Obligations part 2
Leaning against the side table Balsa stares lazily at Sosier, “Great timing brother, as usual.” Grinning widely and sitting in the armchair facing the door, “What can I say, im gifted.” Chammomile walk around him to smack the back of his head, Looking at balsa she smiles and says “He’s was just annoyed Libbah didn’t continue to praise his alphaness” Libbah freezes before turning an angry gaze at Sosier, “ I wasn’t Prasing you, you overgrown beast.” Sosier yawns and lays his head back “ Wait, so if you’re going to be hosting the Ancients of your kind this holiday, does that mean you’re going to all those Vamp parties you never take us to?” “Unfortunately yes.” “Sweet, just the holiday I needed this year, my Parents are losing their shit and I cannot be around them this holiday and deal with all the Female Wieres they no doubt have lined up for me, I cant wait for head out for the Fiir fare, Sorry Balsa I know this year you’ll be representing and working more than enjoying the festivities. I for one need a break. My father was such a task master during the five-year training sessions.” Balsa walks to the love seat pulling Libbah along with him. “Depends, can you keep Sodo in your body for the entire time we are in Pyrches City?” Sosier sits up again and looks at Libbah, “Are you telling me your family are hosting in their city home this year?” Rolling her eyes, she just stares at him. “Am I allowed to run in Wiere form in their public parks? I can promise to keep him in my body while in the city, but I’m going to need some forest area to run in.” Libbah closes her eyes and begins to pinch the bridge of her nose “I know I’m going to regret this, please don’t make me regret this. Ok, ok,.” Looking at all of them, “I’ll speak to my Mother about getting approval for all three of you to run in the public park, please, please understand that the area where my family lives is very congested. There are many buildings and alcoves because not all of my kind can walk about in the daytime, so majority of the city in Vampire Lane is a series of connected buildings, we cannot have a wolf Wiere shifting and exposing any of the citizens to daylight.” The all close their eyes before looking at Libbah and all responding with their wolves. “Understood.” Stepping out of the room Libbah pulls out her phone and calls her mother. “Libbah Dear, I’m so glad you called, I wanted to ask you if you could ask you friend Princess Chammomile if she could convince the Fiir clan to donate a few cases of blood wine for this year’s holidays, that wiere clan is a gods send. I’d love to know how the produce it, it’s a shame they don’t offer any tours,” Before Libbah can respond Balsa Comes into the room standing directly behind her, his eyes glowing in the camera screen and Balt takes control and sniff Libbah where her ear and neck connect. Without looking at the screen Balt replies, “I’m sure I can arrange for you to have a private tour Madam Cardona. And there is no need for you to ask the Princess, your daughter’s mate will be more than happy to donate a few cases of Blood wine, will 300 do?” Libbah’s body stiffens at his mate proclamation wondering if that is what she had begun to experience, it had been five years since she had seen Balsa Fiir and Sosier Dircuriam, they had both transitioned into their alpha years two year ago, the age where all alphas begin producing sperm and their mating scents began to develop. By now both males had a distinct scent of what and who their mate will turn out to be, if Balt is forcing himself into Balsa like that, that can only mean he has begun the process. “Mistress, I’d like to introduce you to, “ A warm smile spreads across Libbahs mothers face, finishing her daughters sentence, “ Young alpha Balsa Firr of firefly lake, creator of the blood wine. Well, now it makes sense. And I must say, well done Libbah dear, not only have you been the inspiration for our main nourishment, but you have successfully escaped any marital contract I have made up for you. Good for you my dear, I prayed to the gods that you would find a true partner, I am overjoyed the Weiere goddess saw you fit for one of her wolves wiere. I will make sure he is allowed to run in the publics, wait until the Sang Coven hears of your union, and all that fuss and stress for master Sideeryl for nothing, the poor was positively sick when I demanded a match for you. “ Libbbahs eyes grow wide, “Is that why we are hosting them this holiday, mother please tell me you didn’t, please tell me you didn’t already ask him”, Libbahs mother huffs impatiently, “Libbah darling don’t be that way, he is the only male you have every spoken to where you didn’t attack or insult of our kind, As a fledgling when your feedings were so uncontrollable back when there were still a few humans left, he helped you get control of yourself. Why shouldn’t I find the best match for my progeny? It is no matter now anyway, he has made it clear he will be attending with his little witching’s and his guardian, I suppose I need to make them aware of the wolves we will be hosting so they know to have enough cloaking spells , “ she mumbles to herself “well dear again over the moons for you, please don’t stay too long at the Fiir fare, although now I suppose you will be hosting instead of participating. Oh the joy this will bring the Sang coven, I cannot wait to make the announcement at evening meal, “ “Mother wait” “ Bye darling” and with that she ends the call. Turning to face Balsa, Libbah looks into his aqua eyes, before they suddenly turn cerulean, and Balt grabs her face and kisses her on the mouth. Shocked by the heat she feels she gasps, and he deepens the kiss, satisfied that she is now thoroughly invested he pulls back to look into her eyes, “I don’t care what he’s done for you, you will no longer need to turn to him for anything, and your staring contests with Sodo end now.” “Balt, I don’t,” he doesn’t give her the option to protest, he goes in for another kiss, overjoyed that she isn’t pushing him away and instead embracing him in return, when she lets out a moan he pulls back, and his eyes are once again aqua. “Libbah,” she pecks his mouth again before trailing kisses along his neck. When she begins to lick at his jugular and moan, he pulls her back, “Libbah” “Gods Balsa,” she replies huskily “Since when did you smell this good. I can barely smell anything else.” Putting some distance between them, Balsa clears his throat, “Libbah, there are some things I need to speak to you about before we continue, Balt, fuck, I don’t know if we can do this,” Balt comes to the surface ones again. “Don’t listen to him gem, your ours, I’m making that shit known right now, I’m claiming you at the end of the holiday, you ready for me baby?” he asks at loss for words, Libbah’s eyes flash an iridescent black and her lovely copper. Growling in satisfaction at the clear claiming fever trying to push her into a mating frenzy, Balt invaded her space, you know why Balsa can’t stop me from coming forward and talking to you.” He seductively whispers, when she shakes her head no, he trails his nose up to her ear. “It’s because, when it comes to you, he’s always taken away by how much you affect us, and how thoroughly fucking obsessed with everything you do, it’s like he’s struck stupid by everything you are. It’s how I knew from the first moment, before the mating scent even had a chance to develop, I knew without aa doubt, you’d be mine, forever and ever baby.”