Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1


"The Crown Prince has arrived!"

These words have been echoing in my ears since I turned ten years old. I've grown accustomed to hearing them, and as I was about to turn eighteen that night, they clung to me even tighter.

Being the Crown Prince came with its perks, or so they said. Everyone expected me to be flawless, including my parents.

Tonight held special significance for me. It marked my eighteenth birthday, celebrated with Noah and Sonnia.

As princes and a princess, it was expected that we would have discovered our partners by that night. As the crown prince, that would be my queen.

With the moon shining brightly in the sky, I walked to the front of the royal garden to join my siblings. On my right, I saw my best friend, Desmond, waving at me. We have been friends since we were nine.

Our friendship was said to be fated by my parents. They believed that it was destined for us to be best friends forever, and they weren't wrong.

But what if I wanted more?

What if I've been harboring a crush on my best friend since we turned thirteen?

At first, I thought I was different because I had grown up in a world where partners were of opposite sexes. But why was my situation different?

That was the question that plagued me as I grew older.

Why did I like Desmond?

Was it because he was my friend, or was it because we were always together?

I couldn't figure it out until we turned sixteen, and Desmond got a girlfriend. That's when I realized that I was truly different.

Desmond and I would never be together. We were destined to find our partners, and the infatuation I had for him would fade away.

"Happy birthday, my friend," He winked at me.

His wink always made my heart flutter, but I didn't let it affect me. Tonight was the night I would have to choose my girlfriend, and lusting after someone else's boyfriend, someone different from me was not my intention.

I had to remind myself that I was the Crown Prince, tasked with carrying on the Akuffo Family legacy.

"Ugh!" Sonnia snorted, and I turned to face her. "My boyfriend isn't here yet, and it's almost midnight!"

She clenched her fists in frustration.

"Ugh, can you please stop complaining?" Noah chimed in, rolling his eyes. "We're about to celebrate a birthday here, and we don't want to hear about your stupid boyfriend."

Sonnia kicked his leg.

"Ouch." He groaned and pointed a finger at her. "Why do you have to get so violent tonight?"

"Because you called Samuel stupid."

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "We're all going to choose our partners tonight, and Samuel is going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I can already sense it."

"Really?" Noah laughed. "You're still fixated on being with him?" He asked, and Sonnia nodded in response. Then he turned to me. "What about you, Randy? Who are you hoping to choose as your girlfriend tonight?"

"Isn't that what everyone here is hoping for tonight? To find out who I'll choose to be my partner?" I replied, my eyes landing on Desmond, who was laughing with his girlfriend.

"Choosing one's partner is one of the most special things that can happen."

Noah laughed. "Hell no." He stated and sighed. "As for me, I'll have all the girls in the world. I don't care about having a partner."

"But Mom said that partners are special, and they are..." I began, but Noah raised his hand to stop me from talking.

"That's Mom's belief, but I don't believe true love truly exists. True love doesn't exist!" He said and scoffed.

"Coming from a playboy who has slept with all the girls in school." Sonnia retorted. "I don't care what you think, Noah, but Samuel is my true love."

"Good for you, my baby sister." Noah said and tried to touch her hair, but Sonnia slapped his hand away.

"Stop being so violent, little sister. By the end of the night, you two will have your love, and I... I'll be with Mel." He laughed.

Sonnia tutted. "How did we even share the same womb?"

"Ask Mum and Dad." Noah retorted, narrowly avoiding being hit on the head as an announcement was made.

"Welcome the Queen and the King!"

Everyone seated stood up from their chairs as my parents walked through until they reached us.

"Hey, children." My mum said, standing by my side while my father stood by Sonnia's side. "Are you having fun on your eighteenth birthday?"

I smiled and nodded, even though I knew I was far from having fun.

I just wanted the birthday party to end so I could leave. I couldn't bring myself to have someone of the opposite sex as my mate.

"Hey, are you okay?" My mum asked, as if she noticed that I had a lot going through my mind. "If this is about choosing your partner, then you don't have to worry too much. For all I know, the one you want might not even be here." She said, rubbing my shoulder gently.

I looked at her and wanted to tell her what was on my mind, but I felt she might see me as someone different.

My mother is a wonderful woman who loves her children deeply, but I doubted she would be happy to find out that I love boys.

"Everything is fine Mum." I replied.

She rubbed my hand gently and then moved forward to address everyone.

"I welcome you all to the celebration of the princes’ and princesses' birthday. Thank you all for coming here."

She said, then turned around to point towards us. "It is almost time, and now, everyone gathered here will sing the birthday song for the princes and princess'."

I rubbed my hands together, feeling my heart start to race as I looked up at the sky.

A few minutes left until midnight. I couldn't believe that it was happening, and as I continued to think about it, my heart pounded in my chest.

Who should I choose from all the maidens?



I rubbed my hands again, looking towards my siblings who were smiling at the crowd as they continued to count down.

They both looked happy, but I was dreading on who to choose.

Sonnia kept checking her phone, probably waiting for a call from her boyfriend, while Noah kept smiling at Mel, the girl he wanted to sleep with.

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