"I know this can be a hard subject for some people, but I think it's the right time in the semester to learn about the devious gang," My teacher Ms. Freeman says.
She turns back to the board and draws a giant circle with an 'M' in the middle.
"This was the symbol of the Malignant. It was imprinted on the back of their leather jackets. The men in the jackets were all black. They had tattoos littering their bodies and a silver ring on their finger with the letter 'M' carved into it," She says while writing the jot notes on the board.
The class was so quiet that it was spine chilling. You can tell by the tension that this was a very uneasy topic for some people. All this conflict with the Malignant only ended two years ago. People lost their families to this gang, and the fact we are talking about it in class is very unusual.
"The leader of the gang was a man named Westly Ray Sehard. No one ever saw the man in person but people heard a lot of the names of the gang members. That's what leads them to believe that he is the leader," She writes his name in big letters at the top.
"Why did the Malignant kill so many innocent people?" A quiet voice from across the room says.
Our teacher turns back around to face us, "No one ever knew the exact reason. Some people thought it was their way to express the issues with the economy, and some thought it was just a way to be remembered by the world," She explains.
"How many members of the gang were there?" Someone else asks.
"Over five thousand across the world from what we could guess," She says.
"And what happened to them? They just vanished..." The same guy says.
"That will also remain a mystery. The Salvation never revealed how they overpowered the Malignant, but we never had to worry about them again. They probably all died," She said in comfort.
The class stays silent, no one really has much to say at this point.
"Well moving on-" Ms. Freeman starts but a loud announcement comes on the PA.
"Attention Riverdell Students, we need everyone to evacuate their classes and make their way to the gym for a code red lockdown. This is not a drill," The monotone voice comes on the speaker and I feel my spine shiver.
"Okay class we need to proceed to the gym," Ms, Freeman has a frantic look in her eyes.
"What's going on?" A girl named Emma shouts.
"It's probably nothing, let's go." The teacher responds and rushes everyone out of the room.
The last code red we had ended up being a lost stray dog in the school field. So I highly doubt this was anything drastic. That stupid dog had us sitting on the gym floor for two hours. Our school is so overprotective it's crazy.
We rush down the cramped hallway as does the rest of the school. If we are gonna be stuck in that gym again for two hours, I'll die of boredom. There are people everywhere trying to push through the small hallway; so much for single-filed lines.
Audrey pushes through with me for almost ten minutes until I stop, making her look back at me.
"Amelia let's go," She pulls my arm with a questionable look on her face.
"I need my MP3 player. We are gonna be stuck in that gym forever like last month!" I say and start turning back.
"Ms. Freeman said we needed to go down there immediately. C'mon!" She says while furrowing her filled-in eyebrows.
"No just save me a spot! I'll be five seconds," I pull away from her grip. She rolls her eyes and keeps walking towards the gym.
I fight through the crowd going in the opposite direction for what feels like forever. I finally reach the class and clear my way through the open door.
The class is empty with open books and pens all on the desk. I jog down to my desk in the back and open my bag to pull out the tangled earbuds and small MP3 player that is attached at the end.
My small blue MP3 player is retrieved in my hand while I zip up my bag. I look up, getting ready to turn around to leave but a frightening image distracts me.
The chalkboard that we never use at the back of the class, has the giant Malignant symbol on it. And under the symbol, two messy printed words are plastered in capital letters.
My heart drops at the writing on the board that my teacher never put there. My eyes are wide and I drop my MP3 player on the ground in shock.
I slowly step back from the chalkboard until my back hits a large muscular frame. I gasp and quickly go to turn around but before a second thought, a strong hand wraps around my mouth.
I scream into the hand and try to run but the big man's other arm wraps around my neck in a hold. My heart races a mile a minute when I feel the leather pressed to my neck.
It's a member of Malignant.
"You scream and you die," His deep accent brushes against my ear as I instantly stop screaming.
I can't seem to catch my breath as my chest pumps up and down in fear. He starts walking forward with his grip still tight around my mouth and my neck.
I get pushed right into the chalkboard while his body presses against my back. He removes his hand from my mouth and just try to catch my breathing.
I'm too terrified to scream considering he said he would kill me if I did. Isn't he going to kill me anyway?
"P-please let m-me go" I stutter quietly while losing air from being squished against the board.
He shuffles his right hand around in his pocket while pushing his tall frame against mine. I haven't gotten to see what he looks like yet, but I know he's evil. His hot breath tampers down the back of my head while he calmly searches for an item.
My heart hopes that someone, anyone, will walk into this class and help me. I feel a tear start tumbling down my cheek as I feel that my death is approaching.
He pulls out a white cloth that looks a bit damp from the liquid.
"Sorry darling I can't do that," His rugged voice mumbles, bringing the cloth to my mouth and nose.
I squirm from his grip as he presses the white cloth to my face. I can smell the chemicals travel through my nose as I realize I'm going to pass out any second.
He turns me around so my back is pressed against the wall. He holds my two hands above my head with his big hand while using the other to keep the poisoned fabric against my mouth and nose.
I look at the tall curly-haired man that meets his dark emerald eyes with my own. His jaw clenches as he watches me fall slowly unconscious, furrowing his eyebrows. His black lip ring stays prominent on the corner of his bottom lip. I let another tear tremble down and hit his hand, but that didn't phase him at all.
I feel my eyelids get heavy and my body loses its fight as I fall into a sea of black.