Chapter 3
My brother can make me so mad sometimes, it is like he does stuff just to make me lose my shit, but i know that isn’t exactly true. He is just trying to live his life the way he wants to, and i should be supportive of that, but i can’t be. I cannot do it. Not when he is going around having sex with every woman that he can. It just makes me so mad.
So, i do what i have always done, i burry myself in paperwork, and the day flies by. In all honesty, i am just waiting for the day my mate comes to me. The oracle said it would be soon, and i should prepare. But how do you prepare for the love of your life to show up?
I sigh, i was sat in the office, going through the rest of the paperwork that needed to be sorted out for the day, there was so much more than last week, all kinds of requests from members of the pack, and some from the town. People ask me for bigger houses, leaves from work, some say the weekly food parcels the pack provides to families isn’t enough.
No matter what Drake and i do, we cannot keep everyone happy. It is an impossible task.
We started the food parcels so that everyone in the pack, no matter their job would have the same beginning of each week. They know that should work be short, they’ll be able to feed their families, and that is what it is for. Though some sell them for profit. I have seen it myself.
I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes, leaning back in the chair, this would be so much easier if i had someone to share my burdens with other than my brother. I just want to find my mate. I don’t care who or what she is, if the moon goddess chose her for me, then she is perfect.
I lifted my head when a knock sounded at the door, “Come in.” i shout.
The door opened to reveal Matthew, our Beta, and my brother, both looking as tired as i felt. It had been a long day for all of us. The work of an alpha wolf is never done.
Matthew slumps down in the chair across from mine, “I have finished with the new recruits for the day, they begin training tomorrow.”
I nod, “We have to make sure we are ready for any attacks.” i say, looking between them.
Drake steps forward, leaning against the desk, “I increased patrols on the south border, there were some rogues spotted in that area.” his voice is much like my own, thick with a southern accent and deep.
Matthew was tall, but still a good few inches smaller than me and Drake, his brown hair slightly mattered and messy, it was getting quite long. Longer than normal. He had hazel-coloured eyes and muscles that could even put me to shame; he was a hard worker and the best beta we could have asked for.
“This paperwork is not going to get done tonight.” i admit, rubbing my eyes again.
I hate it when i fail at something, it isn’t something I'm used to. I am normally ahead with all of this stuff, but for some reason, i cannot keep up. Maybe we are too lenient with the pack, they think they can get whatever they want from us.
“I can stay and help.” Matthew says softly, pulling some of the unfinished pile towards himself. “I have no other jobs for the day, so i am all yours.”
My brother sighs, “I hate fucking paperwork.” he moans, pulling some towards him, “But i will stay and help also.”
I nod, smiling at them both, “the help is appreciated.”
Matthew begins looking through the requests, “You know I've been thinking about going into town tomorrow, why don’t you both come with me.” he glances at Drake, “You may even find your mate there.”
Drake growls, standing, “We have visited town a thousand times over the last few years.” he says in anger, “She isn’t in town.”
I watch him, noticing how much pain he is in, almost feeling it for myself, we are twenty-six next month, and we have yet to find her, we are both beginning to lose hope. Maybe there is no one out there for us.
Perhaps we are destined to rule this pack alone.
But i can’t say that, not in front of my brother.
“We have done nothing to shun the mood goddess.” i tell him, “Our mate is out there, we just haven’t found her yet.”
Matthew looks uncomfortable, “i wasn’t suggesting she’d be in town, i was thinking more of you both taking a break from the pack for a few hours.” he stands and makes us all a coffee with the machine in the corner, “you both work so hard, you deserve a break. Some time to relax.”
It's a nice thought.
“We don’t have time to relax.” my brother growls, his wolf, Noan close to the surface. “We have a pack to take care of.”
“We should go.” i tell my brother, turning towards him and moving the pile away from me. “our beta is right, Drake, a break would be good for us.”
Drake stares at me like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t, not out loud. But his voice invades my head, “You really think leaving the pack for the day is a good idea?” he asks me, not once moving his eyes from mine.
The perk of being twins is we are more connected than most wolves, we have a link we all members of the pack, but we also have a separate one, just for us.
“Yes.” i say out loud so Matthew can hear me. “I do think it’s a good idea, we will never find our mate if we don’t leave the pack once in a while.”
Drake’s eyes narrow, “Fine. We will go.” he says, using his voice this time. “But afterwards we are going for a run.”
Drei, my wolf, shouts out, “A run, just what we need.”
An alpha has many perks, including a strong wolf we can communicate with. Most wolves only feel their other halves, but Drake and i hear our wolves as though they were a person themselves.
“As soon as we return from town we will go on a run.” i say, smiling at my twin.
We used to be closer, inseparable, but that changed the older we got, perhaps a mate will bring us back together again.
“I’ll hold you to that.” says my brother.
“You always do.” i reply, taking a long drink of my coffee.
A run. Just what we need to bond.
We need to solidify our unity. We are brothers, but we are also alpha’s, and we need to make sure we are on the same page.
Come morning, we will go to town, just as our beta wants us to, but i have no hope of meeting our mate. She will not be there. We have searched every inch of the town.
At this rate, we will never find her. i am starting to lose hooe.