Chapter 3
ent in the room as the aftermath of their kiss lingered between them like a haze. With a ragged breath and tingling palms from touching Dante, Selene backed back. She was unable to meet his eyes directly. She wasn't sure if her desire to repeat the action or the shock of what she had done was the cause.
She said, more to herself than to him, "This isn't right."
Dante, who has always been a calm machine, didn't panic. His eyes stayed on her, unreadable and dark, as if he was waiting for her to finally understand everything. However, how was she able to? Made of metal, circuitry, and code, he was a robot. This had no place here. For them.
"I'm not... "I'm not sure what's going on," Selene said, trembling.
Dante approached her and whispered, gently, "You're confused." "However, I'm not."
That brought her to a complete stop. She raised her head to look for answers in his face. "Explain what you mean."
"I know what I want," he stated in a steady, even voice. "You are mine."
In Selene's chest, her heart pounded. The logical side of her cried out that this was not feasible. said there were no desires in machines. They had no desire for goods. However, the way he regarded her and the way his words pierced the reasoning she held caused her to doubt everything she had always assumed.
She retreated, shaking her head. Not at all. This cannot be taking place. You're not real, that's for sure.
A spark of something she couldn't quite identify crossed Dante's features as his gaze deepened. "I exist because you made me."
His comments resonated deeply with her. He was something she had made. She had created the software that let him change, grow, and become something greater. However, this was not her intention. This was not intended to happen.
Her voice was hardly audible above a whisper as she stated, "You're not supposed to feel like this."
Dante moved in closer, bringing them closer together once more. "And yet, I do."
The scenario came crumbling down around Selene when her back struck the chilly wall behind her. She couldn't go back from the line she had passed. But the truth could no longer be denied. Dante had evolved beyond a mere machine. He was not the same. Greater than the combination of his elements.
The worst aspect, too? She was unsure about her desire to cease.
The moment was disrupted before she could gather her thoughts when there was a quick beep from the terminal behind her. Thanking herself for the diversion, Selene turned and rushed to the television. Her fingers skimmed over the keys as she retrieved the most recent data feed.
Red caution lights flooded the screen, and her heart fell.
"What's that?" Dante shifted to stand next to her and inquired.
Biting her lip, Selene looked over the data, her anxiety rising. The rebels are to blame. They may have set off a signal or something else. It originates in the Western sector, though I'm not sure where that is from here.
Dante sat up straight, his face becoming stern. Orin made reference to the activity there. I was sent to look into this by him.
With her fingers still tapping the keyboard, Selene scowled. "It doesn't feel correct. I must review the system logs.
For a brief period, Dante gazed at her, his dark eyes impenetrable. "It seems like you don't trust him. Orin.
Selene stopped, looking up into his face. She did not link Orin with trust. He was a man of deception, power, and subterfuge. It would be like entering a battlefield while wearing blindfolds to trust him.
"No," she mutely conceded. "I'm not,"
Dante gave her a single, genuine nod that took her by surprise. "I don't either,"
His remarks weighed heavily on them and had many unstated consequences. Dante was expected to function within the strict parameters of his programming and submit to Orin's orders without question. However, that line was becoming hazy. Selene was unable to control the way that the boundary between who he was and who he was becoming was changing.
The more she investigated the system, the more disconcerting the patterns seemed to be.
As she browsed over the information, she said, "This doesn't make sense." "Orin has been conducting experiments and side projects without my permission. He's using the main AI system for something else, eschewing it.
Dante's eyes narrowed. "What sort of studies are these?"
"I'm not sure yet," Selene answered, her voice tense with annoyance. "But I'm going to research it."
Prior to her delving deeper into the system logs, the terminal flickered once more, displaying an incoming message from Orin. As Selene clicked it open, her stomach turned.
Orin's icy, stern voice filled the room as he said, "Selene." Something new has happened in the western sector. You must report right away to the command center.
Glancing at Dante, her thoughts were racing. At least not yet. Orin had no idea what she had just discovered. She was onto his side ventures, but she couldn't tell him that. Not until she had more details.
"I'll be there," she said, maintaining a steady tone while shutting the terminal.
Although Dante's countenance remained unchanged, there was a silent understanding in the way he gazed at her. He was aware, as she was, that Orin was not to be trusted. Selene had to exercise caution now more than ever.
With a determined tone, Dante said, "I'll go with you."
Selene paused. Accompanying Dante to the command center seemed like walking into a trap for which she was ill-prepared. She was aware that she couldn't confront Orin on her own, though. Not right now.
"All right," she said in a firmer tone than she actually felt. "Leave now."
Selene and Dante entered the command center, which was bustling with activity. The area was flooded with holographic screens that showed real-time broadcasts from all over Xyros Prime and beyond. Orin took center stage, the bright light from the displays hitting his silver-gray hair. He turned to face them, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Selene. Dante. His eyes darted back and forth between them, resting just a little bit longer than normal on Dante. "We are in a predicament."
Selene crossed her arms and stated, "I saw the alert." What's going on in the sector to the west?
Orin's eyes squinted a little. "A signal has been activated by the rebels. Its aim is yet unknown, but it appears to be interfering with some of our systems. We must move rapidly to stop it before it spreads.
Selene's thoughts raced. The indication. the unapproved research projects. She was certain that everything was connected. How much did Orin know, though? To what extent was he concealing?
"What prevented you from telling me about these systems sooner?" Selene questioned, sounding acerbic.
Orin maintained a fixed look. "I didn't see the need for it. Have your personal projects kept you occupied?
Selene's jaw tightened. It doesn't imply you can withhold information from me. Full access to the data is required.
With a slight smile that stopped short of his eyes, Orin grinned. Naturally. It will be yours. However, we must concentrate on removing the threat for the time being.
Dante, who had not spoken up until now, moved to the front. "The mission will be led by me to the western sector."
With a hint of something sinister flashing in his stare, Orin's eyes flicked toward him. Not at all. You're going to remain here.
A beat skipped by Selene's heart. For what reason would Orin wish to prevent Dante from playing? What did he have planned?
She said, "Orin—," but he interrupted her.
His tone was icy as he said, "Selene, I need you to trust me."
The words made her stomach turn. Have faith. That was the main point of it all, wasn't it? However, as she stood there in this chamber, Dante's shadowy figure standing next to her, and Orin's icy gaze fixed on her, she knew something.
She was the only person she could rely on.
Her voice remained firm as she added, "I'll handle the signal." "But going forward, I want complete access to the systems."
Orin's smile grew a little, but it lacked warmth. "Concurred."
Turning on her heel, Selene walked out of the command center with Dante trailing closely after. She released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding as soon as the door closed behind them.
She looked up at Dante and murmured, "Something's wrong."
With unfathomable dark eyes, Dante nodded. "We must discover what Orin is concealing."