Chapter 13

Oh my God, did he just?

"Andrew, stop!” she shook her head as if she couldn't believe he said those awful things to Jacob. “Why are you like this? I'm team, Jacob. So you better stop now or—” she breathed in really hard. She might be overreacting, but she was team Jacob, and neither stinky breath nor fDianas could stop her from idolising the man.

"You are surprisingly really weird, it's like your mind is like a roller coaster ride, one moment you are thinking something and the next you are hiding your thoughts. Obviously, not with your own accord, but you, Diana, are really something."

“Good something or bad something?”

“Both,” he answered when he noticed her expression grow closed as if she wanted to put her two little hands under his neck. It was cDianar that this woman wasn't in a good place before. It was equally obvious that she wasn't the type to share her mind with a stranger like him, but he let go of her mind and didn't venture further from the depths of her memories. She was hiding something deep within; her mind was a constant whirl. Though reading her mind was as easy as reading her facial expression, somehow Diana was fighting it, eluding his command. Maybe after a lot of practice, in no time she could shield her mind from invaders. Good! He thought.

Anyway, it was tougher to do than he'd thought because, despite her lack of expression, the emotions behind her questioning mind were plain to see. It was all in her eyes. There was some sort of sorrow buried deep that was weighing her down, and Andrew couldn't help wondering what it was. Her grandfather, perhaps? He knew she loved him dearly. That he knew. But there was something there too that, for the love of God, he couldn't fathom.

After yet another hour of relentless conversation about her favourite movie, Andrew told her a very important issue that needs solving.

"You need training,"

"Training for what?"

"To defend yourself."


"Vampire hunters."

"Woah,” she said, raising her brow. “Wait a minute there! There are vampire hunters?" How cliche again! She thought the next she'd know Harry Potter was real and those lords of the ring thing. ‘My precious! My precious!’ existed.

“Yes, there are so many hunters out there,” Andrew intruded in her reverie.


“Yes,” he said, taking his wine glass and sipping his drink.

“That's blood, right? I can smell it. That's blood, not wine.”

He grinned, showing her his white teeth. “Yes.”

“Then why are my gums not aching?”

“Because you are full.”

“I thought, whenever a vampire smelled blood, our fangs—”

“This is synthetic blood, not the real thing, but still giving us the same sustenance.”

“How about the blood that you gave me earlier in my room?”

“That was real blood, from one of the maids.”

Ew! “Woah!” She drank human blood? Oh my God! How disgusting!

“Diana, are you even listening?”

“Yeah! I think…”

“Good, and yes, vampire hunters are scary. They can kill you, and yes, they will kill you without remorse, so yes, you need training. Sword training and basic self-defence, and we are starting tomorrow!"

"Sword? Really? Why not a gun?"

"Because a vampire couldn't be killed by a mere gun. You need to severe its head."

Ew! “Hell no!"

"Hell yes, Diana!"

The next three days, they began their training. Andrew started by giving her a lesson about different types of swords and weapons.

Every day,  just two hours later in the library, Diana was swearing to every known god on the planet for the existence of the being called Andrew fucking Law. Not only was the guy rude and arrogant, but he was also the definition of the man who knows it all. The overbearing self proclaims god of all gods and goddesses. Zeus himself, but well, hot as hell nevertheless, but just as jerk. His lesson was indeed tiresome, and she zoomed out almost half of it. Like she was going back to her college life. The boredom was immense, and she ended up yawning the entire time.

“Always remember your sword is part of you, Diana.'' Andrew shouted at her, earning her a little scare. She thought, seriously, this man is the son of hell.

He was really persistent in teaching her about the different kinds of swords. It was boring.

"Diana, are you even listening?"

"Yes! Of course." Hell bloody no, his bicep and broad shoulder were more interesting, though. How would it feel if I ran my hands downward? Would he moan?

