His brows furrowed as he stared at me. I felt the anger brewing in me. In my 20 years of existence, I’ve never come across a vampire with such a strong aura and extremely hot face. He has such a beautiful body and perfectly chiseled face.

I blinked my eyes. Vampires are evil no matter how hot they are. They just appear so enticing to lure in prey.

He doesn't seem like a turned vampire which means he is higher in rank. Or his aura was just strong because he was a mean person. All the qualities of humans amplify once they become a vampire.

The vampires that are captured and tortured in the coven all have the same dark aura surrounding them. Though, some are a little stronger than others. Depending on how long they have lived.

Suddenly, his aura disappeared. He speed walked to my side and grabbed my throat. He lifted me up and pinned me to the wall. I choked repeatedly, gasping for air.

“Who are you?” he asked, his voice cold and deadly.

“Let m..e g..o” I choked out. The bastard tightened his grip on my neck.

“Who are you?” He asked again.

Getting killed by my psycho vampire roommate on the very first day of college wasn't exactly how I pictured my college year would start. My mother always tells me that my smart mouth and attitude would get me in trouble one day. She couldn't be right anymore. I shouldn't have blurted out that he was a vampire. I had blown my cover in the most spectacular way.

It wouldn't hurt for me to reveal that I was a witch. More correctly, I will reveal to him that I was a siphoner. My ancestors started his race after all. Also, having a vampire buddy can help quicken my search for the hybrid. If I tell him I was a witch, he could figure out I was the true witch of my coven. I wasn't supposed to reveal that to anyone outside the coven until I was made leader.

“Tell me who you are.” He stared straight into my eyes.

Okay, I'm done playing nice. He just tried to friggin compel me. Fuck being friends with him.

“I don't think so buddy.” I said. I drew power from the wind blowing into the room and pushed him off of me. He crashed into the wall opposite us.

“You know, you shouldn't leave your windows open. You never know what supernatural might try to sneak up on you.” I said as I cracked my neck.

Vampires can't compel witches. He must have realized that because he narrowed his gaze at me.

“A witch.” He said.

“A siphoner.” I corrected.

“Argh! Siphoners. Such annoying and nosy creatures.” He sneered at me.

“Do not talk about us like that. My ancestors created your ancestors and now we are suffering from it by having our magic taken away.” I said to him, matching his tone.

“Well, your ancestors still tried to kill our ancestors off after creating them even though they didn't ask to be created. Are we some sort of lab rat to you people?” He barked at me.

“Your race is a threat to all the elements of nature, including humans. Excuse me if we don't want the world to go extinct because of you blood sucking monsters.” I snarled at him.

“I'm gonna drain every bit of your blood if you don't stop talking.” He threatened.

“Try me, arrogant blood monster. I have tons of you in my basement that I torture daily.” I said.

He took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“I'm in a college dorm, doesn't that say what I want?” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh, please. You left your witchy lifestyle to come to a boring human school. Tell me what you want. Now.” His tone hardened.

“First, I'm a siphoner, dude. I've been saying that since I got here...”

He rolled his eyes.

“Second, we live among humans so it's not strange that I'm attending college. Can't say the same for you. So tell me, what is a vampire doing in a ‘boring human school’?”

“If you didn't have a secret mission coming here, why are you roommates with me? I know you witches. Sneaky little things.” He said, ignoring my question. That alone was enough to tell me he was hiding something.

“You think I'd choose to be roommates with you? Why would I do that?”

“Because you witches always have a trick up your sleeves.” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Well, I don't. And you didn't answer my question. Why are you here?”

“I don't owe you an explanation, little witch.” he sped walked towards me, shoved me out of the room, and slammed the door in my face.

“I'm a siphoner, bloody monster.” I yelled at the closed door. He didn't give me any response.

I ran my fingers through my head frustrated. I can't do this. Living with a human boy and sharing a bathroom with like ten others is so much better than living with a vampire that could snap my neck in the middle of the night. Jokes. He couldn't, even if he tried. I'm so powerful that I could take him down in a few minutes. But also, I was still paranoid.

I had just leaned into my magic two years back after my eighteenth birthday. And I had no idea how old he was. Even if I managed to take him down, it would drain a lot of my energy. I couldn't risk that right before my mission.

I marched into my room and sunk into the bed.

I can do this.

How bad can it be to live with a vampire?.

Except that I would have to worry about catching him sucking someone's blood. Or hiding dead bodies in our basement and I'll get arrested after he compelled the police that I killed all those people.

My brain was imagining the worst scenarios ever and it wasn't making it easy for my body to calm down. My heart was hammering in my chest. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

As if on cue, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I brought it out to see my mum face timing me.

“Hey, mum.” I forced a smile on.

“Honey, how are you settling in?. Henry told me you loved your dorm room.”

“I'm settling in just fine. Henry was right. Love it.” I forced out a laugh.

“Mum, do you know if there are other suites that aren't filled up yet?” I tried so hard to keep my face void of expression.

“What is the matter, honey? Do you have a problem with your current suite? Is your new roommate bothering you? Do you need me to come over there?” She bombarded me with questions.

“No!” I screamed.

“What is the matter, Maxine Margaret Cooper? Are you hiding something from me?”

I hate it when she calls my full name.

“No, I wouldn't dare hide anything from you, dearest mother. It's just…” I swallowed hard trying to find a convincing lie.

“I want to be somewhere that's closer to the sun so I could draw power easily anytime. The area this suite is located is a bit gothic and dark. That is the only reason, I promise.” I stared straight at her without blinking. I prayed my lie is believable.

She stared at me intently before letting out a sigh.

“Honey I'm so sorry. We should have checked the location properly before booking the suite for you. But that was the only vacant one left. The last boy in your room died of an asthma attack so we quickly booked it. I didn't want you to have to live with a boy in a tiny dorm room.”

Great, the last boy died of asthma. I had a gut feeling that his death had something to do with my vampire roommate.

“It's okay mum.” I flashed her a smile.

“I gotta go. I'm so tired from unpacking.” I faked a yawn.

“Okay, honey. I love you. Take care.”

“I love you too.” I ended the call.

My mind wandered to the boy that used to live here. I made a decision not to end up like him. I wouldn't give him a chance to kill me. Not if I kill him first.

My eyes caught a black crow nestled on the tree a few meters away from my window. I suddenly got a bad omen from it.

What could it be?

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