"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean the place is going to be full of boys. You're sure you don't want me to go with you?" Henry said for the millionth time since he got here.
"I'll be fine, babe. I promise."
I had called him to come over and help me get ready for the party. He was the only person I could entrust with this. My mother would flip if she heard I was going to this kind of party. I remembered how much begging the entire coven had to do before she allowed me on this mission.
Henry was also against my decision, but he still helped me anyway. I hadn't told him about my roommate being a vampire. He would tell the rest of my people and I just don't want anyone worrying about me.
I hadn't come across him since the vervain incident this morning. I was appreciative of that. It occured to me that I accused him of not knowing my name when I didn't even know his. I wasn't interested in knowing his name but referring to him as a 'vampire' everytime doesn't sound right.
"I could be your plus one, no one would suspect anything." He cupped my cheeks.
"The whole point of this is to mingle with people. No one would approach me if I'm with someone."
"I know. I'm just worried about you. It's your first night out in college."
"It's just one night. It's not like I will pass out in the party."
He cocked his eyebrow at me. The last time I went to a party, I passed out just few minutes after I stepped in.
"Don't give me that look. That was two years ago. It wouldn't happen again. Now tell me, how do I look?" I stepped away from him so he could getmy full view.
"Great, that's what I was going for." I stepped towards him and gave him a deep kiss on the lips.
"Mhm, I could take you right here, right now." He groaned.
"I'd love that but I have a party to attend." I stepped away from him and grabbed my wallet from the nightstand.
I strolled to my closet and took the glamore egg my aunt gave me when I was leaving. I finally figured out it use. It would give me a sign when I'm close to the hybrid. Henry grabbed his car keys and we stepped outside together.
He drove me to the party. I spent another few minutes convincing him that I would be okay before he finally left.
Mental note to self: don't call Henry for an emergency ever again.
I stepped into the bar, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I'll be fine. I can do this. The stench of sex and alcohol hit my nostrils immediately. The whole place was filled to the brim, loud music blasting at every angle of the bar. Even though it was a party for freshmen from my school, there were so many girls present. I shook my head and proceed further into the bar.
My eyes darting around looking for familiar faces, or any strange aura. I didn't see any. Instead, I passed by couples making out at a corner, or girls throwing flirtatious looks at me. I decided to sit at the bar and relax for a few minutes.
"What would you like to have?" The blonde bartender asked.
"Can I just have a glass of water, please?"
I wasn't a fan of alcohol, just like I wasn't a fan of parties.
"Sure." She fetched some water for me.
"You don't seem to be enjoying the party so much." She said.
"Not exactly my kind of scene." I took a sip of the water.
"Are you here with someone?" She asked.
She was a bit inquisitive and I found it suspicious. I read the name inscribed on her shirt. 'Billie'. I coukdn't sense any dark aura from her. She was a human. I shrugged it off with the thought that she was just trying to be friendly.
"No." I said, coming off a bit more harsh than I intended.
She finally got the message and didn't ask anymore questions.
"I'm sorry, I've just had a really rough night."
"It's okay. Rough night, nosy bartender, I understand you perfectly. Just tell me if you need anything else." She flashed me a smile which I reciprocated.
She went back to doing her business.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry. Can I ask you something?" I called out to her.
"Isn't this a party for the King's college students? Most of the people here don't seem to be a student of the school."
She stared at me with a confused expression.
"You didn't know? There is a college that's just fifteen minutes away from 'the King's College'. Sunhill Royal College. That's where I go."
"Oh, I didn't know there were two colleges on this island."
I didn't even know much about the college I was attending. I didn't have much time to find out things about the island before I left town. I only know about my mission here. I asked for a refill of the water when I noticed a presence beside me.
"You made it." I turned to see Xander sitting on the stool beside me.
"I did say I was going to come." I gave him a small smile.
"I'm so glad you did. Have you ordered anything yet?"
"No. just this glass of water."
"Allow me buy you a drink. What would you like to have?"
"No, it's fine. Not much of an alcohol person."
"Wow, I'm impressed." He turned to the bartender.
"I'll have some vodka."
"Vodka, huh? You have a good taste in alcohol."
"Well, I'm part Russian. Full name is Xander Sokolov."
"Interesting. Do you have any family members around here, Xander?"
And are they all vampires. I wanted to add that, but that would mean revealing that I know what he is. I couldn't risk that.
"Not that I know of. We all spread out to different parts of the world."
He smirked at me through the rim of his glass. The contexts behind his sentence was clear. They were alive but killing people around the world. My stomach churned at the thought and I struggled to keep a straight face. I was right to think all vampires were evil.
I decided to find out more about him. The glamore egg didn't give me any sign with Xander so I was certain he wasn't my target. But he could lead me to my target. Also, he was also more accessible than my roommate.
I saw Billie walk away from the counter through the corner of my eyes. Then something very strange happened at the moment. I felt chills all over my spine and the glamore egg sent weird vibrations through my body. He is here. My body went rigid at the thought. I darted my gaze around, searching everywhere for anything that might be out of place. The vibrations became frequent and louder that it starts to hurt my ears. But no one else seem to hear it.
"Are you okay, Max?" Xander asked, his face etched with concern.
I nodded unable to string words together. The vibrations were getting louder. I placed both my hands on my ears.
My eyes landed on a man, standing a few meters away from me. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood draped over his head. I couldn't see his face because he had his back on me, but I was certain he is my target. He started walking away.
"I need to use the restroom." I managed to force the words out.
I jumped out of my seat and walked briskly behind him, a smile tilted at the corner of my lips. My mission is accomplished and it didn't even take long.