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Chapter 7: Secrets Unveiled

The dimly lit room felt suffocating as Ariella stood between Dorian and the man he called his “contact.” The small space was cluttered with piles of books, scrolls, and strange trinkets that looked like they hadn’t been touched in years. It smelled of old paper and dust, with only a single narrow window letting in a sliver of morning light.

The man, whose name Dorian hadn’t yet mentioned, circled a table that sat in the middle of the room. His eyes flicked to Ariella again, sizing her up, making her shift uneasily under his gaze.

The man studied both of them for a moment, his expression hardening. “I’m not sure what Dorian has told you,” he said, his voice rough around the edges, “but you’re in deeper than you realize.”

Ariella swallowed, her throat feeling tight. “I get that. I just don’t know what to do next.”

The man leaned forward, resting his hands on the table as if he needed to steady himself. “The Veil,” he said slowly, “is not just a story they use to scare people. It’s real. It’s what separates us from things that shouldn’t be here—dangerous things.”

A chill crept down Ariella’s spine. She’d known her magic was strange, but she hadn’t expected this. “And somehow, I’m connected to this... Veil?”

He gave a short nod, his face grim. “There’s an old prophecy. It says someone will come along who can either strengthen the Veil or tear it apart. Right now, it’s weakening, and there are people who think you’re the one who can make that choice.”

Ariella felt her chest tighten. “I can barely control my magic,” she said, her voice trembling. “How am I supposed to fix something like that?”

The man let out a heavy sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. “That’s what we need to figure out. The people hunting you think you’re their key to breaking the Veil. But I believe you can do more than that. You can fix it—stop them from getting what they want.”

Dorian, who had been standing off to the side, finally spoke up. “There’s a group,” he said, his tone sharp. “They’ve been working for years, trying to bring the Veil down. If they succeed, they’ll have access to power unlike anything we’ve seen before. Those cloaked figures? They’re part of it. They’re after you because they think you can help them.”

Ariella’s stomach turned. The people who had been chasing her weren’t just after her magic. They thought she could destroy the Veil, and that made her a threat—or worse, a tool for their plans.

“Why is it me?” she asked, her voice shaking. “Why am I always the one in the middle of this?”

The man straightened up and softened his tone, just a little. “That’s what we don’t know yet. There’s something about your bloodline, your magic. We need to dig into your past, uncover what’s been hidden. But until then, you’re in serious danger.”

It felt like the ground was shifting under her feet. Her entire life, she had always felt different, but now it all seemed to lead to this moment—and it wasn’t the revelation she had ever wanted. The more answers she got, the more questions piled up.

Dorian moved closer, his gaze locking with hers. “We need to find out more about your past. There’s something there, something we’ve missed.”

Ariella shook her head, frustration boiling up. “I don’t know anything that can help. My parents—”

“Your parents may have known more than you think,” the man cut in, his tone steady but firm. “You’ll have to dig deeper, look at things you may have dismissed before. Your family might hold the key.”

Ariella took a shaky breath, her heart racing. “So... what do we do now?”

The man glanced at Dorian, then back at her. “First, we stay hidden. The people chasing you—they won’t stop. They’ve got resources and connections that run deep. But they can be outmaneuvered. We’ll keep moving, gather the information we need. But we need to stay one step ahead.”

Dorian nodded, his expression grim. “We can’t stay here long. They’ll be looking.”

Ariella felt the pressure closing in again. There was no rest, no pause. It seemed every corner she turned revealed more danger, more secrets, and no clear way out.

The man took a step back, crossing his arms. “For now, we lay low. Gather what we can. But soon, Ariella, you’ll need to face the truth of what you are and what you’re capable of.”

Her hands clenched into fists at her sides. “And if I can’t?”

“You will,” Dorian said quietly. “You don’t have a choice.”

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