Ava’s Pov

My heart was beating really fast, and I could barely gulp down my saliva as I looked into his eyes.

“Stop that bullshit right now, and get on with the day!” I heard an older male’s voice thunder in the hallway.

Then my eyes drifted to the direction of the sound of the voice, and I saw a man dressed corporately, walking towards us.

“Ugh! Damn it!” The boy before me cursed. “He ruined the show.” He said under his breath.

As the man got to us and placed his hands on his waist, he shook his head.

“First day of school, and what came to your mind was to fight? My eyes are on you. Pray that you're not taking my class.” He said, staring at the three of us with a brow raised. “By the way, follow me to my office.” He ordered, and we followed after him.

While I was walking behind them, I fiddled with my fingers, wondering what he was going to say or do to us.

As soon as we got to his office, he sat down, and we had to stand as he didn’t care enough to offer us a seat.

“I’m meant to tell you three to write a statement, but I won't, and that’s because I’m in a good mood. You shouldn’t make enemies, but friends. Just because you have one friend doesn’t mean you should go on making enemies, and you do not look so much like a chicken that all they want to do is act like eagles against you. Am I understood?”

“Yes sir.” We all answered him.

“Good. Have you all gotten your dorm tags?” He asked, and the two guys nodded, but I shook my head. “It means you missed the orientation. Here, have this.” He said, handing a tag to me.

I received it and smiled, then his phone began to ring, and as he picked it up, he glanced at us.


Just as he said that word, I felt relieved and immediately left his office, walking through the hallway without stopping, as I didn’t want those brats to decide to teach me a lesson somewhere else because they were called to the staff room.

Now, the next place for me to get to was my dorm, so I headed to the dormitory immediately.

“Phew. That was so close.” I said, under my breath.

I made sure that while I was heading to the dormitory, I avoided bumping into anyone and ensured that I didn’t stare long enough for them to notice me and start another brawl, which I obviously couldn’t deal with.

Finally! I got to the dorms and looked around for the number tag they gave me, and just when I pulled the doorknob, I noticed it was locked, and that was when I realised that I had forgotten to get a key.

“No.” I uttered, feeling lost and annoyed.

I knocked briefly, but there was no response. The room even felt empty.

How could I forget that one important detail? The thought of going through the hallway to the office to get a key was so disturbing and made me anxious. What if I met those guys, and this time, I wasn’t lucky enough for a teacher to bump in?

“Gosh! Ava, how could you forget?" I said with a frown and stomped my feet.

Well, I couldn’t stay too long here without going in, or anyone who could be as naughty as those guys from earlier could pass by and take interest in making mockery of me. While that wasn’t much of a problem to my ego, it was a problem because I would be discovered and thrown out for those people after me to chase me again.

I turned around and climbed the last stairs, which led me to the rooftop, and I closed the door behind me. Thankfully, there was no one here; just the nice air inviting me. I expected that such a place would have a few students busy taking the nice air right here, but there was none.

I walked to the railing and leaned on it, then stared down at the school.

Last night was terrific, but I was so happy that I was able to escape those men and whatever evil thing they wanted to do to me. Now, I’m in this school and seen as one of their students. I hope I will be able to blend in for as long as I need to stay here.


About an hour had passed, and the nice atmosphere was beginning to turn sunny and scorching, so I decided to try my luck again at my dorm, hoping that my roommates would have gotten back from wherever they went to. There was no way I was going back to get my key today, or at least, not when many students are hovering around, looking for fresh prey.

I left the rooftop and walked down the stairs down to my dorm, and this time, I hoped that they were around. I knocked twice, and just then, I heard voices, and the door clicked, and it opened.

It was then It really hit me that I was going to have guys as my roommates.

Just as the door opened, to my surprise, there were three handsome guys at the door. My breath seized, and my eyes opened wide as I felt a really sweet and overwhelming feeling course through my veins. More than that, I felt a strong connection between us—something that drew me closer and made my wolf restless and a bit crazy.

The aura around them was just so nice and intoxicating that I didn’t know when I took a step forward towards them. The intense desire for them was growing by the minute, and if I wasn’t careful enough, my identity was going to be revealed right away.

The only reason I was feeling this much desire and sweetness and my wolf acting restless was one thing.

“Mate.” My wolf purred.

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