"I want you to remember that perhaps the most diverse and exotic types of swords were the Asian swords, which include straight, double-edged Chinese longswords (Jian) and single-edged Chinese Sabers (Dao), as well as a myriad of other exotic weapons favoured by martial artists the world over. See this?" Andrew held the sword like it was his other hand, expertly and effortlessly, impressive though. He had been explaining it since forever, which bored her death, but, all Diana could remember was the glint of that sword and his dweet pale hands. It was like a shiny diamond necklace.

A moment later Andrew added, "However, probably the most impressive and specialised of all Asian swords are the Japanese swords, most notably this Katana; this is a single-edged, slightly curved sword with a blade around 2.5'. I prefer this actually."

Yeah, I don't even fucking care.

Jezz, the man was in love with his sword, she watched him hold the sword with precise thrust and swing in perfect fast motion.

Oh! Those arms! And how on earth was she going to concentrate when the man was half-naked? His shoulders and chest were sweating, and those abs! Holy mackerel. Who could have concentrated on that? Any daughter of Eve would be drooling.

He was just wearing black jogging pants, and all the naked glory of his upper-half body was free for her eyes to ogle at.

How on earth would I be memorising those kinds of swords when I memorised the outline of his naked body? Those thingies that wiggle a little bit when he moves? And those butt cheeks?

Damn girl! You're hopeless.

And Andrew continued. "This sword was designed specifically to cut through human flesh and bone. In the hands of an expert swordsman, this Katana was fully capable of cutting a man diagonally in half with one cDianan blow, though it was a highly specialised sword. It could not cut gun barrels in half, though it can chop down trees or cut stone, as some modern manga and anime may have you believe."

"What?... you watch manga and anime?" Wow... This man is surprising. She raised her brows and knitted her forehead while she Diananed on the armchair as if judging him from the stage like Magic Mike.

"Yes, Diana, I know it's foolish, but—are you even listening to me?”


“Good, now, never underestimate your opponent and keep your balance in your feet," he shouted again while he demonstrated the basic movement.

a few weeks later.

In the dimly lit training hall, Diana stood poised, a glint of determination in her eyes as she faced her sire, Andrew whatever-Law, a formidable and ancient vampire whose centuries of expertise radiated from his every move but an asshole nonetheless.

“Damn it! Diana, you are not listening; never let your anger drive you to your death. again!”

Their swords clashed as their training began, the metallic resonance echoing through the cavernous room. Andrew, with his commanding presence, instructed Diana in the art of wielding various weapons—a dance of deadly elegance.

"Dammit, Diana!"

"Where the hell is your brain?"



But under his tutelage, she Dianarned the intricacies of the blade, the finesse of a crossbow, and the swift efficiency of throwing knives. Each lesson was an intense test of skill and control as Diana grappled with her newfound strength and agility, striving to harness her vampiric abilities while honing her combat prowess. Andrew's guidance was relentless yet nurturing, pushing Diana to her limits and sculpting her into a warrior unyielding in the face of both mortal and immortal adversaries.

Three months later,

"Oh, holy fuck it! I'm dying; can we pDianase stop for a moment? I need blood! I can't do this anymore!” She begged. Her many months of training were ideally amazing, but Andrew wasn't an easy trainer, and she had been cursing the gods. Her body had been bruised all over, bled, and healed many times, but still, he couldn't even give her a minute of rest. Yes, she was part vampire, but she was also not used to this. Can you not realise that? She thought as she slid into the cold floor.

I'm dying for ice cream.

“In a real battle, your enemy won't ask you for a rest; you should remember that.”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever! I need a fucking rest! This training is too much!”

“You need this.”

“I know, but can I just shoot the hunter with a gun, so it won't fucking hurt this much?”

“You can't.”

The wind knocked her out, and as she swirled her sword again, she landed squarely on her back on the cold floor.

How could he hurt me so considerably? Is this even necessary? This is torture. This is hell.

Just give me a gun, and the problem is solved.

