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Chapter 3: Unseen Allies

The night air had grown colder, biting at Ariella’s skin as she made her way through the twisting alleys of the lower city. Her legs ached from running, her body heavy with exhaustion, but she couldn’t stop. Every shadow felt like a threat, every distant sound made her flinch.

She didn’t even know where she was headed anymore. The streets were unfamiliar, and the comforting lights of the main city were far behind her. This part of the city was quiet, but not in a peaceful way. It was the kind of quiet that made her feel like she was being watched.

Ahead, she spotted a narrow street leading down into an even darker part of the city. Hesitation gripped her. It was risky, but so was standing out here in the open. Taking a deep breath, Ariella pressed on, sticking close to the walls, her eyes darting around, searching for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps. They were light, quick, coming from behind her. Panic surged in her chest. She spun around, but the alley was empty. Her heart raced, and she backed up, her hand instinctively raising as if to summon her magic.

Before she could act, a figure stepped out of the shadows.

A man, tall and lean, with dark hair and sharp, calculating eyes. He raised his hands, showing that they were empty. “Easy there. I’m not one of them.”

Ariella’s heart was still racing, her pulse pounding in her ears. “Who are you?”

“Name’s Dorian,” he said, his voice calm but watchful. “I could ask you the same, but I already know. You’re the one they’re hunting. The girl who broke the academy’s rules.”

She swallowed hard, her mind spinning. How did he know? And more importantly, what did he want? “I don’t have time for this,” she muttered, taking a step back. She couldn’t trust anyone, not now.

Dorian smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m not here to slow you down. In fact, I’m the only one who’s going to help you get out of this mess alive.”

Ariella eyed him warily. “And why should I believe you?”

He shrugged. “You don’t have to. But if I wanted to hand you over to the guards, I would have done it already.”

Her mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. She didn’t trust him, but there was something about the way he spoke that made her pause. He wasn’t trying to capture her, and for now, that was enough. She had no other options.

“Fine,” she said, her voice low. “But if you try anything—”

“I know,” Dorian interrupted, flashing her a quick grin. “You’ve got that magic of yours.”

Ariella clenched her fists. “How do you know so much about me?”

His expression grew more serious. “Let’s just say I have my sources. And right now, those sources are telling me that if you don’t get out of this city by morning, you’ll be dead or worse.”

She hesitated, but the urgency in his voice was undeniable. “Where do we go?”

Dorian glanced around, then motioned for her to follow him. “There’s a way out, but it’s not exactly through the front gates. Come on.”

Reluctantly, Ariella fell in step behind him as they wound through the twisting alleys. She kept her guard up, watching every move Dorian made, but he led her with purpose, never hesitating. They walked in silence for what felt like hours, the city growing darker and more unfamiliar with every step.

Finally, they arrived at the edge of the lower district, where the city walls loomed high above them, their stone surface slick with moisture from the cold night air. Dorian led her to a small, hidden passage near the base of the wall, nearly invisible unless you knew exactly where to look. He crouched down and slid aside a loose stone, revealing a narrow tunnel.

Ariella stared at the opening, her stomach twisting with unease. “This is your plan? A tunnel?”

Dorian smirked. “Unless you’ve got a better idea. It’ll take us outside the city without anyone noticing. The guards don’t even know it’s here.”

She bit her lip, glancing back toward the city. The distant sound of bells still echoed through the streets, a reminder of the danger closing in around her. She didn’t like this, but she couldn’t stay here. Not if she wanted to survive.

With a deep breath, she nodded. “Fine. Let’s go.”

They crouched down and entered the tunnel, the darkness swallowing them whole. The air inside was damp and musty, the walls close enough to brush against her arms as they moved. Dorian struck a match, lighting the small lantern he carried. The faint glow flickered, barely enough to light the cramped tunnel, but it was better than total darkness. They moved in silence, the damp, cold air pressing in around them. Ariella’s mind spun with questions she didn’t know how to ask. She didn’t trust him, not yet. But right now, she didn’t have the luxury of being picky about her allies.

They walked for what felt like forever, the tunnel’s walls growing tighter as they descended. Ariella’s breath echoed in the confined space, and her legs ached from crouching. Just as she thought the tunnel would never end, the air around them shifted—cooler, fresher. They stepped out into the night, and Ariella blinked up at the open sky.

They were outside the city. The massive walls of Ardania stood behind them, tall and menacing, but they were free. Ahead, the rolling hills stretched into the distance, the dark shapes of mountains barely visible against the moonlit sky.

Dorian turned, his face unreadable in the dim light. “This is just the beginning, you know. They won’t stop hunting you. The academy, those cloaked figures... you’ve got something they want.”

Ariella swallowed hard, her mind still reeling from the events of the night. “And what exactly do they want?”

His eyes met hers, the shadows of the night making his face hard to read. “You.”

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