The arrangement part 2

Aster: So, what’s this one like? What did his file say again, Chaos witch looking for a dish?

Quarius: Hahahahahaha, never gets old, honestly who says that on a match application, it’s not Bendem, he isn’t looking for a quick lay.

Vengar: With a name like Raphic Oundar, you don’t expect much.

Aster: is he at least hot, I hate that they don’t provide any photos for some of these matches, I mean it’s not like we live in small communities, some of these warlocks are from Fae City.

Vengar: Oundar being one of them.

Quarius: Maybe this is how matches work there? The Fae aren’t known for being monogamous. Well except the dark Fae, those bastards are possessive as all hell. They give dragons a run for their money.

Aster: I wouldn’t mind a dragon shifter for a mate

Vengar: you’d hate it, you wouldn’t last a whole minute.

Aster: Yea right, I’d be his soul mate. We’d be perfect for each other.

Vengar: that’s not how mating’s go, just because you have a mate doesn’t mean they stop being who they are, there’s still effort that needs to be applied for a mating to succeed.

Aster: and you’re saying I don’t have a lovable personality!

Quarius: Awkward….

Vengar: that isn’t what I said at all. I am merely stating you are ill suited to a Dragon shifter; he would make you miserable.

Aster: good save

Neem: he bailed. Something about needing to go to headquarters at the vampires building or such.

Aster: wow, what a douche

Quarius: Sweet! Need a ride back?

Neem: I’d love one if it gets me on the road in the next 5 minutes.

Quarius: we can do one better, meet you downstairs.


Quarius: oh relax, we had business at capital last night. Plus, you didn’t even notice we were gone, you had that double late shift.

Vengar: We would have waited for you if you had been off.

Aster: fine, forgiven.

Neem: I hope everything is ok, although I’m loving my luck right about now, I was dreading the ride back.

Neem looks at Perisam and waves goodbye before exiting the office, While Neem had been reading the messages from her friends, Perisam had gotten a phone call and had a silence bubble surrounding her to keep the call private. Once out of the building she spots Vengar’s car with Quarius typing away at her phone outside the vehicle. Quarius was Vengar’s guardian, every vampire who is born has one, and it is the same for gargoyles, vampires are considered their guardians as well. A vampire cannot be born without one and the same is said for gargoyles. Vampires and gargoyles can only create a life if their guardian is creating one as well. It’s not often that a male Vampire is born to a female gargoyle, and it was quite scandalous when Vengar and Quarius were born as they are opposite sexes. Luckily for their families Quarius and Vengar have no romantic interest in each other, although there is concern for when Vengar and Quarius will find mates. Their communities are worried on the conception, vampires and Gargoyles have a symbiotic relationship, during the day, Gargoyles skin becomes stonelike and impenetrable, allowing them to perfectly guard their families, both vampire gargoyle alike, and because of this magic it makes it difficult for them to conceive on their own, however when vampires began blood tying gargoyle lines to their own, if the paired interacted in sexual activities on the same night around the same time, both vampire and gargoyle were guaranteed to conceive children.

“Neem! Finally, now we can head back and pack! Let the festivities begin!” Quarius slips into to driver seat waiting for Neem to enter the passenger side door, before pulling off.

“So, you think you’re ready for the fair? Did they release the names of the chaperones yet?” Vengar’s voice filters through the partition. “Who knows, all I can hope for is to not embarrass myself and have to repeat the year …again.”

“I blame your mom” interjects Quarius.

All three phones start chiming as they all receive a message from Aster.

Aster: Are you guys having a conference without me? This chat has gotten suspiciously quiet!

They all laugh as Vengar reads the message out loud.

Vengar: Quarius is driving, and I am trying to sleep Aster, no one is in much of a talking mood.

“Are you mad at Aster for some reason?” Neem asks aloud, catching Quarius make a pained face.

“Did I miss something on in the last 12 hours?”

“No, it’s nothing, I guess it’s just different for witches.” Vengar states lowly.

Neem eyeballs Quarius in a what the fuuuckkk manner, seeing Quarius shake her head she decides to change the subject. “So, I was thinking about visiting some of the Vampire holiday balls this year, or maybe the gargoyle feast. The Fae makes me nervous, and we all know shifters are off limits to witches. Do you think there will be anyone worth meeting attending this year Vengar” Quarius shoots Neem a shocked look before focusing once again on the road. Before Vengar can answer Aster calls Neem’s phones interrupting the conversation.

“Hey Aster, we just got out of traffic, should be there in a few hours.”

“I never understood why you travel the long way as if you aren’t powerful enough to use the portals. Hell, you could probably juice that bad boy to transport a good 100 people at a time and have no consequence. “

“Sure, that may be true however I could also blow up everyone in a 100-mile radius and make it rain blood and guts.”

“Ooh dark, no fare! Put the call on speaker, what did Aster say” Quarius whines as we merge onto the highway breaking away from most of the congested traffic.

“I was only suggesting Neem teleport all of you here that way we won’t have to worry about time.”

Aster says, as the call is placed on speaker phone.

“Or she could teleport us to the Fare location instead then we wouldn’t have to worry about hiking and camping in the woods” Vengar suggests.

“Oh, please you’re just saying that because you’re trying to avoid a headache, it’s not like you’ll burst into flames anymore. So quite whining.” Aster interjects.

“I’m not whining” “Oh yea, tell me something Quarius, did Vengar make you take the partitioned car?”

They all stay silent as Aster waits for a response. After some time, Aster breaks the silence and laughs heartily at how predictable Vengar is. “I wish you’d try to be out in the daytime just a little more Ven,”

Vengar sighs and proclaims he’s officially taking a nap and only bother him when they arrive in town.

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