Chapter Seven: Whispers of Fate

Seraphina POV

"That's not supposed to be there." I stared at the alien of a wound on my hands; it hadn't appeared in the morning or even during the rest of last night,

So why was it just showing its ugly rears right now? Was it as a result of being scratched in the woods?

"You got hurt last night right?" Ciaran asked?

"Uhm, it didn't show up last night up till now, so why is it showing up now?"

"No idea, but you might have to take care of that, it looks quite nasty."

"I'll have to go see principal Lena. "

"That's no use, she would be bugged by the incident that just happened, let's get you to the academy witch, I'm sure she can help."

"Isn't a doctor supposed to be the one to help?"

"She's our doctor."

I bit my lower lips as I took his outstretched hands. Part of me was still weary of whether I could trust him; the other part was just happy to finally have someone care about me,

It sounded pathetic, but that may be the effect of being so lonely for so long,

We got to the academy, which side of the building,

She was a middle-aged woman with a neat bun who seemed busy trying to tend to the wounds of everyone who had gotten injured,

I doubt she will be able to attend to me on time. However, I was proven wrong when Ciaran dragged me to where she was attending to some students,

When she saw him, her serious expression relaxed to a playful one,

"Ciaran dear."

"Hello beautiful, i see you've got your hands busy."

"Tell me about it, the last time that I—" she trailed off when she finally noticed me; her playful and soft look got serious,

"Uhm, can you help me treat her? She's badly in need of it." Ciaran pointed to my wounds,

The woman's eyes didn't soften as she stared at me intensely,

"Everyone is in need of a treatment."

"I know, but can't you do this one for me? Please?" His face had a cute pout that looked like a child begging for a piece of unhealthy candies,

"And since when are you close to the outcast?"

"Hey hey, that's rude, and she's not an outcast she's my friend."

Friend? Did he call me his friend? I had just met him yesterday, and despite knowing how people view me, he still called me friends,

Somehow, that made my heart melt,

"Oh!" The witch's eyes traveled from mine and then back to Ciaran's

"Alright, come with me."

We followed her into a secluded room, which was tiny in size and had old decor to it; it looked like someone wasn't living in it,

If not for the warmth of the bed I sat on, I wouldn't have believed someone lived here,

She took my bruised arms and checked the injuries,

"It looked like the injuries similar to the ones the students had, did the beast hurt you when you fought it?" She asked.

It didn't, I didn't get close for it to hurt me,


She gave me a suspicious look, one that said she wouldn't hesitate to kill me if I became a threat,

"Olga dear, just do your thing, how she got the injuries doesn't matter."

The said Olga sighed and did as she was asked. She applied some weird herbal ointment and said some spell, and almost immediately, the wounds healed back up and looked fresh.

"All done."

"Thank you." I forced a smile, still feeling nervous under her gaze,

She didn't look at me; just turned to Ciaran and told him not to bring such cases ever again,

After she left, a sad, looming feeling hit my heart, I couldn't decipher if it was the cause of Olga's distaste for me or just the whole event that happened,

"Hey, olga is just strict cause she doesn't know you, she's just being safe, and once she knows you are safe she'll love up on you immediately."

"And what if I am not? What if I'm the reason why Diane died?"

"Well we are just going to hope for the best, besides today isn't the first day occurrences like this happen, so don't blame yourself."

Somehow, that made me feel a bit lighter,


"Yeah?" He flashed me one of his charming smile that caused me to smile,

"You are quite nice to me, why?"

"No reason, just didn't feel like someone like you should be treated as you have been."

That caused my heart to melt some more.

After that incident, the school security tightened, the witches were made to double the barrier spell, and students were constrained from stepping out of the Barrie of the school,

While all that chaos was going on, the student's hostility towards me had increased to fear; what had also increased was the news that I found friendship with Ciaran,

He had been escorting me to classes, sitting with me during lunches, and making me smile,

Something I hadn't been able to do for long; it felt like he was grandma's gift to me for leaving me alone in this cold world.

Though he had also introduced me to his world of being a vampire prince, of how he constantly needed to drink human blood, and of how his parents were the most cruel bastards,

Yeah. He did love to cuss a lot, I had never had grandma say a single cuss word, so it's nice to learn them all from someone like him,

I was also scared a bit of him craving my blood since I was half human, but he always reassured me against it, saying I had werewolf blood and, as a result, his system

Wouldn't be able to stomach such blood,

I was now headed back to my room after spending the day with Ciaran and his vampire friends, though they didn't seem to like my presence,

But they couldn't say anything as it would be them going against their dear prince,

I entered my room and was startled by the sight of Ronan, a large frame on my bed with icy blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to steady my breath,

"You've been spending a lot of time with ciaran." He looked offended by that, something I couldn't understand,

"Why are you here?" I asked more firmly,

"Just came to see you, and also deliver some warning."

I squinted my eyes. He stood up from the bed, and somehow, he got larger than he was while seated with Ciaran. I didn't ever feel small and barely noticeable; he was a different case,

He was the same close to me, his eyes bunched in all seriousness; his closeness went straight to my head and down to the core of my legs.

I didn't move back cause I didn't want to appear weak, but now I regretted that decision cause I could smell him, that cedar wood and fresh mint scent.

"Is it about ciaran?" My voice came out less steadily than I liked.

"Why have you been spending so much time with him?"

"And what's it to you?"

"No reason, but you look like a pretty innocent girl, and it would be a shame if you end up devoured in ciaran's scheme."

"I can take care of myself, and since when have you been this concerned about people."

"I'm not; I'm just concerned about people who associate with Ciaran.

I rolled my eyes. "I see, so this is about your crazy feud with him."

He didn't seem to appreciate my terms, as his eyes darkened,

"Do as you are told or there shall be dire consequences." He matched towards the door.

"What are the consequences."

He didn't turn to me; he just held the doorknob before eventually opening the door and leaving.

Making me feel more confused than ever,

I sat on the bed, and I could still feel his presence when a sharp zing ran across my veins,

And straight to my eyes, everywhere around me went blank for five seconds before I got flashes and images of different people's events,

They were so fast that I could barely grasp any of them,

But in one of them, I saw Ciaran and Ronan having a huge fight,

I saw the academy being set on fire,

I saw Ronan turning into an evil beast as he devoured the students and teachers,

I saw Ronan killing Ciaran, and the worst thing I noticed was that I, besides Ronan, was helping him.

I was looking dangerous, blood all over my body,

My eyes were white as snow, and so was my hair; I took our hearts of students and heard their cries; I saw me killing principal Lena.

And then next, I was lying in a pool of blood and dead bodies, including Ronan's own,

I was awakened by the vision, and sweat broke out in my head,

What the hell just happened!

Did I have a vision? About me bringing destruction to the academy?

This is frightening!!

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