Ava’s Pov

An excruciating pain hit at my chest, and I placed my right hand, trying to put pressure on, wishing that could take my pain. I had never thought anyone would reject me in my life, and being rejected now, I had had a taste of the bitter pain that so many people had talked about.

It felt as if my breathing seized, and at some point, I could barely stand upright through the course of the pain.

“No…. I….” I muttered out, not knowing what exactly to say.

It wasn’t as if I wanted to be his mate, but the fact that he just expelled me from his pack spelt trouble for me. It simply meant I would be out alone with nobody backing me up, and that’s only going to make me a rogue.

Two guards appeared, and they held me tight and began to drag me away from the party.

“No! Please don’t do this to me!” I screamed out.

Although I was never happy staying in their pack, due to the stories my mother had once told me about the lives of the rogues, I feared being sent out and exiled, but even as much as I screamed, the Alpha Prince didn’t look back at me. I guess that’s how embarrassed he was that a slave was his mate.

The guards dragged me, and at some point, one of them carried me and hung me over his shoulder until we were far from their pack, and they dropped me and left me. Tears flowed down my eyes; I couldn’t try to follow them back as I knew the end result. The chilly air overwhelmed me, and I shivered at the feeling.

I managed to rise to my feet and looked around, wondering where I was going to start my life from. Suddenly, the rain began to fall, and of all days, it chose tonight to rain hard and coldly. I looked around with squinted eyes, trying to see if there was a place I could run to.

There was an alley close by; certainly, there would be a little shelter I could manage. I ran as fast as I could until I got to the alley, and luckily, I found a shelter that had not been occupied by anyone. I sat comfortably and wrapped myself with my hands as I stared at the wet ground as the rain kept falling hard.

“Mother, father, what do I do now?” I said under my breath as I looked towards the sky.

Hunger pangs were now attacking me; I hadn’t eaten since morning as the head maid only told us that we would only be allowed to eat after the success of the birthday party and coronation. But my roommates were able to sneak in something little to eat and couldn’t share with me. It was understandable because everyone was starving, and what they got was too little for even them to fill their stomachs with.

I felt emptiness overwhelming my heart, and the urge to cry again filled me, but I had had enough tears. I was just so tired of everything, including life itself.

Gradually, the rain began to reduce, and my eyes were getting heavy. I tried my best to keep my eyes open since I was outside, but nature took over, and I fell asleep. Right now, it was only sleep that soothed me and gave me an escape from this harsh reality.


I felt a light and continuous tap on my shoulder, and it brought me back to reality. My eyelids fluttered open, and I squinted them a little before I opened them back and realised that I had company. They were about three men with huge figures.

“Look what we have here.” One of them said and snickered.

I quickly rose to my feet as my heart began to pound fast. Their eyes were all bloodshot red, and two out of them had hideous scars that made my heart jump at the same time. My hands became cold and sweaty, and I could barely breathe well due to how fast my heart was beating.

“I’m…. I’m sorry if I... if I trespassed. I’m going to leave now.” I said, lowering my head as I made to move in another direction.

But the moment I saw with my side eye that one of them was about to grab me, I ducked and then ran off. I thought they were going to laugh at my fear and let me go, but these huge men were running after me.

“Help me!” I cried out in the empty streets, but only my voice came back to me.

It seemed more like the whole of the town had gone to celebrate the Alpha Prince’s birthday and coronation. The men seemed to be catching up as their legs were really fast, but I couldn’t allow them to get to me. Who knew what they would do to me the moment they got their hands on me?

I felt the chilly wind brush past me harshly as I swung my arms back and forth while running really fast. My footwear was hitting against the ground, and my heart was pumping more blood while I sucked in a great deal of air.

“Stop right now! Or you will regret it if we get a hold of you! One of them yelled out.

That only gave me more reasons to run fast. The hairs on my skin stood, and it was as if something was etched in my throat. While running, I saw a massive building from a short distance. The name of the school was boldly written, the size was huge, and the school was filled with nice and expensive decorations. While running, I noticed the nice waterfall outside the building, then I glanced back at those running after me; they didn’t look like they were going to stop, so I ran towards the building, and when I got in, I made sure not to look back.

But while running, I noticed the graduates’ photos of a few years, and they were all guys. Even when I ran into the restroom, all I set my eyes on were urinals, guys’ sports-themed posters, and all. I ran out and rushed to the lockers made for sports, but I discovered that they were all things used by guys.

This was definitely an all boys’ school.

I wanted to leave, but the fear that those men were still out there waiting for me made me really nervous and anxious. I'd rather hide here than go back outside.

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