Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Two Pt 1 - Amelia POV

After training I run to the dining hall, fill up a plate with as much food from the buffet as I can, grab a bottle of apple juice and race to my father’s office. We wolves burn off calories super-fast thanks to fast metabolisms, so we need to eat a lot for energy and right now I’m desperate to get some food in me, but I need to talk to my dad. So, I decide I can snack on this while we have our meeting and then I’ll go back down for more later.

I reach dad’s office and I hit the buzzer next to the door. The majority of the rooms in the packhouse are soundproof. It’s hard to have private meetings or be intimate when people with super hearing are all over the place, so soundproofing is pretty necessary, but that also means me knocking is pointless and him yelling ‘come in’ is equally pointless. You have two options: use the pack-link for entry or use the buzzer that is installed in every room. The buzzer makes a knocking sound, so it at least has the illusion of someone knocking.

Cool right? I know, I’m the one who came up with it when I was sixteen.

After a few seconds, my dad’s office door clicks and automatically opens, allowing me to step in. I close it behind me and my dad releases the button under his desk that opens the door. Gotta love technology. I walk over and put my plate and juice on his desk, walk around and kiss his cheek.

“Morning daddy,” I say cheerily.

He beams up at me and kisses my cheek in return. “Good morning, sweetheart. James told me how fantastic you were during the obstacle course this morning. Not that I’m surprised,” he says proudly, making me grin.

“Not what I was expecting, but I had a lot of fun,” I tell him as I sit down and start eating. “I was thinking Tyson should incorporate more courses like that during future training sessions. Courses that force us to focus on specific senses,” I add. Dad smiles at me with a thoughtful look on his face.

Alpha Elias Dolivo is not just my dad and the Alpha of the Invictus Pack, he’s my idol and he’s been my greatest cheerleader since before I was even born. Dad is forty-eight years old, has blonde hair styled with a buzz cut, is 6’5” with chestnut eyes and off-white skin. Dad still works out like crazy, so he’s just solid muscle from head to toe, which is pretty common for Alphas. I got my hair colour and my personality from my dad, the rest I got from my mum.

“It’s good to hear you thinking about how you want to handle the pack once you take over from me. I take it you’ve decided who to name as your council then,” he inquires, and I nod as I swallow some sausage.

“Vitali will be named as my Beta, Tyson as my Gamma and Chris as my Delta,” I say confidently.

“Excellent choices. And thank you for not selecting Ryker as your Beta,” he says with relief.

“I’d rather suck on lupine, thanks,” I say while wrinkling my nose. My dad laughs then sighs shaking his head.

“I don’t know what is with that boy. He’s nothing like his father, not that he has to be, but he reminds me so much of his grandmother,” he shudders.

“Maybe if Beta Declan hadn’t spoiled him he’d have turned out different,” I say belligerently. Honestly, Beta Declan isn’t that great either, he just hides it better.

“Now, about your elevation,” he says rubbing his face, and I can see how tense he is.

“You’re not getting cold feet, are you?” I ask nervously.

“Absolutely not,” he scoffs, “I’ve already booked my first vacation with your mother.” He winks.

“Oh I see, promote me then ditch me. Thanks a lot,” I chuckle.

“Precisely,” he grins. “But in all seriousness, you know I’ll be forced to ask if anyone chooses to challenge you for the position of Alpha,” he says carefully, and I nod.

While becoming Alpha is in your blood, the system does have to have a modicum of fairness to it. During the ceremony, anyone can challenge me for the Alpha position, and we must fight to the death – though many civilised wolves just allow the opponent to tap out. Whoever wins will get the job. Sounds harsh but we’re wolves; this is just how it works.

Besides, do you want someone around who ultimately wants to get rid of you? Cause I don’t.

“I fear we may have a few challenges,” he sighs.

“A few? As in more than one?” I ask in surprise. He nods with disgust; he’s not happy about this. Again, all because I’m a woman.

My parents are strong believers in our creator Morrtemis, our sovereignty-goddess. We even have a temple on our pack lands dedicated to her. Having such strong beliefs in our great Goddess is why they’ve been preparing me to be Alpha since I was born. They believe the Goddess doesn’t make mistakes and if she blessed them with a daughter, it was for a reason; for me to lead the pack in a new era. Not so I can be dealt off and become some Alpha’s Luna. Which is grossly common among other packs. The point is, my parents believe that things happen for a reason, and so they never questioned for a second that I should be Alpha. Sadly, not everyone thinks that way.

