Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

CARA's povs

The leaves were wet, and the soil was sticky. Rain had just fallen, and I was drenched, despite trying to take cover under a tree canopy. It was all to no avail.

It’s been three days since my escape from the pack, and to my surprise, I haven't come across any rogues, nor has my Alpha sent anyone after me. Maybe they didn’t survive the attack. I felt a pang of guilt thinking about my friend Alice. How did she fare? Is she even alive?

These thoughts echoed through my mind as I lay on the damp ground, shivering. I know I’m now a wanted criminal for abandoning the pack during a crisis. I can’t go back even if I wanted to. If I’m caught, it’ll be an execution.

I kissed my teeth in frustration, not knowing where to go or how to survive. My consciousness was slipping as the day wore on. I’m just a weak and pathetic Omega. The only good thing about us is our ridiculously fast healing. But I guess fast healing doesn’t work on an empty stomach.

I sat up with the help of the tree, its massive trunk wide enough to circle four people hand in hand. I was practically dead meat. If I came across a rogue now, I’d be as good as dead.

My mind wandered to the handsome monster who saved me from those rogues. If not for him... I didn’t even want to think about what could have happened.

For three days now, I’ve been following the strange pull I felt from him, the first day I saw him. It seems to be leading me deeper into the woods, but fortunately, I haven’t encountered any rogues.

I can still remember staring into those deep, glowing red eyes and his sudden, erratic behavior. Maybe he was mentally unstable, but it wouldn’t have been surprising considering he was a rogue. But I’ve never seen a wolf like him, half-man, half-wolf. It reminded me of the old tales of a wolf cursed by the moon goddess, forever stuck between transformations, neither fully human nor fully wolf.

Suddenly, I heard a sound like something moving nearby. Panic set in, and with adrenaline kicking in, I used my last ounce of strength to pull myself up, breaking into a run.

I could sense them as I ran, a whole group of wolves following me, yet keeping their distance. My legs ached painfully, cuts appearing on them as I dashed through a thorny area in the woods.

Gasping for air, I pushed my exhausted body to run faster, but whatever was following me was faster still. It felt like they were toying with me, like a predator chasing its prey until it had nowhere left to run.

In the distance, I saw a small cottage in a clearing. I forced my tired legs to carry me toward it, hoping the owner could help me, though it seemed ridiculous to think someone might live in the middle of these woods where rogues patrol all night.

I was almost at the cottage when my vision started to blur, and I felt lightheaded. I had pushed my body too far. My legs gave out, and I fell with a thud at the cottage entrance.

My head spun as I looked back to see a pack of rogues with glowing yellow eyes staring down at me. I braced myself for death. The last thing I heard was the click of a door opening behind me.

My vision faded to black...

Waking up, everything seemed blurry and surreal. It felt like I was in a nightmare, being chased by monsters. The dream was so vivid that I was convinced I would die in it.

I heard voices in the background. I lifted a hand to my pounding head, trying to shake off the confusion.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” a voice asked. I opened my eyes to see a petite old lady sitting in a chair near where I lay. She had a small smile on her face as she watched me.

“My lady, do you need anything?” the old woman asked again.

From her scent, I could tell she was a wolf, a strong one at that.

Wolves? With alarming speed, I sat up so forcefully that the old woman gasped in surprise.

“Ahh!” She held her chest.

“Where am I?” I shouted, my breathing accelerating as the memory of being chased and surrounded by rogues filled my head.

“My lady, calm down, you’re safe,” the woman assured me, trying to soothe my panic. “You’re safe, my lady. The master will be back soon.”

I was confused by what she was saying. “The wolves... What happened? They got me... I was surrounded...” I stammered, my voice trembling.

She came closer and beckoned me to calm down. “The rogues will never hurt you again, my lady. The master made sure of that.”

“My name is Deborah,” she introduced herself, stretching out her hand. “But you can call me Debby,” she said with a gentle smile.

I nodded, still shaken by everything that had happened. A peaceful omega like me should have had a quiet life, but here I was, thrust into hellfire.

“Where am I? Please don’t tell me Alpha Black finally caught me.” Horror gripped me at the thought that those wolves might be his men, sent to find me.

“You’re in my territory,” a deep voice answered. I jerked my head toward the sound.

“Welcome, Master,” Debby bowed low to him as he entered.

My mind was racing. I stood speechless, my mouth hanging open as I gaped at him.

“You can go, Debby. Thank you for your service,” he said, dismissing her.

“Yes, Master,” she replied obediently, leaving us alone as she shut the door.

He was beautiful, terrifyingly so. With a strong jawline, his hair jet black, slicked from the rain, i tried peeking at him through my hair. He stood at least 6'8" with a well chiseled face and piercing brown eyes. He was. the same wolf-man who saved me from the four rogues. His menacing, tall build barely fit in the small space, he was even more handsome in his human form than as the beast.

“Did... did you save me?” I managed to stammer.

My body was reacting in the strangest way, like a young girl experiencing her first crush. Heat rose within me, and my wolf stirred, agitated at the sight of him. His presence was overwhelming intoxicating, as if every inch of me was attuned to to him, every cell, alive with the awareness of his proximity. My heart raced faster.

He didn’t respond. He just continued to look at me with a burning gaze, like someone trying to solve a puzzle. He took a step toward me.

I instinctively took a step back, my eyes darting around for an escape route. But even if there were ten open doors, I knew there was no way I could escape this monster.

My back hit the wall. I had reached the end of the room. He towered over me, his eyes glowing red.

“Stop moving,” he commanded, his deep voice laced with annoyance.

I submissively lowered my gaze, baring my neck to him. Fear and something else I couldn’t name ignited inside me just at the sound of his voice.

“Hmm” I heard him growl lowly in appreciation.

He touched my face, lifting it up. His touch sent electric tingles across my skin. His rough fingers traced my face, leaving a strange sense of comfort in their wake. A shiver ran down my spine as his thumb brushed my lower lip, the simple contact sending jolts of pleasure through me.

I was mortified of my own reaction, but i couldn't help it. My body was betraying me, responding to him in a way i didn't understand. My wolf whimpered with need urging me to go closer, to feel more of his warmth. She wasn’t afraid of him, Instead, she was excited, as if she had already known him for a long time.

I could feel his hot breath as he sniffed at the base of my neck, tingling the nerves at my neck. like a predator savoring its prey.

I closed my eyes, in anticipation and readiness for what to come.

“You’re... mine...” His voice, deep and resonant like the devil’s, echoed in my mind as he bit down on my neck.

A scream of pain tore from my throat as hot tears spilled from my eyes.

And then... everything went black.

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