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Chapter 3

Glaring at me, "Did she put you up to this mom? What did she say to you?" He asks

Swoosh! the Luna throws the knife at his mistress

"Ah!" she screams as it graises her cheek

"You're lucky she hasn't said anything yet" says the Luna as she looks away from Andre and returns to her seat. "Let's just finish dinner"

Andre looked like he was ready to blow a fuse, but before he could alpha Mike stops him.

Sigh, "Sit down son, I'm sure you and your guest are hungry"

"Come on sit here Karen, he says as he pulls out a chair for her"

Thankfully, dinner finishes without anymore drama, but as we are leaving the dining room, dad tells me to go on a walk while he and alpha Mike go over a few things for the conference.

Luna Arielle calls her sons into her office, more than likely to give them an earful. Which left just Karen and I.

Karen was left by herself, which obviously annoyed her, causing her to make the dumb decision of picking an argument with me.

"Are you really such a desperate bitch? Can't you see he doesn't want you?" she asks with her hands crossed.

Ignoring her I step outside to go on my walk.

"There's no way he's going to leave me for you." she follows behind

With a tired sigh I turn to her, "Shouldn't you at least allow yourself to fully heal before you come looking for more trouble?" Stepping towards her, "You're bold, I'll give you that, but I promise if you pick a fight with me again they'll have to give you a closed casket burial. My MATE won't even get the chance to say goodbye," I say flashing my eyes for added intensity, and with a smirk of victory I walk, off leaving her there to battle her fear.

When I Get back to the alpha's house, Andre was waiting for me outside.

"Ugh, did she go crying to him?" I ask myself

As I am walking past him he grabs my elbow, "We need to talk", he says as tingles run up and down my arm.

Looking down at where he was touching, "You stink", I say flatly.

Her scent was pungent on him and it was pissing me off. "I just took a shower," he answered annoyed. "And yet you still smell like a sh---y whore," I say pulling my elbow out of his hand. "If you want to talk find me when you smell more appropriate."

I go up to my room, take a long shower, and pamper myself. Figuring I'd let him wait long enough, I adjust my silk pajamas and open my room door.

"What took you so long?" he grumbled.

"Oh sorry I was taking a shower and pampering myself", I say feigning innocence.

"I've been standing here for 45 mins,” he says with pure annoyance

Shrugging my shoulders, "I didn't notice, sorry"

"Whatever, let's just get this over with so I can get back to my room."

We get to the office and he starts the conversation. "Neither of us wanted this so we've gotta figure out how to fix it."

"And how do you expect us to fix this Andre," I ask, taking a seat.

"I don't know, but we can't be at each other's throats at the conference." He walks to the opposite side and sits in his chair.

He was right, we can't afford to be fighting in front of everyone. It would just cause embarrassment on both sides.

Pinching my brow I sigh and make a suggestion. "I don't like to air out my dirty laundry in front of people so let's just keep the fact that we're mates to ourselves. No one else needs to know."

"I agree" he responds glaring at me from across the table.

With a sigh I shake my head and stand to leave, "That means you'll have to control that habit of glaring at me."

"We haven't finished talking yet,” he says as he continues to glare

"What else is there to talk about?"

"Let's discuss how we'll pull this off"

"Sigh, it's actually quite simple," I respond, "When we are in the same room we play nice. Other than that, you stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours" Walking to the door, I say "thanks for the quick convo, I'm going to bed now, Chao.”

Conference Day 1

We all got up and got ready to leave early. After a 6 hour drive, we arrived at the conference location.

"Okay pumpkin, aside from alpha Mike, no one respects you. Many of them don't think a woman should be alpha over such a powerful pack. Be on the defense at all times. Don’t let your mate distract you. Establish your own alliances and be mindful of those who will more than likely become your enemy. When we leave here we will know who we can rely on and whose territory to stay far from. It’s not uncommon for weaker packs to gang up on others.

“Alright, let’s go.” He says as he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. As we walk into the building, everyone turns and stare. Some are stares of respect, some of annoyance, and others are indifferent. Dad wasn’t kidding when he said almost all the alphas in the ware community in our region would be here.

When we get to the main conference room I can feel the auras of all the alphas in the room. Dad pulls out my seat for me and we both sit.

“Good afternoon fellow alphas,” says my dad once he sits down.

“Good afternoon alpha Black” Some answered, while others nodded or grunted.

After about 2 mins alpha Mike, Jared, and Andre walk in. Just like my dad, alpha Mike greets everyone as he sits down. Alpha Jones walks in and a minute later all the missing alphas shuffle in one after the other. All except one, alpha Jason Griffin. Head of the largest and strongest pack in our region. I was 22 and he was 26, only a 4-year difference but the level of respect dad had for him was far beyond what he had for me.

After a 2 hours, Alpha Jones allowed the heirs to go have dinner while they stayed to discuss unclaimed pack lands.

I had managed to stay away from Andre, It was the usual glaring whenever he looked at me and Enya was ready to kick his ass at any given second, so I kept my distance.

Unfortunately, I ran into him outside.

“Can we talk?” He says as I was about to walk past him.

“Okay this is weird, he’s never this calm or cordial with me,” I think to myself but still I follow him to a little clearing in the woods.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” I ask

“I don’t think we can function like this”

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