Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3 At the Ranch.

Daphne noticed that he was ending his meeting with the woman when he stood up and shook hands with her.

Daphne quickly stood and hurried out of the restaurant.She decided to wait for him at the front of the restaurant.

Soon,he walked out of the restaurant with the woman by his side.She overheard a brief conversation between them and realized that the woman was his client.

Griffin and the woman walked out of the restaurant,Daphne took note of how beautiful and extremely sexy the woman was.

Griffin's gaze fell on Daphne for a brief moment and then he looked away,pretending not to know her.

He shook hands with the woman again and bid her farewell.

The woman smiled at him,seductively.

"Thank you so much,Mr Reyes.I never thought it'd so easy to get those assets in my name.Thank you for making this divorce process easy for me."

Griffin offered a small smile."It's what I do."

"Em…if you don't mind,I'll like to treat you to dinner for putting my ex-husband in his place."

Daphne walked closer to them,hoping for an audience with Griffin.

"I have plans for tonight."He refused the woman,flatly.

"I didn't say tonight."She pressed on.

"Well,I have plans for whatever night you mean."

Daphne frowned at him,finding that rude and funny at the same time.

How can he blatantly refuse a stunning woman like her?

The woman beamed at him,bid him goodbye and walked away.

Griffin finally turned to face Daphne.

"Miss Howard,are you stalking me now?Did you perhaps change your mind about sleeping with me?

Daphne froze.


Did he really think she came here for sex?

She awkwardly brought out a bag and handed it to him.

"I came to return your jacket."

He grimaced and then nodded.

"I see."Griffin drawled and headed off towards the parking lot.

Daphne quickly hurried after him.

"Mr Reyes,I have something to discuss with you."

He narrowed his eyes at her,inquisitively.

"My dad was…"

"I'm not taking his case."He cut in,flatly.

Daphne sighed,heavily.

It seemed Griffin already knew about her father's issue.

She lowered her head and asked,tentatively.

"Did Jacob tell you not to take the case as well?"

Griffin stared at her as if he had been slapped.

"Who is Jacob to tell me which case to take or not?I personally do not want to take up your father's case."

"Why?I can afford your services,I promise."Daphne pressed on.

She had a lot of savings.She was sure she could pay whatever fees he charges.

He glanced down at her."Miss Howard,you and I almost had sex,that means I've known you a bit on a personal level and I do not mix my personal life with my work."

The truth was,he was scared of working with her.

He just couldn't understand it.

Ever since that night at the club,all he's ever thought about was bedding her.

So he could never have her as a client.He would not sacrifice his principles of strictly being professional with clients.

He got to his car and opened the door,shoving the jacket and his briefcase on the passenger's seat.

He glanced at Daphne and said,harshly.

"Find another lawyer."

Then he got into the car and drove off,leaving her standing there.

Daphne sighed,heavily.

What should she do now?

The next couple of days were filled with worry for Nora and Daphne and then,Daphne gave in to the urge to ask for help from one of her closest friends.

Layla Dumont.

Layla had married a rich and influential man and Daphne felt she could use his help in getting a lawyer.

The two friends met up at a restaurant and Daphne explained all that had happened with Jacob to Layla.

"How could he do that to you?He's such a selfish bastard."Layla cussed."The nerves of him!To want you as his mistress!"Layla continued to cursed Jacob,angrily.

And when she finally calmed down,she asked,quietly.

"Did you really get Griffin to get a hotel room with you?"

Daphne's cheeks flamed and she nodded.

"Wow,what the hell did you do to him,girl?How did you do it?"Layla cooed.

"I did nothing much.He was on a mask and I just drunkly suggested we spend the night together.Oh Layla,I had wanted the ground to open up and swallow me when I found out who he was."

Layla laughed."You know I heard he's hardly ever fazed by a woman,even celebrities always fail to capture his attention.People had started gossiping that he might not be attracted to women."

Daphne sighed,heavily.

She really didn't want to talk about that night anymore.

She just wanted solution to her father's problem.

"Layla,about getting a lawyer,I really need your help.I have no idea how much Jacob had paid lots of lawyers to keep turning me down.He really wants me at the palm of his hand."

"He's not going to succeed!"Layla declared."But I really think Griffin should take up this case.Trust me when I say that he has never lost a case.If he takes up your father's case,there's a hundred percent chance that your dad will regain his freedom."

"But he doesn't want to help."Daphne pouted.

Layla placed her hand above Daphne's.

"Don't give up.You should try harder.And I'm going to help you.I'm going to help you make him take up this case."

She suggested Daphne approaches Griffin more and more until he accepts.And using her connection,she found out Griffin's schedules.

It was a Saturday,Griffin had a horse riding appointment with some business associates at his ranch at noon.

Daphne went to the Ranch with Layla and her husband but to her greatest surprise,Jacob was also at the Ranch.

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