What is wrong with this vampire and its sword? Guns are way faster. Pawpaw! Done! Dead. Jesus!

“Well, young lady... A vampire couldn't be killed by guns; you should have known that by now, but to sever their head, that would do it.”

Blah blah! “Can you stop reading my mind?” she shouted back. Asshole. However, she kept moving, not wanting to be stuck too long within his reach.

“I heard that,” he scoffed.

“It was meant for you to hear it.” In that split second it took to gather herself, she saw his movement, like he was in slow motion. Diana grinned. Andrew charged towards her again, like a warrior, with a deadly scream escaping his mouth, but he took over the momentum, and she landed on the floor again.

“Never let your guard down! Woman!” Andrew exclaimed, then advanced towards her. “Smart thinking is important, as is proper posture. Always remember that. You better be fast, or you are dead meat!”

She was tired, and she was already injured from several decisive blows, and her practice Dianather protective gear gave her extra weight in her struggles. But she gripped on her blade and swung with all her might with more precise thrusts. Her breathing came out in short bursts and back into her lungs in hysterical gasps as her soaked blond hair slapped against the back of her neck. Her heart slammed away in her chest. Oh God, I'm going to die. This man is full of bullsh*t. I'm going to die.

“No, you can't die, dear.” Andrew smirked and attacked her again. She froze, and he called her dear, just like he often does in her dreams.

“Bloody hell, Diana! Move! Don't stop!” he said, both his hands on the sword fully extended above his head. “Lift your foot forward, and keep your balance in your right foot. AGAIN!” He strengthened before attaching her again.

She weighed the sword again in her right hand, slashing it delicately at the air with a novice-like apprehension. Andrew attempted to bring his sword down as she raised hers in defence; the sound of clanging and screeching of the sword knocked out of her as she landed squarely on her back again. Yet he brought his sword down, and she raised hers in defence. The sound of clinking, wailing metal echoes through the practice room.

After another month of practice and a never-ending uttering of profanity, she began to get used to her sword. She wished everyone could feel the benefits real training gives her. not the crap school PE version of sword fighting... but how it feels to work with a real coach and expert... to feel their bodies getting stronger as the week progressed, it was not only an improvement but a trophy.

At dinner time, Andrew went to explain everything over his meal again. Diana just ignored him and watched at the food with love; she liked the colours of their dinner, the bright reds, oranges, and greens. Fresh and smells right. “Enjoy your food, Diana,” Raymond muttered behind her. She grinned and nodded her head. The food was humble. It was homely. It was the stuff incredible memories were made of, the kind that kept her warm within for a lifetime, but with this dickhead never-ending lesson of sword and war strategies, she wished to close his mouth shut with hers.

How could he talk about it over dinner? She thought. He was such a fool! He was weird. A fucking weirdo. But she knew he was doing this on purpose.

I guess to kill me from boredom.

One week ago, he accompanied her to the university, just to see her friend, Tommy, and though the latter didn't remember her yet, she missed him so much. She just looked far from the distance. Then, later, she called her grandmother and ended up devastated and sad because the old woman remembered nothing. She was so sad; she was disappointed. It was painful, yet she had to own it. This was her new life now, after all. She was a monster. She was a predator. She was no longer the old Diana. This is her now.

Thanks to Raymond, who happened to be supportive of her with all her craziness. He escorted her to shopping, spa days, and all other activities, including cooking. Well, at Dianast she made lots of ice cream. Fucking easy! She thought.

“Diana, I want you to remember that patterning your movements with your sword is great and part of the process, but that takes a long time and a lot of adjustments to get the movements down. So you should remember to always read your opponent's actions. Their mind if you can at the same time."

Diana rolled her eyes and put a spoon in her mouth.

What on earth is he talking about? Surely, he knows that I'm not listening to him, right?

Not that I forgot to shield my mind from his praying magical mumbo jumbo, but still, the man is so clueless. How could he talk about swords here in the middle of a fucking delicous diner?

