Chapter four
Julianne's pov
By the time I got to the pack, the guards accosted me at the gate of their Alpha. Their expressions were cold and ridiculed with mockery seeing me.
“I'm only here to see your Alpha. It's really urgent.”
They all laughed scornfully.
“That's what they all say. Do you know how many people come in here everyday claiming they have something urgent to relay to our Alpha. He's a busy man, and is probably not available to see you right now so come back later.”
“But I'm his mate.” The expressions on their faces drop to one of shock, and knowing I had them where I wanted them, I lean forward, clasping the bars of the gates. “Tell your Alpha his mate has come to see him.”
“That's ridiculous. Are you messing with us… If our Alpha has a mate, we certainly won't be kept in the dark.”
“And you're nothing but a mere Omega. I can barely smell your wolf. So I highly doubt so.”
“Let her In.” A voice from behind the guard causes all of us to turn and I see a man, good looking and tall with short brown for hair and golden irises for eyes which protuded my own like they were searching for something.
One guard immediately starts unlocking the gate while the others fearfully how toward his direction.
“Beta Jeremy. Our mistake. We'll let her in now.”
Beta Jeremy. He looked like his brother, but I could tell he was the younger one.
As I approached him, his eyes flicked over the cloak around my body for a fleeting second before he starts walking in, a silent beckon for me to follow him.
“I'm assuming you two met last night?” He said without looking at me.
“How did .. “
“I know my brother better than anybody and he was not acting like the Arthur I knew last night. We didn't even stay till morning because he insisted we leave immediately. I knew something was up. And all of a sudden, an Omega comes claiming to be his mate. I believed you immediately for some reason.”
“Well, at least you understand me a while lot better than anyone today.” I sighed, feeling a heavy weight on my chest. It hurt so much.
Upon arriving at the door, Jeremy knocked by there was no answer. After a while, he pushed the door in, and I followed, only to be greeted with a sight of Arthur with a woman bent over his bed while he fucked her.
The sight was so painful to watch that I felt a tight pang on my heart like someone had torn it out my chest just as I staggered back with horrified eyes.
“Fuck… “ Arthur pulled away upon meeting my eyes, pushing the woman onto the bed. “What is she doing here?”
The tone of his voice already made it clear he didn't like me one bit. The resentment in his eyes was so hurtful wished I could die at that moment knowing yet again another person hated me and didn't want me.
Was I really destinied to be unloved and to die one.
“Really Arthur. You're serious screwing a woman while aware you have a mate. And I'm pretty sure you screwed her just before you insisted we leave the ceremony last night. I could smell a woman all over you Arthur. I never knew you were so heartless.” Jeremy looked really angry and disappointed
Arthur appaorched is, fully unclad without a care in the world. His eyes were the same Golden irises, but they looked like rages of fire in hell and they were directed towards us both in annoyance and anger.
“Last I checked, I never asked you to dig your nose in my business. So what if I fucked her? She's nothing but a mere useless Omega. That was my intention. To fuck her and get it over with. Did you really think I ever had any Intention of making someone like her my Luna?”
As of his words weren't hurtful enough, he turned towards me with mirth in his eyes, an evil smirk at the side of his face.
“It’s really cute that you really ran all the way from your pack to here thinking your wildest, unimaginable fantasies would be fulfilled just like that. That I would sacrifice the state of my pack, the future of my unborn heir and my dignity just to make you my Luna?” His smirk disappeared and the cold look that replaced them was so terrifying, my eyes widened as I took steps back, scared of his incoming wrath.
“You're a fucking joke.”
“I was banished.. “ It was my last resort, but I had no choice. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I avoided his eyes. “I have no where else to go.”
“If I looked like I gave a fuck If you on the verge of death right now, I would be looking like one of your parents right now, but I'm not any of them am I? Now leave.”
My heart sunk to my stomach and every iota of strength just left me so that all I felt was a sick feeling to my stomach and the urge to just die.
“Arthur this is wrong. You… “
“Another word from you Jeremy. I swear to moon goddess, another word… “ with that, he turned away and right before my eyes, climbed in bed with the woman who moaned with a chuckle as she encircled her arms around his neck as they began fucking.
I walked right out of the room, tears blinding my eyes from rage, anger, humiliation and hurt.
I heard footsteps behind me and realized Jeremy was right behind me.
“Wait… “
I want to leave, but he grabs my arm and I'm forced to look at him.
“You heard what he said. He doesn't even care if I dies. So that's what I'm going to do, because even I don't see the point of living anymore.”
“Don't say that,” Jeremy looked and acted a whole lot different from his brother that I wondered why the moon goddess would be as cruel as to give him as a mate to me instead. “You're worth love and living and Arthur is an asshole for not seeing that.”
I shrug. “It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I don't have where to go. So what's the point? Or could I just turn rogue.”
He looked like he was thinking for a minute, before he said. “Arthur might probably kill us both if he found out, but I can make arrangements for you to live here in the pack but you won't live close to him. You'll just be a member of the pack. I'll get you a place to work, get you food and some clothes. Just the essentials you'll need to live here.”
My eyes well up with so much tears as how someone could be so kind to me without even knowing much about me.
He leaned in and grabbed my shoulders.
“You'll find a mate who will love and adore you. It's only a matter of time and you'll forget about Arthur and he will too. But you'll just have to promise to lay low while you stay here.”
I nod, too blinded my tears to see him asy vison was already clouded. I hugged him.
“Yes. Thank you, thank you so much.”