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♥Chapter 24 ♥

Kael Darkmore.

As soon as I leave Magnus' room, a smile forms on my lips. Sweet Yara has given in to the kiss. She really is attracted to us. I knew it, there was no denying it. But what really surprises me is Magnus. Always so controlled, so strategic... He doesn't want to wait any longer. He's tired of playing the patience game, and I can understand that. It's time for us to act and to take what is rightfully ours.

I walk through the corridors of the mansion with firm steps, my head already full of plans. Magnus has made it clear what he wants, and I'm not one to dwell on decisions. As soon as I reach the exit, I breathe in the fresh morning air, feeling the anticipation grow inside me.

''Time to put this plan into practice. '' I mutter to myself, getting into the car.

I start it, and the engine rumbles like a beast waking up from a deep sleep. I drive towards my office, my mind racing. The road stretches out before me, and the route is almost automatic. I know every curve and every traffic light. It's like conducting a complicated audience, where every move needs to be calculated and every word carefully chosen.

Magnus is right. We wait too long. If the issue is Yara's husband preventing her from giving herself to us completely, then let's get rid of that obstacle. My role as a judge allows me a certain flexibility, a certain... power, let's say. I've helped many people get out of arranged marriages, why not do the same for her?

I arrive at the office and go straight to my office.

Furthermore, I pick up the phone on the desk and press the button to speak to my secretary.

''Enzo, come to my office. We need to talk about an urgent matter. '' I say, my voice firm and with no room for objections.

While I wait, my eyes scan the papers scattered on the desk. Each document is a piece of the puzzle I'm putting together. We're ready to take Ronan down and get Yara out of his clutches. Enzo enters the room a few seconds later, an expression of curiosity on his face.

''What do you need, Mr. Kael?'' he asks, standing next to my desk.

''Call Doctor Lorenzo Duarte,'' I order. ''I require him here as soon as possible.

Enzo nods and quickly leaves to make the call. Lorenzo is a cunning man, known for his ability to turn any situation in his favor. That's exactly what we require right now. I know he won't hesitate to help us. After all, a favor from me is never a light burden to carry.

I'll get in touch with a private investigator I know. He should keep an eye on Ronan, find out his weak points, and use anything we can against him.

''I want detailed information. '' I say into the phone. “Movements, contacts, everything. I won't allow any gaps.

'' Yes, sir.

I end the call. While I wait, I let my thoughts wander. Yara... She needs to be free to focus on us and allow herself to be desired and loved. Without Ronan, she'll be able to open up to us and understand that we're doing what's best for her. Magnus, Damien, and I have plans—plans that go far beyond a simple desire. We want Yara's body and soul, and we'll do whatever it takes to make her ours.

Yara's divorce must be done without a trace, without arousing suspicion. Ronan is a problem, but he's not an insoluble problem. A man like him only understands one language: that of power. And we have plenty of that.

After a few hours, I hear a knock on the door.

''Come in. '' I order, straightening up in my chair.

Lorenzo enters with a confident smile on his face, as always. His impeccable suit and air of being in control of everything remind me why I chose him for this task. He approaches my desk, and I stand up to greet him.

''Kael, it's always a pleasure to see you,'' he says, shaking my hand firmly.

''Likewise, Lorenzo. Thank you for coming so quickly,'' I reply, indicating a chair for him. Sit down. We have a lot to discuss.

Lorenzo settles into the chair, his sharp gaze already assessing the situation. Without wasting any time, I begin to explain what's at stake.

''What can I do for you?'' he asks as he looks at me.

''Here's the situation. '' I begin, my fingers drumming lightly on the table. ''There's a woman called Yara, the woman Magnus, Damien, and I want for ourselves. She's in an unhappy marriage with a man called Ronan. This marriage needs to be dissolved, and I want you to take care of it. You'll be her lawyer.

Lorenzo arches an eyebrow but doesn't seem surprised. He's faced stranger cases before.

'' And what exactly do you expect from me?

'' I want you to start divorce proceedings immediately. '' My voice is firm and direct. '' And I want you to do it without a trace. Ronan is a problem, and we need to deal with him discreetly.

He nods, understanding what's at stake.

'' Right, I get it. But what about the evidence? We need to make sure the divorce is granted without any difficulties.

''Don't worry about that. '' I reply. ''I have my sources, and you can count on my contacts to make sure everything is done quickly and discreetly.

Lorenzo smiles—a smile that makes it clear that he is more than ready for the challenge. He's the right man for the job. He'll tear Ronan apart in court, and when it's all over, Yara will be ours.

'' I'll start immediately. What about Ronan? Does he have any weaknesses I should know about?

'' Certainly. '' I say with a cold smile. ''I have a private investigator who will follow his movements. As soon as he has proof, I'll have it sent to you.

'' Got it. I'll start preparing the file and wait for the necessary evidence.

After Lorenzo leaves, I turn my attention to the papers on the table. The details are coming together perfectly, and I'm increasingly confident that everything will go according to plan. We have a clear objective: to ensure that Yara is free to join us. And to do that, we're going to do whatever it takes.

As I sign the necessary documents to begin the process, my smile grows wider. I know that we have the tools and the power to bring Ronan down and ensure that Yara is free.

Ronan's time is coming to an end, and not even he knows what is about to happen. Yara will be ours, and nothing will stop that.

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