“Yeah yeah! I get that.” She'd listened to every syllable of his statement, but her mind didn't process it because it conveyed boredom.

If he asked her, it was like watching a little kid count his toys a bloody million times and still get it wrong in the first two digits. Boring and scary!

But she watched his sweet, delicious lips, then his eyes, which conveyed nothing but sadness.

Diana realised how he seldom talked to her, or if he did, it was always about her training, and for the love of God, she was way more disappointed than ever.

Not that she was complaining, but it felt like he was ignoring her on purpose. It hurts her. And she felt like killing him instead. She sighed, and Andrew was still talking about something. She thought he couldn't just look at her like he wanted to devour her and then ignore her afterward.

Bloody unfair, Argh! This man is so... so...frustrating.

She rolled her eyes, and then that was when new ideas came. and that was when boredom ended.

She thought of eating ice cream later.

"Diana, you need to remember your training because your life may depend on it, and pDianase stop thinking. I can read your mind, remember?”

“As if…”

He turned to look straight into her eyes and tried his best not to look into her moist lips. Andrew flinched, feeling embarrassed, when he felt unwanted heat rush through his shaft. He could practically feel his arousal.

“Seriously, Andrew? In the dining room?” he growled, “Can we pDianase talk about how the food tasted like heaven rather than one of your sword fighting techniques?"

He ignored her and sipped his wine.

So, she was right after all. This man has a heart stone. What the hell happened that made him act this way? Yes, she couldn't blame him; after all, she was just his first sired vampire, remember? He didn't mean to turn her. She begged.

Anyway, he could have told her anything, about his past, etc. But he chose to be boring instead. But why does it hurt her? He was ignoring her. Yes. Maybe she bored him to death. But why does it hurt her? And though she seemed uncomfortable and couldn't help but feel disappointed, Andrew was always too eager to keep his distance from her.


Was she not desirable?

Diana sighed. It was a softly deflating sigh, it was as if the tension in her heart had lifted, yet it left her with melancholy instead of relief. It was a sigh so quiet that it went unnoticed by the man in front.

"Eat more! You should take care of yourself. I am not always around to take care of you. And you might want to consider yourself lucky to have me as your mentor!”


“Or the hunters will have your head when they find out that I sired you," Andrew added. He was furious with himself. He wanted to read her mind, but he promised her not to invade her privacy, even though she erected a wall inside, but still, if he wanted, he could break it.

However, when another meal came, Diana forgot all her sentiment when the sweet, moist coffee cake was the only thing on her mind at that moment. She ended up ignoring Andrew instead. When the first spoon went to her mouth, her hunger was intense, and she began to dig in. On the table are a modern Irish dish of lamb, white turnips, girolles, and broad beans, and a delicious smoked trout with potatoes and fresh mackerel.

“That is one of Ireland's most popular seasonal fish, Diana," Raymond announced, giving her a wink. He liked it when she ate with gusto.

"Oh my, this is amazing and so delicious. Thank you! Raymond, you are an angel." Delighted to see the woman loves his food, he smiled back; after all, she was the only one who offered him a smile and appreciated the chef’s cooking. Unlike his lord, who seemed to be glaring at him now, Raymond retreated behind Diana, bid his goodbye, and stepped out a little further from Andrew’s deadly gaze.

"Thank you, Raymond, for this impressive dinner." She offered him a smile, and he left. PDianased to hear the compliment.

"But wait, can I have the ice cream, pDianase?"

Nodding his head, he smirked, "Sure."

Andrew said with renowned gusto as he dug his fork into his meat, "Are you not even tired of eating those sweets? You are not a little kid anymore."

"Why?” she raised a brow. “Are you now judging me? Being a vampire has its perks, you know. I've been eating that ice cream every fucking day and yet I am not gaining weight.” She brightened. “This is every girl's dream. You know that, right?”

