Chapter 6
Sarah's pov
The guys who were staring at me were starting to give me the creeps, yeah, we are from out of town, get over it. I do my best to ignore them as I concentrate on my brother, all too aware of the bruises my father left on me. Is that why the guys were staring? Did they think the person who hurt me was going to come barging through the door?
Well fat chance of that, we left him in the dust. If I had any say in the matter, I’d never see my father again, not even if he somehow begged us to come back. I was done with that man, I had given him too many chances to make up for the beatings and all I got was more pain. Never again.
I knew that the road ahead would be hard, harder than anything else I have ever done, but I knew at least my father couldn’t take my brother from me. The state had given me custody when I left school, he was my responsibility, and no one could take him from me.
If we got desperate, I could always use my gift and try the lottery, it was never large enough amounts to get noticed, but I could help us to get by.
The waitress brings our order over not long after she served the staring men, and I couldn’t wait to tuck in, I was starving. I’d never actually been the typical lady, so stuffing my face in front of strangers wasn’t a big issue. Their staring however was, and it was really starting to piss me off.
What did they want?
Why couldn’t they look somewhere else?
Sure, the twins with dark brown hair were yummy, but I couldn’t think about that right now, I wasn’t looking for any kind of hook up and I certainly wasn’t going to risk getting murdered because they were cute.
“How’s your burger?” I ask Jacob, smiling at the way he was wolfing it down.
He smiles with a mouth full of food, “it’s good.”
I chuckle and pick up my chocolate shake, taking a long drink and smiling at my brother. “Mmm soo good.”
He watches me and then does the same, his little face lighting up happily. “I love it!”
One of the twins walks over to us, his smile absolutely dazzling as he pulls up a chair to the edge of the table.
“Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Drake.” He says slowly, his smile wide as he looks at me.
“I’m Sarah and this is my brother Jacob.” I say back, watching the shock that appears on his face.
“Your brother?” He asks, looking between me and Jacob.
“Yeah, I’m six.” My brother smiles, holding up fingers.
“Wow, you are a big boy then.” Dylan comments, smiling down at my brother before he turns to me. “Where are your parents?”
I frown, not liking the fact that he was being so nosey. “That’s not something I’m comfortable with talking to you about, I barley know you.”
He holds his hands up, “didn’t mean to upset you, I was just curious. If you need somewhere to stay, we have a small community a few miles from here. We have spare housing you’d be welcome to.”
“You’d give us a house?” I ask, confused and a little scared. No one had been this nice before. “Why?”
“You seem like you are running from something, and I want to help where I can, I won’t ask any more questions. Just stay there until you decide you are ready to go somewhere else, or if you decide to stay that’s good too.” He smiles the whole time he talks, and I could tell he was nervous. Like he liked me or something.
I looked at my little brother, wondering what he thought about it all, but I also knew we wouldn’t get an offer like this again and the money I had saved would only go so far. Could I really risk saying no?
It took me another few minutes before I made my decision and nodded, “okay, we’ll come. Does this house have furniture?”
He turns towards the other man with him, “Matthew can you call ahead and ask them to furnish the empty property closest to mine and Dylan’s?”
The one he called Matthew nodded his head, pulling out his phone and typing away. I smiled and turned towards my brother who was still eating, watching everything unfold.
“What do you think Jacob? Do you want to stay for a while?” I ask him.
He nods, showing me a rare genuine smile. “Yeah, they seem nice.”
I turn back towards Drake, nodding my head and sighing. “We’ll come with you, I just hope this is genuine and you aren’t pulling my tail.”
Dylan smiles and chuckles slightly, “I’m not messing with you, you’d be welcome in my community, everyone will treat you well and you won’t have to run anymore.”
“How do you know I’m running?” I ask, frowning.
“i can just tell that sort of thing, don’t worry you are not in any danger from us.” he smiles warmly, and I can't help but smile too.
Maybe this will be a good thing, the fresh start that we need, I wasn’t sure why they were helping us, but I couldn’t exactly say no.
“I’ll let you finish your food, then I can give you a ride, Matthew will follow behind in your car and Dylan, my brother, will come with us. If that is, ok?” he asks, watching me closely with his shinning eyes.
“Yeah sure, we won’t be long.” I smile, going back to my burger.
I didn’t want to be rude and demand I drive my own car, but I didn’t know the way and I was terrible with directions, so this would probably be the best way to do it.
I turn to my brother and smile, maybe this is just what we need, if I don’t tell them anything about what I can do, it'll all be fine.