“Uhm-who are you?” I asked, sitting up from the sturdy bed. However, I got no response, and when I stood up to check, the figure immediately disappeared, as though it was never there. Waves of fear hit me immediately.

I rushed to the door to confirm that someone was there and I wasn’t seeing things. However, the hallways were empty, and there was no sign that someone passed through them. More fear enveloped me. Was I seeing things? Is that some part of the messed up powers of being a lobizona? I couldn’t exactly figure out my answers.

But I closed the door; my heart was pounding loudly and tightly. Ignoring it, I opened the window so more lights would flood into the dark room; I wondered why I was out on this side of the castle and why the room felt so small. As though it was a prison and not a room.

I refused to focus on that but instead concentrated on my surroundings. I first looked for the light bulbs to add more light to the room. When I flicked on the lights, I was met with the most significant shock of my life. A tall frame sitting on a bed I hadn’t even noticed was in the room.

I screamed as loud as my mouth could go, my heart turning higher. “W-Wh-what-who-“ I couldn’t continue the sentences, as my mind was still trying to wrap around the boy who sat on the neatly arranged bed opposite the one I was in before.

I didn’t know if it was legal to call him a boy cause he did look like one. He looked like a Man. The dangerous type who my grandma told me to steer clear from. My gaze traveled across him, and I first noticed the platinum-colored hair, which fitted his icy blue eyes. He looked like one of the gods who reigned in the heavens and commanded the earth.

I didn’t see much of the male gender, but he has to be the most beautiful and dangerous looking out of them all. His jaw was set in a sharp line. His nose and lips pointed, “You are invading my space.” He said in the most dangerous and beautiful voice ever. “W-what?” My stammer still wasn’t cured. And I doubt it would be cured with how he stared at me.

Though His eyes held bored and lack of interest. But they had a certain level of edge and intensity in them. Which made my breath hitch up. I couldn’t understand if the reaction was from the shock of seeing him. Or from him. “Get out.” He said more firmly and irritated this time. “Uhm-I-I, who are you?” It was the only question that could form in my mind.

“Your worst nightmare if you do not get out of here.” “O-okay. But I can’t. I was told this is my room. So it would be a bit difficult to get out of here.” “And who is the dimwit that assigned you here?” “Uhm—Nora—she said I would stay here and-“ “Speak properly!” His voice was tight and commanding.

Making me cringe terribly. I swallowed hard. I did not like how intimate I felt with him. “Nora is the one who assigned me here,” I said more firmly now. Even though everything in me wasn’t. “Well, Nora has no hold on this room- get out!” “I—“ The door was knocked on. Saving me from my dilemma.

However, the door swung open before I could open it, revealing a glittery Nora. She had some luggage and books in her hands. “I forgot to give you the clothes and books you would be—“ her words got stuck in her throat when she saw a platinum guy on my bed. “Ronan!” The glitter in her voice was gone.

Replaced with horror and widened eyes. So that was his name. “For the last time. Why the hell are you all invading my space? Have you forgotten the unspoken rules about not being within my space!” The said Ronan had a scowl on his face. “I’m-I’m sorry.

Lena told me to come here. I didn’t know—“ She didn’t finish her sentence cause Ronan’s glare was hardening by the second. “We’ll be out of your hair.” She took my hands and dragged me out of there. While holding the other luggage and books in the other hands.

She looked terrified, and I wondered why he could elicit such a response from her. “Who is he?” I asked once we were out of the room. “Someone you do not wish to cross. Let’s get out of here first, and I’ll tell you all about the castle.” I nodded and followed her to wherever she was taking me.

We came in front of a very, very colored door, and when we entered, the room felt even more colored. It was so bizzare. And I didn’t need it spelled out before I figured this was her room. “You’ll stay here for now. I’ll sort the room lodging issue with Lena.” She said, confirming my thoughts.

Then, I dropped the luggage and textbook down. She heaved a deep sigh of relief. As though she had just escaped something terrible. “Is he that scary?” “You do not want to know. They call him the devil of the school.” “Is that why he sent us out of the room?” She looked at me like I had lost my mind. “We invaded his space!” “How?“ “We-we-you shouldn’t be asking weird questions if Ronan says you invaded his space.

Then that’s it. You do not question Ronan. It’s the unspoken rules and the most important of them all.” She spoke like he was a god. While he did look like one. He was still a regular student, and somehow, I felt annoyed that I had to be sent out of the room just cause he didn’t like our presence. All because of some unspoken rules.

Something told me there was more, and I wouldn’t like them. “It still doesn’t justify being kicked out of our room.” “Justification holds nothing in Lupine Academy. Do well to remember that. For your good.” Her eyes looked the most serious I had ever seen since she stormed into Lena’s office. And I wondered just how much crazy it was in this school.

I didn’t press on the matter. I just gave a slight nod. “You should freshen up and change your clothes.” She advised after heaving a deep breath. “Okay.” I did as she said. After that, she introduced me to the books I would be using, gave me a key, and said it was my locker’s key. I didn’t tell her that I didn’t know what it meant so as not to seem strange.

I hoped to find that out by myself. After that, she left me in the room, saying she had stuff to deal with. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep. The next time I would open my eyes was the following day. Which was more surprising to me. I didn’t understand why I slept so peacefully without waking up. I also noticed that Nora was asleep next to me on the bed.

I had awoken by the ringing of the alarm. Which I had stopped with my hands. I noticed a note. In considerable cursive writings. Possibly Nora’s own. The note was for me to wake her in case I woke first. For she was a deep sleeper. I did as she wanted. Though she grumbled at it. But when the sleep was out of her eyes.

She quickly recovered herself and made me get prepared for my first day in class. While I didn’t wish to attend any class. Until I got satisfactory answers from Principal Lena. Nora didn’t seem to care about it cause she dragged me to the class after forcing me to wear some uniforms. We were working the hallways now, where some students kept giving me weird looks.

Me cause Nora was busy greeting them with her smiles. So it can’t possibly be her. We got to some iron-looking cupboards that were hung on the walls. For some reason, we were standing in front of it. “What am I supposed to do?” “It’s a locker. Your locker.

Use your keys.”’the way she said it made me feel extremely foolish. “You took the keys, right?” “Yes,” I said more firmly. Thankfully, my intuition made me carry the keys. I used the keys to open the locker. And immediately it came open, a note flew out of it. The note was written in red. But when the smell hit my nose. I recognized it. It was blood.

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