Just think over the logic of my species for a moment.

We worship a female deity, the mother of our species. There are many Gods and Goddesses, but she was known for being a fierce warrior who took no prisoners on the battlefield. She showed little mercy to her enemies but would move heaven and hell for those she loved. We honour her, we celebrate her, we exalt her name and yet my species still refuses to acknowledge that a woman can be Alpha. Hypocritical much?

“Amelia, I’ve seen you fight. I know what a strong fighter you are, and I believe you can take on anyone who challenges you. Even those who have trained alongside you underestimate you. I think that once you take out your first challenger the others – assuming they aren’t over-confident – will back off,” he hypothesises.

“We can only hope,” I say with a gentle smile as I take another bite of food. “It’ll be okay, dad, I’m not scared. I’ve got this,” I reassure him as I reach out and squeeze his hand. He squeezes mine back.

I’m digging into my food when dad goes still, indicating he’s getting a link from someone. When his face breaks out into a goofy grin, I know what that means, and I can’t help but smile. Dad, at wolf speed – which is pretty damn fast, bolts to the door, swings it open and pulls my mother into his office. He kicks the door shut as he dips her, giving her a long kiss. She giggles and returns the kiss, holding his face.

My parents have been together since she was eighteen and he was twenty, but, even now, they still act like lovesick teenagers. I couldn’t be happier for them. I hope I have that one day.

Wolves age a lot slower than humans, so both my parents still look in their twenties. My mother is a beauty. She’s 5’8” like me, with waist-length auburn hair and these amazing turquoise eyes that she so kindly gave to me. She’s naturally very pale but she spends a lot of time in the sun, so she has more of a natural tan now.

She always dresses elegantly; today, she’s wearing a maroon chiffon wrap-around dress with sleeves and a V-neck that shows a tasteful amount of cleavage – probably for dad’s benefit – paired with black leather pointed knee-high boots. My dad wears a mix of casual and formal, he always pairs slacks with a stretch t-shirt and dress shoes. Quite the hunky look.

I realize his brown pants and maroon shirt coordinate with mum’s outfit, and I wonder if it’s intentional or if that’s just how in-sync they are, after all these years.

They’re still kissing and now I’m just feeling awkward, so I clear my throat. Slowly dad breaks their kiss and pulls them both up, staring at her like she’s the only woman in the world.

“Keep that up, Elias, and I’ll forget why I came here,” my mum chastises.

“I thought you came to see me,” he pouts, and I roll my eyes.

“You’re a bonus, my love,” she says kissing his pout and walking over to give me a big hug.

“Oh good, you noticed me,” I tease as I smile and hug her back. She softly smacks my arm.

“Your father has already gushed to me about your performance on the course today; I wish I had seen it.”

“I’ll buzz you for the next one,” I promise. She nods and sits down next to me in front of dad’s desk.

I love dad’s office, so much I don’t plan to change anything about it. It’s all wood and deep browns with cream accents. Dad’s large mahogany desk is opposite the door with a large white plush desk chair behind it. There is a large window behind him with wooden shutters. Along the left wall, there’s a lovely nook that is flanked by bookshelves on either side. The nook is surrounded by five glass panels that form a sort of semi-dodecagon shape, also with wooden shutters. In that nook, against the window, are two white-cushioned armchairs sitting side by side a small circular table between them with a small lamp.

Two white cushioned armchairs sit in front of my father’s desk, and along the right wall is a long four-person white sofa flanked by two bookshelves, with a light brown wooden coffee table in front of the sofa. The entire floor is covered in a white rug with gold and brown accents.

The room is cosy and sophisticated and in just a week it’s going to be mine.

My mother reaches out, taking my hand and giving me a soft look. “Just one more week. How are you feeling? Nervous?” She asks softly while patting my hand.

“If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that, I’d have the pack financially set for life,” I say rolling my eyes. Dad sniggers as he takes his seat.

“I shall stop asking then.” She smiles.

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