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Chapter 3

CARA's povs

The Party had already started when my escort and I arrived at the park hall.

The hall was filled with important personnel in the park like the beta, with his family and the delta , followed by the elders of the park and some other important people.

Also, some strange faces were also included in the party, those I immediately recognized as the emissaries of the neighboring park that have come to take us.

I was led to the stage where the Alpha was entertaining his guest and also were the other four girls who were also to be taken were seated.

I was surprised that I was the last to come, but it probably makes sense cause the other girls have been told a long time ago, while I was just being aware of everything this morning.

I took my seat at the table where the other girls were seated with smile plastered on their faces. deep sense of disgust came over me at this girls that probably knew what they were going into but are happy and looking forward to it.

I sat throughout that party with a cold face, not drinking nor eating anything that was served.

At the Climax of the party Alpha Black stood up and after greeting the guest started giving his speech of the park looking forward to unite with the other park to fight against the “King of rogues” incase he attacks

Everybody were celebrating, and even the emissaries all had happy looks as their gazes lightened up with dark light as they stared at us and checked us out.

He was also speaking of it being an honor for the girls going that it will do the pack a favor and their names will be remembered.

I scrounge my face in disgust at one who has been looking at me since I came into the party hall.

He had a hunch back with a bald head, adding with a troubling dirty yellow teeth,

“This one is beautiful” I heard him say to his friends, making them turn their lecherous eyes on me.

I pulled my eyes down as I could feel their burning gaze on me.

“Hey little one, your elder is talking to you” he said angrily, standing up

I felt deep fear on my bones ,the lecherous man was a powerful elder in his pack. His pressure descended on me, causing me to whimper.

The drama got people's attention as my pack. members started frowning while the other girls were looking at me like I committed one grave offense in their books.

My Alpha, alpha Black, came over looking enraged, “forgive her, my amiable guest, I will discipline her” he pleaded with the lecherous man.

The man nodded, going back to his seat.

and with a swoosh, a speed i could not follow my alpha was standing beside extending his hands

Twack! The sound echoed as I saw white for a brief second the power in his slap blowing me off the stage.

“Learn to be a good girl” he commanded, looking at me.

Tears blinded my vision, but I fought it from coming out. My chest was heaving like someone who ran a marathon. I looked at my Alpha with every hate possible in this world. The same man who has always treated me like me, turning a blind eye to all the torments I have been receiving now, tries to butt lick the elder to gain favor by punishing me.

I dont know what happened or the devil at work that was bent on ruining my day, but when my he turned his back at me, I spat at him.

The hall, if it was quiet before, was like a grave yard now, as my eyes widened at realizing what I had done.

The lecherous man chuckled in his seat “interesting”

His fellow colleagues have faces of shock.

My pack members had shock written on their faces as they could not believe what they just saw

My Alpha. Alpha Black was the most stunned, his eyes glowing yellow as his Fangs enlarged with unbelievable sharp glints at the edges.

I embrace my fate at what was about to come , closing my eyes. I waited for the death, that's was when it happend…..

Without warning, the silence in the hall shattered. Massive wolves of different sizes invaded the hall from all angles.

Chaos rained as down the party hall as everyone was caught unawares.

The wolves all had eyes filled with malice, and their thirst for blood and power was bung all round their distorted forms.

“Rogue attack!!, Rogue attack!!” I don't know who shouted, but the shout unfroze everyone from their shock.

Sounds of snarls and growl filled the night as the warriors of the pack rushed in to meet face to face with the rogues.

I peered from where I was on the ground as unspeakable fear came over me.

The rogues are attacking!

Memories that have buried themselves in my mind were surging through my blood. Trying to surface

Cara, be strong! This is the time to escape! I chanted to myself, biting my upper lips and drew blood, snapping me out of my shock .

My wolf instinct came over me, and I sprang up from the floor running out of the hall. By now, everybody have disperse as those that have families rushing to tend to protect their families.

The Alpha and the soldiers of the pack were already fighting with the stronger rogues, leaving the weak rogues to trample round the pack.

Thick scent of blood hung in the air as I ran with all my might across the pack, going straight into the woods.

Blood was pounding in my head, my heart trying to keep up to pump enough blood to circulate in my body.

I was still a distance away from my pack when the roar of my alpha echoed across the woods. The power of the alpha contained in the sound washing all it passes. I fell on the ground from the shout as my inner wolf crawled to come out and transform without my permission.

That was “a shout of call to fight” a roar alphas use when they are facing stronger enemies, the roar will prompt whoever Is in the pack to transform and join the alpha in protecting the pack.

