“One bourbon neat.” I said to the bartender as I sat on the stool by the counter. I could see the blonde eyeing me hungrily from my peripheral vision. Humans. They're easily enticed by every enticing thing without thinking about how dangerous it could be.
I didn't pay her any attention. My mind wandered to the little red ferret currently invading my personal space. The little witch. Despite his height, the little witch looked so tiny that I could easily snap him into two.
I couldn't believe I now have a witch as a roommate. That's what I get from coming out of my self isolation from humans after a hundred years.
Within the few hours that my new roommate arrived, I had questioned myself about a million times if coming to a human college was the right thing to do after all these years.
I even considered compelling the humans in charge of dorm management to find her a new place. It took a lot of self restraint to not do that.
I didn't want to break the vow I made to myself that I wouldn't use my powers on humans for personal gains. The vow was just an excuse I gave myself. Deep down I knew having a witch as a friend was a big advantage to me. Even though I couldn't stand them.
Witches are creatures who think they're above humans and other supernaturals just because they have magic. They disgust me.
But I was willing to overlook their annoying nature if it meant I would get what I wanted. And what I want is…
“Here is your order, sir.” The bartender interrupted my thoughts. I was slightly annoyed at that. I hate when people disrupt my peace.
I grabbed the glass and took sips of my drink. I ran my tongue over my itchy, slightly elongated fangs. I hadn't fed today and I wasn't feeling inspired to go for a hunt.
I finally threw a glance at the blonde lady. That seems to have given her some courage as she moved to the stool beside me.
Wrong decision, Blondie.
“Hey handsome.” She said in a flirty tone.
I merely gave her a smirk.
“Grumpy. I like it.” She smiled.
“Do you like your woman the way you like your bourbon? Neat?” She brushed a little spike of dust off my jacket.
I turned and faced her fully. Her intentions were clear even without me reading her thoughts. She wanted to fuck me. Sweet.
I took in her physical appearance. Straight nose, slightly arched brows, blue eyes, small pink and kissable lips. The blood pumping in her vessels rang in my ear. Her neck was covered with her long blonde hair but I could still see the blood running through her veins. I wanted to sink my fangs into her smooth neck.
She is a beauty. I could have some fun with her before feeding.
“What's your name?” I asked, as I fixed my gaze on her neck through the rim of my glass.
“Well, Billie. Let's go play some games.” I smirked. I dropped a few dollars on the counter for the bartender.
Billie giggled as I dragged her out of the bar and into a dark alley.
You have no idea what you've just brought upon yourself, Billie.
I pinned her against the wall with both her hands above her head and kissed her fiercely. She tried to match my energy, kissing me hungrily, but she couldn't. I commended her efforts though.
I fondled her breasts with my free hand. She moaned into my mouth. I moved to her neck, slowing my pace. I kissed her neck gently, nibbling on the vein. My eyes darkened.
My fangs had elongated very well now enough to scare off anyone who sees me. Blondie had her eyes closed as she was still reeling in the pleasure I provided her, completely oblivious of what I was about to do to her. I lowered my head to her neck and grazed her neck with my fangs. I was about to sink them into her neck and drink to my fill when…
Blood. Blood. So much blood.
‘Please! Don't die. Please.’
The image flooded my mind stopping me from carrying out what I had in mind. I tried again but it was the same thing. I couldn't feed.
My brows knitted in confusion and I let out a frustrated growl. Blondie fluttered her eyes open and stared at me. Fear immediately reflected in her eyes as she saw the monster I had become.
“Please, don't kill me.” She pleaded, her voice quivering as she spoke.
“Don't scream.” I compelled her.
Tears poured out of her eyes as she shook vehemently. Her lips were pressed together.
Small blood trickled out of the two holes I had punctuated in Blondie's neck inviting me to drink it. But whenever I tried drinking her blood the images flooded my mind again. What was happening to me?. I let out another growl.
I held her face and stared into her eyes.
“Forget this ever happened. Run as fast as you can away from here and don't let me catch you. If anyone asks why you're running, tell them you came across a wolf in the woods. Now go.” I compelled her.
She nodded and sprinted out of the alley leaving me with a deep hunger. My head ached, and my fangs itched painfully urging me to go after her. But I restrained myself from going through with the thought.
Instead, I sprinted into the woods. I needed to feed somehow. Then I'll go find out what the hell that was about.
It was already getting dark but I could see everything as clear as day. Vampires are creatures of the night and our powers are more potent in the dark. I thought about the animals to feed on.
I could spot a rabbit and a kangaroo from where I stood. I debated which one to go after. I was tired of rabbit blood so I decided to go after the kangaroo instead. I'd leave the meat for some hungry wolves that roam the woods.
I speed walked to the kangaroo and snapped its neck before it could even register the danger it was in. I drained the entire blood in its body and sighed in satisfaction. It was nothing to the satisfaction I would have gotten drinking human blood, but it would suffice. For now.
I sat on a fallen tree, the dead kangaroo before me. Now that I had gotten the hunger out of the way. I should find out what happened a few minutes back and what it meant. Why was I remembering her?
Nothing made sense. I let out a frustrated sigh. I should get back to my room and go through some stuff of hers I still have.
I got to the suite's door in less than three minutes. I hoped the little witch wasn't awake. I was in no mood for any witchy shenanigans tonight.
I turned the door knob and shoved the door open. The sight I saw shocked me to the core.
What the actual fuck did he do here?