Leave before it's too late; they are coming for you." That's what the note read. The effect of the words and the blood made my heart race. Who was coming for me? And why? Was it the ones who caused my parent's death? Was it related to my being the lobozina? But the only ones who knew about me that was Principal Lena and my dead grandmother.
And I don't think Principal Lena would write such letters. She seemed like the type to face her enemies headstrong without the need for using indirect tactics. "What is it?" Nora asked once she noticed my tense expression. I showed her the letter. She gasped. Collecting the letter from me.
"This is blood." "I know. Is it some sick welcome ritual?" Nora appeared paled. Might I add paler than me "?This is bad." "Why?" My heart was still racing with fear and wonder. "The last person who received this letter was found with her head separated from her body." That news alone was enough to elevate my fears.
"The last person? Is it a ritual?" "Yes. Meant for those who are not supposed to be here." Nora was now giving me a look that said she was wary of me. Which felt weird as fuck. I'm not meant to be here? What the hell does that mean? "Uhm… we'll show this to Principal Lena. I'm sure she'll have something to do about it.
" She didn't sound convinced by it, though. She looked at me like I had been handed a death sentence. "Oh. Sure." My voice broke due to the fear I could feel in my spine. "Well. I was planning on us heading to class. but you can go see Principal Lena.. her office is by the left side of the hallway…" "Wait, you are not following me?" My voice sounded desperate.
I wouldn't say I liked it. But the thoughts of walking these hallways alone. Gave me very unsettling nerves. These people looked at me like they truly hated me. And I didn't wish to deal with it alone. "Yeah… it's an important class. I'm sure you'll be fine.." she scrambled off before I could stop her.
I chew on the insides of my mouth. My nerves were skyrocketed. And I was clutching the notes like it would offer me some semblance of peace. Except for one look at it, I felt all those negative emotions. And I hated them. I hated how weak they made me think. I took deep breaths. Screw Nora for abandoning me.
Maybe she realized that associating with me would cause her misery. Still didn't account for what she did. I closed the locker doors. It's just a stupid office. Just silly hallways. It's not like the people would swallow me off. Though one looks at their face. All my confidence and pep talks went down the hill.
Granny, please give me strength. I prayed silently in my head. I forced my legs to move. Even though I wished the heavens would open the ground and let it swallow me. I kept my head down. Fisting the red notes underneath my palms.
So no one would read it. This may be a bad idea. Coming here. What was I thinking? Listening to the dead wish of a woman who was more insane than sane for all her life. Sorry granny. I ran down the hall until I got to Principal Lena's office in a hush of breath. I bolted into the office.
This school was weird as fuck. "What have you in a chase?" Principal Lena's voice brought me out of my strings of thoughts and racing heart. I took in deep breaths before taking a seat. I pushed the fisted letter towards her. She raised her brows in confusion but reached for the letter nonetheless. Her eyes widened at the sight.
"I found it in my locker," I added. Her eyes had taken a severe and annoyed expression. "Those rascals." She squeezed the letter as though she was picturing squeezing the head of the one who wrote the letters. "I apologize for my students' imprudence." "You think they did it?" "It's a foolish act of theirs.
Trying to assert fear into you. As some fucked up power tussles. But this isn't their home. Lupine Academy prides itself on respect, fairness, and truth."It definitely didn't sound like what Nora had told me. Not that I cared anymore. I have made up my mind not to stay here. I hated the feelings the whole place brought me. "I would like to go back." Principal Lena whipped her eyes to meet mine. "I didn't take you for the type thing to cower in fear." "I'm not cringing.
I wish to return to my homeland." She narrows her eyes. Her head tilted, "So you mean to tell me? You traveled miles on the leg, I'm sure. Passed through the dangers of coming here. To choose to back out? Barely at the beginning? I have doubts about whether you are indeed a Blackwood." "I do not belong here. And I'm not a Blackwood. I am Seraphina." "Hm." "Are you going to help me?" "Help you? You came yourself. You shall leave yourself." "But- the "The dangers of the woods. I know. But you should be able to overcome them.
And if you are unable to do so. Well, say hello to your grandmother for me." I scowled. She had to be the meanest bitch ever. But I don't say that. "Why are you doing this?" She smirks. "I see a whole lot of good potential in you. And it would be a shame if they are not actualized due to your fear.
Plus, your grandmother would have wanted the same thing." "And how do you know that?" "She was friends with my mother. And before she was banished, she took me as her granddaughter. Well, goddaughter, to be accurate. The point is I was close enough to know her. And if she sent you to me.
It's cause she wants me to take care of you, to protect you. Like she protected me. And I won't let you break that." I swallowed hard. Never would I have thought that the reason why Granny sent me here was cause she knew Lena. Or, as Lena put it. Raised her. Didn't that make her like what? My aunt? No wonder I felt this surge of safety and trust in her.
And suddenly, it felt as though I could be vulnerable with her. To some extent, "I don't know how to cope. I have never loved life without granny. Her lessons. Her smiles. And her love. It all feels too much. Her death. This place. And the fact that my father and mother are somehow linked here. It's just-"If it gets much. Don't run away. Stand. Fight. If you get defeated. Stand up again. Do not ever cower. That is how to be a Blackwood.
" Her eyes were as fierce as her voice. "So you either stand up and get to the class. Or you can excuse yourself as Seraphina." Brutal. But somehow, I didn't wish to go. Cause that's what granny would have wanted. If I ran, all of Granny's lessons and sacrifices would be in vain.
And I can't do that to her. "I'll stay." A smile appeared on her tight face. "Good. Now get out of my office and onto the class." "The-the notes." I know I said I'll stay. That didn't mean I could still face this person on my own. "I'll fix it. Just focus on getting to the class for now." I nodded. Stood up and walked out of the door.
I planned to do precisely as I had done to reach Lena's office. Which was to keep my head down till I got to the class. So when my head bumped into a broad and massive leather-coated shoulder. I just realized who it belonged to. Though I could hear the students' gasps like I had trashed the clothes of the goddess Athena.
I raised my eyes slowly. And the icy blue eyes that met mine had my breath seizing. Ronan. The said devil of the school. His platinum hair was styled to the back. Contrasting the devil persona he had. His eyes were fixed in a glare. And I didn't realize how up close I was to him.
Until I sniff his intoxicating scent. A mixture of cedar wood and fresh mint. A weird but delicious combination. I hadn't realized how tall and massive he was. I wasn't even reaching his stomach. And my small frame didn't help matters. He could crush me with just his hands. And it wouldn't be different from crushing an ant.
And yet, somehow, the thoughts of him doing such made heat pool down parts of my body. I swallowed hard. "You." His deep, baritone voice rumbled in my ears. Like a sweet symphony. "I-I." His eyes still held their usual boredom and annoyance. I moved away. Distancing us from the proximity we were in. "Why do you keep invading my space?" "I-I didn't mean to.
"I looked behind him. Where Principal Lena's office was just a few feet away. His eyes looked like they didn't appreciate my choice of distance. Worse, he came closer, and my breath hitched up. He leaned down to my ears. "Thinking of bolting to Lena's?" "N-no. I'm just trying to get to the class." I hated how I stuttered in his presence.
How I wished to enter the ground in his presence. However, the glint in his eyes told me that he liked the reactions. "You are coming with me." I had no choice; his hands forcefully took mine and pushed me to wherever he headed. But rather than focusing on the raging beats of my heart. I was fixated on how his hands fit mine. I am surely screwed.