He scoffed.

“You know what? What if I'll sell my blood and make it a capsule or tablet and be bloody awesome? It’ll be a diet pill. Those girls will be screaming, and I'll be a fuckin billionaire."

"You are talking nonsense!"


You’re boring.

"If you do that, then you'll be a lab rat for the rest of your pathetic life."


You are still an arshole anyway.

On cue, Raymond brought her homemade ice cream. She clapped her hands like a child, scooped it up, and licked the spoon like a baby. "OMG! This is so yummy! Want some? This is chocolate mint flavour; I made it myself. Raymond hates it though. I wonder why."

"Oh, really?” Andrew grinned. “Why am I not surprised? Did you make that?”

“Yes. I saw it in a YouTube video.”

“I don't believe you."

She rolled her eyes and thought that one day she was going to kill him. She would drain his blood and mix it with the fucking ice cream, and she’d let a bat eat it, and she'd be laughing while she’d BBQ the bat afterward. Vengeance serves in a fucking plotter.

"She did make that ice cream, my lord! Unfortunately..." Raymond intruded and smiled a little before he turned his back to go back to the kitchen. Probably to get the other flavour, Diana smirked.

Then she widened her eyes when she saw Andrew take a spoonful and taste it with a smile, then gasped with exasperation, and then the fucking asshole blurted. "The fuck is this, Diana?"

She smiled and said, "Well, the other side is strawberry, and this side is chocolate mint!"

Fucking ignorant.

She took another spoonful and enjoyed the after-minty taste. The ice cream filled up her vision in a multitude of colours, each one of them so frozen until a touch of warmth transformed them into sweetness.


"The recipe is quite simple, really, just a few milky sort of creams, condensed milk, and I added some chocolate chips and two tablespoons of toothpaste! And then I whipped it with vigour. Dan Dan Dan! Now eat!"

Andrew spit it out immediately and looked at her like she had just grown a fucking penis on her forehead.

“Did you just say you added two spoonfuls of toothpaste?”


“Why the hell did you put bloody toothpaste in it?"

"Why the hell not? It's delicious, and I'm smart. It's like killing two birds in one stone. I ate minty ice cream and refreshed my teeth at the same time. See? I'm a bloody genius."

"Unbelievable!" Andrew exclaimed in disbelief.

"So you are judging me again?" Diana raised her brows and turned her head to call for Raymond, who was now back and grinning. Like he knew exactly what was on her mind. "Raymond, can I have the other flavour, pDianase?"

Dick! Let's see if you will still complain like a child this time or be a man.

Raymond brought another gallon of ice cream. Smiling and giving Diana a comical wink, she opened it up slowly and offered a devilish smile at Andrew, who seemed rather anxious and curious.

His face twisted into horror.

Damn, was I really bad at cooking? It's not like I'm giving him poisoned ice cream.

Smirking, she opened the ice cream container.

"What the fuck is that, Diana? Throw it all away!" Andrew shouted. He stood up immediately and covered his nose. "Unbelievable. What the heck is that? It stinks! Like a fucking dead fish! What kind of sorcery is that?"

"Ha! ha! This is just Durian ice cream; it smells rather good and tastes delicious actually. Come on. Don't be a pussy. Taste it!" She smiled as the mischievous thoughts lurked into her lips and spread into her eyes, and she offered a heartfelt gale as Andrew ran away in a vampire blurry way.

Her laughter echoed through the whole mansion. "Bloody gay!" She shouted at Andrews, retreating back! "Don't be too pussy now, Andrew! This ice cream smells like shit, but it's fuckin delicious. Believe me, Andrew, you have to try this! Hey, where are you going?"

Ancient vampire, my ass.

"No woman! No way in hell I'll taste that shit!" He shouted back!

"Ha! Complaining much? It's not like you didn't eat a pussy, after all, it's smell fuckin the same!"

Did she just hear him laugh? Odd.

He never laughed.

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