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Unspoken Truths

Chapter 6

Unspoken Truths

By 7:00 PM, I was ready for the big discussion Peter and I were about to have. As the clock edged closer, my heart raced uncontrollably. I reminded myself that no matter how much his enchanting presence might sway me, I needed to stay focused. Tonight, I would finally tell him the truth.

Exactly at 7:00, the doorbell rang. I hurried downstairs, opened the door, and found myself face-to-face with Peter. His black hoodie and sharp gaze sent my pulse into overdrive, but I quickly steeled myself. I couldn’t let his appearance derail my decision.

"Hey," his deep voice resonated.

"Yeah, good evening," I replied, a bit flustered.

"Can we take a walk so we can talk?" he suggested.

"Okay, let me get my jacket." I ran upstairs, grabbed my coat, and we left the house together.

We walked in silence, the tension between us thick with unspoken words. I could tell Peter was deep in thought, but I knew I had to be the one to break the silence.



"Tiffany came to my house today. We got into a fight," I confessed, my words sharp and direct.

"Seriously? When? Why?" he asked, surprised.

I clenched my fists. "I made a mistake, Peter. She took things too far."

He stiffened beside me. "What did you do?" I asked, needing to know.

With a heavy sigh, he dropped the bombshell. "I broke up with her."

"What? Why?" I pressed.

"I did it because I don't like her anymore, Rory," he admitted quietly.

"You shouldn't have done that," I said, shaking my head.

"I don't love her anymore," he insisted.

"Then who do you love?" I asked, though I already feared the answer.

His next words hit me like a lightning bolt. "I love you, Rory."

I stopped in my tracks, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions—shock, happiness, fear, sadness—all crashing over me at once. I couldn't speak. I could hardly breathe.

"Peter, no. I can't," I finally said, my voice trembling. "It's too risky. I can't take that chance."

"But Rory," he pleaded, "for the love you have for me, please be my girlfriend."

"No, no, no," I replied firmly. "Why now, Peter? After all these years, you knew how I felt, and you ignored me. You chose Tiffany. And now, at the end of our senior year, you suddenly want me? Why?"

His face fell, pain written all over it. "Rory, I’ve always loved you. I just didn’t realize it until now. Please, give me a chance."

I stared into his teary eyes, my heart breaking. "Peter, I love you... but I can’t be your girlfriend. I'm doing this for my own safety, and besides, my heart belongs to someone else. I hope we can stay friends."

His expression shifted from sorrow to anger. "This is bullshit! I didn't know you were this heartless. I broke up with Tiffany just to be with you, and you're acting like some self-absorbed bitch!"

Before he could say another word, I slapped him across the face. "Never call me a bitch!" I snapped and stormed off, leaving him frozen in shock.

Back home, I collapsed onto my bed, the tears flowing uncontrollably. I had just rejected the boy I'd been in love with since the fourth grade. As the sobs wracked my body, my phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number:

"Meet me at the park tomorrow at 3:00 PM. Come alone."

The message was cold, commanding. Despite the chill it sent down my spine, I couldn't help the small spark of excitement that flickered in my chest. Could it be him?

"What if it’s not him?" a voice whispered in the back of my mind. But I couldn't let that fear consume me. The thought of seeing his face again after all this time gave me goosebumps. I had so many questions.

Is it really him? Why has he been stalking me? Will he accept my feelings? What does he want from me?

As I drifted into restless sleep, only one thing was certain—tomorrow's meeting could change everything.

And then, the unknown figure stepped into the light, revealing a face I never expected to see again.

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