The witches test

“Is he ok? and are you going to tell me how I got into Vengar’s lap? ““Vengar got a message from someone in the council, you started to complain that he wasn’t paying you any attention because he was looking at his phone, even though we were watching a movie at the time. So, you climbed on his lap and said, you wouldn’t move until he made you.” Quarius sits up from the table wiping her mouth before making her way to the couch near Aster. “” So, what, he just left me there.” Quarius lays back and closes her eyes before responding, “ Pretty much. He put his phone down and laid his head back and pretended to sleep, and you snuggled in and passed out in led than a minute” “Shut up! Please tell me I didn’t. I can’t believe I did that, why didn’t he push me on the floor like he does to you when you get all up in his space?” “Probably because he doesn’t look at us the same, seriously are you really that blind?” “Quarius! Get here now, its urgent!” Neem looks at Quarius in surprise, and starts to rise from her chair, Quarius stops her with a motion of her hand and says “It’s not really an emergency, he’s just mad that I’m…” “Quarius! NOW” “See” she says with a saucy smile while making her way towards the room he had fled to. The door slams shut as soon as she crosses the threshold, Aster quickly plus out a silencing stone, asking Neem to activate it. Once it is turned on Aster looks behind her quickly before speaking. “Is Quarius just pulling my leg or is she insinuating that I’ve got a shot with Vengar, because holy shiiittt am I about to pass out.” Neem was startled a little bit at Asters comment, not once has her longtime friend ever mentioned any interest in him. “I’m pretty sure anything with Vengar would be the permanent kind, and I’d say you’ve got some high chances if forevers what you really want.” “Oh, please don’t tell me you’ve got the hots for him too!” Aster says sorrowfully, “They’d for sure approve of your match based on your power level alone” “Relax Aster, I don’t like him like that, it wouldn’t ever work. All I am saying is, you’ve been dating and living free, I’m worried your free spirit won’t enjoy being tired to a vampire, I’ve often pictured you with a fae partner, you and that dark sidhe from the hare’s sun festival were pretty hot and heavy for a while. “Goddess yes I remember” Aster giggles. “Vengar was so upset every time Pothos came around. I was on a high every time he’d pull me to the side and tell me how I needed to get rid of him, and that I was pushing him too far, he never did elaborate, especially once Pothos was called back to court.” Neem can’t help but stare at her friend in utter shock, “are you telling me you’ve been purposefully trying to make Vengar jealous?” “Well what else am I to do, he barely even touches me, I love when he sees me with someone else and gets jealous, it lets me know he’s paying attention, look I know it’s fucked up, but I’m desperate ok. If I didn’t do it this way, I’d be embarrassing myself with my behavior, just following him around like a lovesick petunia!”

Groaning Neem hits Aster with a couch pillow, “If you had told me about this sooner! This could all have been avoided.”

“You’re probably right, but then Vengar wouldn’t be as interested.”

Neem mumbles “trust me, he couldn’t have been any more interested.”


Neem had been doing exceptionally well for the past 4 hours, now she was in one of the spelled tents in the fourth ring of the Fiir fare, non Wieres were only permitted in the first four outer rings, the center ring of the fare was where the held the tournaments for Wiere society. The next two filled with job placements and training signups for all wiere, as well as Wiere specified games and bulletins about anything noteworthy, there were also vending competitions for working contracts and meetings held to help better the Wiere communities. The fourth ring held all the food vendors and gift stands, it was also where the Firr alpha and his son would be making this evening announcement as well as the raffle winners. The next outer three rings are filled with games and rides for all-star beings.  The Witch community had a tent placed near the main food vender so that those participating in the obscurity trial would have a moment of reprieve while eating. Only participants were allowed in the tents, and although she had wanted to sit with her friends and enjoy a meal before heading out, she needed a break. Surely after four hours of upholding the spell and timing her neck stone charge just before it expired was enough to be considered a pass. However, the trials were until the Fiir’s made their announcements, which was another hour and a half. Luckily this is her first time in the tents, they monitor and time each witch who enters, since this is Neem’s first time in the tent today, she can stay for another thirty minutes, leaving her with an hour left until the …….

I exited the tent and collided right into a large male’s back. I was so distracted looking down at my phone upon exiting I forgot that the witch’s tent doesn’t actually look like a tent but a refuse building. It’s made to deter any wieres from wanting to enter. “Oh, celestials I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Looking up and the male i had attempted to walk through I freezes. Mentally checking that all scent blockers are in place and using my witch’s eye to make sure no scent is permeating his senses. “ I can feel that you know” he says in a husky voice, his head tilts and one eye changed color, I become a little startled at the change, I was aware that wiere’s eyes change into their animal counterpart when they take control, seeing only one eye change is a little unnerving, to be able to partially allow your wiere to share the human body meant you had to have exceptional control. Everything in me screamed to get away, yet I was transfixed by him, when he tilted his head, the darker amber eye trying to get a better look. Then I noticed his nose twitch and I internally panic. “Again, I’m sorry, I meant no offense. Not bothering to maintain eye contact I scurry off toward the outer rings, needing to put as much distance between that wolf man and myself. My heart racing out of my chest. I begin to feel my powers grow as my emotions spiral out of control, needing to leave the fair altogether I teleports myself to the outskirts, hoping I didn’t just ruin my changes at passing, however not wanting to be on Pyrches city news for exploding the fiir fare.

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