I tried resisting the pull, but my wolf won't let me. The pain of transformation overcame me as I transformed into my wolf powerlessly, a white wolf with a line of black fur from the head down to the mid neck area.

My vision changed like i was wearing ultra night googles. Everything became like i was in Broadaylight.

I could make out the life signature of squirrels running across the trees and the insects and crickets miles away.

My wolf turned and was about to heed the call of alpha Black , but a pull I don't know where it came from stopped me in my tracks, it was a strong pull that felt like it was tugging my heart, it severed the bond of alpha Black, freeing me instantly from running back to the pack.

I looked around in confusion but saw no one, nor where the pull came from.

But I know it came from deep inside the woods.

Instinctively, i know i had to follow the pull. I sprang up in a dash as I tried to follow the pull, running all the way deep into the woods.

I suddenly stopped cause I heard ruffling of leaves, I lifted my snout and tried to sniff out where the sound came from, but i sensed nothing.

I continued running, but the feeling like I was being followed kept on increasing as I ran faster, but the feeling kept on increasing.

I saw from the edge of my vision a red glow of light in the darkness. My wolf whimpered and stopped running and lay on the floor whimpering out of fear. The I saw them, Four of them came out of the darkness.

They were like the one that attacked my pack earlier on. The evil glow in their eyes was shining with thirst for blood and murder.

They cornered every possible track for me to run away from, like a predator stalking it's prey they started coming closer.

They were Rogues, the dangerous wolves that kill whenever they come across other wolf's, no reasoning or trick can save you when you encounter a rogue.

And unfortunately, they were four in number.

I was helpless and surrounded by four rogues, with no sign of escape.

I could see their smiles as they advance slowly toward me, saliva drooling from their mouths.

The pull came again, but with greater force and strength, it was coming from a direction behind me, but I couldn't look away from the rogues to look at what it was. Because any slight distraction from me will give the rogues the opportunity to strike.

The eyes of the Rogues flashed with fear as they saw what was behind me. My heart pounded like it would beat out of my chest

I felt a powerful presence behind me, and before I could do anything, the thing was that it was lunged at the rogues in front of me amidst claws and snarling. My hairs stood on end as the beast aura washed on me, pressing my wolf to the ground in submission.

The rogues were also affected by the aura of the mighty beast. The three of them had already lowered their head into submission.

I could make out a human figure fighting the rogues. The figure lunged at a rogue their body colliding mid air but Crack of bone can be heard as the bone of the Rogue wolf was dislocated, blood stained the ground when the human figure clawed at the first rogue neck killing it on the spot.

The rogues mad driven presses their attack on the figure, but he was not fazed. He attacked with claws plunging his claws on the other rogue’s hear, making sure tokilll at the spot.

Leaping like a monkey, it mauneverd around the remaining two rogues, then like a flash, a dagger appeared before disappearing into one of the wolves, leaving only one alive.

The only one tried to run but was immediately tackled to the ground, I heard one last ey of the Rogue wolf before all was silent, the human figure have defeated the group of Rogues in just a second of time.

He stood up like the devil with blood dribbling from his blade. My heart literally jumped out of my throat as my wolf quickly backed away, fear evident in my bones.

He was a half human half wolf, from his upper body was like a wolf, the claws , and the unnaturally Hairy skin with his red glowing eyes piercing through the night to bore down on my soul.

I tried running, but it seemed all my limbs were trapped by an unknown power, keeping me still like a slab of meat on the butcher's table waiting to be cutted.

The pull I felt before was at its highest tugging me to the monster before me.

My wolf was shivering under the predatory gaze of the monster. When she couldn't take it any longer, she went inside, causing me to shift back to my human self.

He came to me slowly, and I could make out surprisingly a very handsome face.

His red eyes widened as he sniffed at me numerous times. i looked up slowly in fear as our gaze collided together.

“Who are…you” I managed to ask the ridiculously handsome beast man.

then, like a loaded spring, he backed away like he had seen a ghost

“mate?…mate” he mumbled with a deep voice that sent shivers down to my shaky limbs that wanted to give out.

“No it can't …be” he continued muttering to himself, backing away.

“Please don't go, I don't know where else to go” i quickly pleaded.

He continued backing away like i was a poison, “pleas..e am begging you” i continued begging him not to leave me as i figured since he didn't kill me, he might know the way around this forsaken woods.


I heard him mutter again one last time before he turned his back and vanished into the woods, leaving me with an empty feeling that tore through my heart, a feeling that i can't seem to explain.

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