chapter eight : The Shift in Shadow.

Seraphina POV

I was seated in the school canteen, waiting for Ciaran to join me,

After the weird vision I had, I had been feeling quite restless; I didn't know who to tell, for I was scared I could get killed just for telling them this,

And so my only signal went to Ciaran; he had been my friend and only confidant, and somehow, I trusted him enough to relay the vision to him,

I knew deep down that he wouldn't judge me,

I sat at the end of the canteen, it was me and Ciaran's seat. Well, it was first my seat and my way of secluding myself from everyone, but Ciaran had begun to join me, and soon it became our spot,

The seat was so small and short in height that most people wouldn't even know it existed,

Except for Ciaran, of course, who for some reason is taking time to get to the canteen,

I was still lost, trying to find Ciaran, when I felt Ronan's presence.

It's weird, but I had this way of knowing he was around, even before his smell hit my nostrils,

I didn't have to turn around to confirm if he was the one, for he was already occupying the seat next to me,

"Good morning, flower." His deep baritone voice reverberated through me, and it had all the wrong effects that I didn't like; and what is it with these boys giving me nicknames?!

"The seat is occupied." I said coldly, wanting to chase him away, more especially after the vision I had of us destroying and killing everyone,

Maybe it's the universe's way of telling me that I'm not supposed to be involved with him,

"I know, I'm occupying it."

I glared hard at him, "ciaran sits here."

"Well not anymore, as from today I sit here."

I groaned, "don't you have anything better to do than to pester me?"


I rolled my eyes. "Just so you know, ciaran isn't going to take lightly to you being here, so to avoid any drama I suggest you leave."

"I'm not scared of ciaran, besides he isn't going to be able to sit with you during lunch anymore."

"And why is that?"

He smirked, "don't worry your pretty little head over that."

I hate when he uses the term pretty to address me,

"Whatever you have done with him, you would have to undo it."

"And miss the chance to sit this close to you? Never." He smirked. "Besides I think you need someone to look after you."

"Try looking out for yourself first." I made a motion to stand up before I was forced right back down by his forceful hands; he pushed me back down on the chair,

I winced at the sharp burn,

"Sit!." His playful voice had gone all serious.

"I do not answer to you, and if you dare stop me again I swear I'll make you regret crossing me."

"Enough with the empty threats, here's a real one, if you don't sit then I shall tell principal Lena about your late night trip into the woods, and of how I saw you at mid-night to the day Diane turned into a monster."

I froze; how tge hell did he know about that? Only Ciaran and I were aware of that…

Wait, has he been spying on me?

"You have no proof." I barely managed to say.

"Try me and you'll see if I do have proof or not."

Well, that had me staying glued to my seat; I didn't think I wanted to find out cause it would only cause chaos that I would be unable to handle,

"What do you want from me?"

"To be your friend."

I raised my brows, "since when did you want friends, and much less me."

"Enough with the questions, tell me about yourself, you know, all those things that friends talk about."

I couldn't help but notice how he purposely shied away from revealing information, as though he was scared of it,

Nonetheless, I ignored him and focused on eating my meals so I could run back to class and away from him,

"It seems threats are the only way to make you act right, very well l shall…" he proceeded to stand up, and I held his arms, stopping him from going away; a large smirk appeared on his face as he said down back,

"What would you like to know."


And so I did that, though I had the sense to keep sensitive information out. However, I still needed guidance in narrating some stories about myself, my childhood, and my grandma to him.

It must be because he is such a rapt and keen listener, and in a way, I kind of liked that,

"Your grandmother sounds quite wonderful, it's a shame I didn't get to meet her, I'm sorry for the loss." He said, and it had to be the most sincere apology ever,

Cause it made my heart squirm,

Anyways, after lunch at the cafeteria, he escorted me back to class, but not without a few whispers from students and crazy snickering comments that I couldn't help but overhear.

Though Ronan hands on mine as he escorted me to class was very calming, it helped with most of the nerves of hearing people talk shits about me.

For the following days, Ronan took up Ciaran's place, as in he was always present around me, and Ciaran was somehow more scarce,

I ran into him the other day, and he just kept acting suspicious. I tried to get answers for his weird behavior, but he outright ignored me.

At first, I was scared it was the cause of Ronan and cause Ronan could have scared him off with something terrible, so I tried asking Ronan, but he got all sensitive on the whole issue,

And I didn't dare to bring it up again.

Then I tried sneaking off from Ronan to find Ciaran, and even though it was always hard to do so, Ciaran would still ignore me,

It got so frustrating that I eventually stopped trying; now stuck with Ronan; I accepted my fate and tried to move with the whole new situation.

I was in my locker trying to get my textbooks for the next class and also watching out to see if Ronan was coming,

Part of me was hoping he didn't come; the other crazed part was hoping to see those intoxicating eyes and how those beautiful face of his,

I locked up my locker with a sigh, but it soon turned into a full-blown fright when I stumbled upon three girls, my textbook falling to the floor,

They didn't seem apologetic about running into me, for they were stepping on the books,


"Can you please remove your legs, you would destroy the books." I said with a tight-lipped face,

They passed a look to themselves; there were the school's hottest girls, according to the gossip I overheard in the hallways,

And they weren't just hot, they were stinking rich with power, the one on the left is Clara, she is the princess of the raven witches, one of the powerful witches, the one by the right is Yvonne, she is the duke daughter, and the one by the middle is Janet, the daughter of the vampire king, A.K.A Ciaran's sister.

"That's not what we wish to destroy though." A malicious smile was on her face.

I pushed Clara, who held the textbook down, and thankfully, my strength was enough to remove the book,

"Hey! How dare you touch me with those filthy abominating hands." She looked like she had been touched with hot lava.

"Then don't go pushing my books to the floor."

"But we love the site of you on the floor, it suits you so perfectly." Janet said.

"And what would also suit you if you bother me again is the mark of my handprint on your delicate faces."

Clara and Yvonne gasped while Janet's smirk turned to an angered glare,

"How dare you threaten the princess! We are so telling, and trust that your head shall be apprehended for it." Yvonne chipped.

"And will your heads be apprehended for bullying your fellow students? Last I checked this is an academy not your castle, meaning you are just a student. Princess."

Janet stepped closer to me, her brows drawn in an angered state, not that she intimated me, even though that was what she was going for,

I can handle myself anywhere and always; it was one of the things that my grandmother taught me,

"Watch your back sera, For you have just crossed it with me, first you hang out with my brother, then you hang out with my fiancé Ronan, and now you are insulting me. You have blurred the lines, and there are consequences. Grave consequences."

And with that, she turned and sashayed away from me,

Though I could still feel the effect of her words, okay, maybe I was a little scared…

And what the hell did she mean by Ronan being her fiancé?

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