hurt my mouth... '' I stammer, my voice breaking. ''I would never do anything to another man, I swear!

He releases me with one last push, making me stumble. The hatred in his gaze still burns, but he walks away. I take a deep breath, trying to regain control.

''I hope so,'' he says, his voice cold and cutting. ''Because if I know anything, you'll regret it, Yara. You're mine!

I face him, still trembling, and my voice comes out in a shaky whisper.

''W-Why?'' My words are almost lost in the heavy air of the room. '' You don't love me... You only married me to strengthen the bonds between our families. Or do you love me?

His expression turns even darker. In one swift movement, he grabs my hair, pulling my head back hard. The pain is excruciating, and I let out an involuntary moan.

''Love?'' he sneers, his face inches from mine, his breath hot and unpleasant on my skin. ''Who said anything about love, Yara? You're a tool. Something I use for my own interests. What matters to me is control and power. And you... '' He pulls my hair harder, making my eyes fill with tears. '' You're just a part of it.

I swallow, trying to hold back the tears. His every word is a blow, a cruel reminder of my reality. There is no escape, no hope. Despair rises up in me like an overwhelming wave, about to engulf me.

''Don't you ever dare question me again! '' he growls, his eyes full of fury. '' Do you understand?

I nod quickly, fear taking hold of me. He pushes me away, and I almost fall to the ground. My heart hammers in my chest, and my panic grows. He looks at me for a moment, his eyes still full of contempt, before turning and walking out of the house, leaving me alone.

I fall to my knees, my forehead resting against the cold floor as the tears flow freely. The crying is silent but devastating, each sob caught in my throat like a choked scream. I feel a deep pain not only from Ronan's brutality but also from the betrayal that began long before, with my own parents, who handed me over to this horrible man. They used me, just as he is using me now.

The pain in my scalp and the humiliation burn inside me. I feel so small and helpless. Tears continue to roll down my face as I hold my own arms, trying to calm myself down.

''I can't take it anymore... '' I whisper to myself, my voice laced with despair.

As soon as I get back to that mansion, I'm going to ask Mr. Kael for help. Even if I have to work for them for nothing... I need to be free of this man before he kills me.

I close my eyes tightly, trying to keep the fear at bay. Furthermore, I know that if I keep doing nothing, if I keep submitting to this life, one day Ronan will kill me. I need to act before it's too late.

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