
van H'las was wondering if the Lady Anastelle el Maien also favoured her mother. That would be some consolation to his own son for not getting to choose a bride. His son was a gentle and dutiful young man who would do everything to make a happy marriage with any woman his father put up to him for the sake of the region. He deserved something in return for his good heart.

van H'las hoped the Lady Anastelle only favoured her mother in face. The former Lady van Sietter's scandalous love affair was still the subject of gossip in court circles. Lord Clair also had a reputation but van H'las had never heard gossip about the daughter of the el Maiens. He hoped she was the kind of modest young Lady who would suit the el Gaiels van H'las. He cleared his throat and said: "I suppose ... the Lady Anastelle el Maien must be a lovely young woman now?" His voice faltered in question.

"Mm ye-es." In that brief moment, van Sietter's face had smoothed out from an irrepressible grin of triumph. van H'las had missed van Sietter's silent laughter but he eyed his fellow Lord uneasily. "I prithou pardon me," van Sietter said. "My delicate flower Anastelle and your honourable son. What a charming solution to our problems. The betrothal can be formally announced at our old family home, my son's residence."

"You and the Princess van Sietter will not announce it at your new palace in Arventa?" van H'las tried to prevent what might be needless suspicion from creeping into his tone of voice.

van Sietter sat with his expressionless face and his cold grey eyes looking down the hot green palace lawn. He said: "My children and the Princess do not associate."

"Your daughter lives in Castle Sietter?" van H'las asked. "Under the eye of your daughter by marriage?" He tried to prompt van Sietter into telling him more about the girl. "She prefers a quiet life in your son's home to ... to attending parties with the Princess?" van H'las felt a pang of hope for his son's chances of happiness. A young woman who preferred to live in the Sietter Hills with Lord Clair's wife, the honourable Lady Arianna el Jien van Sietter -- perhaps helping to manage her brother's household -- would be a bride van H'las could put up to his son with complacent pride. Particularly if she were a heartbreaking beauty.

van Sietter was unable to repress an upwards flick of the corner of his thin mouth. He bent his head away to hide the return of his silent grin. "Not exactly," he said, in a voice in which he successfully stifled his mocking laughter.

Lady Arianna el Jien van Sietter opened her round blue eyes and stared dreamily at the cool early morning light dancing on her ceiling. Her windows were open, the shutters back and a light breeze lifted the muslin curtains against the exquisitely painted heavier curtains which she had neglected to draw over her windows the previous night.

Arianna lay with her large creamy breasts rolling free in the white lacy linen of her nightdress. Her blue eyes were clear beneath soft lids, her face warm and sleepy, her big body loose-limbed in the big bed.

She was still feeling sleepy so instead of reaching for the scroll she was currently working through, she snuggled back into her pillows, allowing a hand to creep over one big hip. She pulled at the linen covering her legs and fingered the soft warm flesh of her thigh. Slowly her own fingers came caressing her sex, poking through the short curled hair, parting the labia to find the soft wetness of the vulva and the excitable bump of flesh that was her clitoris. She fingered herself dreamily, going through images of a faceless man who might make love to her in ways she thought were so outrageous that she began blushing alone in her own bed.

But then she felt the yearning rising in her soft belly for the actual pressure of another body to her body, someone-else's hand to explore her sex (shyly she wriggled and blushed). She thought how no man seemed interested and became sad. She lost the wish to pleasure herself in the longing for someone-else to share pleasure.

Now she was not even in the mood for her favourite fantasy: the one in which she pictured two lean and hard-muscled young men enjoying each other's bodies -- one of them in military uniform! This totally inappropriate scenario could make her so excited it had surprisingly satisfying results.

Her brain started fretting about the housekeeping. 'Flour is so expensive, the accounts are out of balance. Clair must ask van Sietter for more money. Again! Such folly. van H'las is seeking an agreement that will free up trade and make wheat cheaper. If wheat is cheaper, surely the housekeeping budget will balance. If I am fretting over the price of wheat, what must the poor be feeling for it? van Sietter must heed the calls of the merchants this time and answer van H'las' appeals for accord.... Angels! I may as well get up.'

Arianna flung back the embroidered bedsheets and soft silk quilted covers and slid out of the comfortable hollow of warmth her body had made in the night. She reached up over her head and stretched her plump curving body in her lace and linen nightdress. Her arms stretched, her fingers spreading out, her eyes closed and her jaw stretched in a long yawn. Through the thin white cloth of her summer nightdress showed her milk-white waist and her back, her large breasts and her wide hips. Her warm body was as taut as a bow then she let herself go into her day.

She flung the white lace dressing-gown matching her nightdress around her shoulders and walked quickly out onto the open veranda around the inner courtyard of the family quarters. Strong white sunlight was falling into the leafy shade of the flowerbeds and the sparkling drops of a fountain dancing under the old pear tree.

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