Blood and Magic

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I strolled towards the figure, my hands clasped behind my back. I didn't need him to step into the brighter part of the room before I knew who he was.

"You promised to stay away." My jaws tightened as I spoke.

"Really? I don't remember doing that." He left the corner and strolled towards the bed. He sunk into the bed and stared at me with his dark eyes, his lips tilted into an evil smirk.

"You know, I'm quite hurt with the welcome I got. I expected something grand, but you don't even seem happy to see me. Such a shame. " He smacked his tongue.

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice cold and void of emotions.

"Hello, little brother. How are you doing? I came here because I miss you and this town so much." He smirked.

"Cut the crap, Xander. We haven't seen each other in fifty years and now you just show up after the stupid stunt you pulled last year. Do you realize how hard it was for me to clean up your mess? Why do you come back this time?"

"First, no one can prove what happened last year was me. Second, I'm just here for some brotherly bonding. And some fresh blood. Heard some newbies just moved into town."

I sped-walked towards him and grabbed his throat.

"Don't you dare hurt anyone this time or I swear I will kill you."

He let out a dark chuckle. He flipped me over, grabbed my throat, and slammed my back on the hard floor. His eyes darkened as he stared down at me.

"Listen, Caden, I'm older than you, that means stronger. And I've been maintaining a proper diet for centuries. I can easily snap your neck and kill you if I want to. Don't push me."

"Then do it. Kill me. At least I'll be free of you." Our gazes locked, murderous intents evident in both our eyes. I could tell in that moment that he really wanted to kill me. But I know he wouldn't. He couldn't even if he wanted to.

He withdrew his hand from my neck and straightened his posture.

"I saw a dead kangaroo in the woods. Poor diet, little brother. You might start to dessicate soon." He said and went out of the window as fast as he came.

I stared at the window, long after he was gone. Despite being brothers, Xander and I never had an ideal relationship. We used to be close and enjoy life together, but things changed after an unfortunate incident that still haunts me. After we went our separate ways, I've spent eternity trying to redeem myself, while Xander has spent his time enjoying his vampire life to the fullest. He didn't even need to turn off his humanity to kill without remorse. Being evil just comes naturally to him.

I was certain Xander's return to Sunhill wasn't just because of fun. This place held a lot of bad memories for him. He never wanted to return here. I made up my mind to find out what it was. But first, I need to keep a close eye on him.




After a long and excruciating night of worrying about my brother's return, it was finally morning. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Not like I need sleep anyway. I stepped out of my room to the kitchen. I was hungry but I didn't feel inspired to go for a hunt. I decided to take some of the rabbit blood I reserved in the fridge to curb the hunger.

I always reserve some blood in a sealed container incase of emergency like this. Ever since Davis died, no one has come into the apartment so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing it. Even if they do, I could easily compel them to forget.

I opened the fridge and brought out the container. I tried to open it but it seem to be stuck. Not sealed like I left it but stuck. Really stuck. I pulled the lid with so much force that the blood spilled all over the counter. I let out the sigh. I made to wipe the blood off with my fingers and licked it. I refused to let any of my food be wasted. But as I touched the blood, the liquid burned me so bad that it peeled the skin on my finger. The assaulted finger slowly healed. There was only one reason it would burn like that. The only thing that could hurt vampires. Vervain.

I sucked in a deep breath as I heard the little witch huming in the bathroom. Make it two people at the top of my shit-list that I want to rip their head off.

"Fucking witch." I muttered in anger. I sped-walked to his room and made to kick the door open, but I was blown away, making me crash hard into the wall. There seem to be some kind of barrier at the door. Witches and their stupid spells. I rose to my feet and dusted my clothes off.

"Can't someone get some peace and quiet around here." I heard him mutter behind the door.

"Come out now, you fucking witch." I half yelled.

I heard him curse before approaching the door and flinging it open. He was in a full pajamas that is so big that it could fit two of him. Who sleeps in such heavy clothes? He was still standing inside so I couldn't go close to him and grab his throat like I really wanted to.

"You probably should stop calling me a witch before the entire campus become aware of the existence of supernaturals. I have a name. It's Max. Call me that." He said and yawned.

"I don't give a shit about you or your name. Why did you spike my food with vervain?" I asked, through gritten teeth.

"Your food?" He feigned ignorance.

"Oh, you mean the blood in the fridge? Sorry, I had no idea that was yours. But there is nothing we can do about it now. What's done is done."

I sucked in a deep breath.

"Are you going to step out of your room?" I said shakily, clenching my fist to my side.

He let out a chuckle.

"Why? You want to kill me?" His voice held a hint of mockery.

"I thought we already established the fact that you can't kill me. You saw how easy it was for me to spike your food. I could kill you easily too. Don't mess with me."

I crossed my arms, a smirk danced on my lips.

"I admire your composure despite how fast your heart is beating in fear. Also, I have no desire to hurt you. Or you wouldn't be here performing mediocre stunts in the name of magic."

His mouth hung open as I said those words.

"I don't have any interest in your witchy nature. So you need to stop messing with my stuff, or I will retaliate. And trust me, it wouldn't be pretty.

I walked away from he witch, leaving him stunned. He had just ruined my mood this early in the morning. Now I needed to go find something else to satisfy my hunger. I draped my hood over my face and headed into the woods. I hid behing a big tree, scanning my surroundings for any sign of life. I suddenly felt a chilling sensation behind me, but it was gone as fast as it came. My eyes caught a black crow perched on a tree about thirty meters away from me. Immediately our eyes met, it took flight and headed to my suite. I recognized who it was immediiately.


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