Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Five


I lingered in the shadows for a while, waiting. In the distance, the sound of the sea crashing against the rocks filled the silence, along with the natural sounds of the woods.

The woods were thicker and harder to reach here— one of the reasons why this was the perfect place for me to meet people. I naturally claimed this territory to be mine.

I straightened up, alert, when I heard some noise in the distance. My wolf was on alert, too. I listened intently to her and the noise to see who it could be.

I didn't step out of the shadows of the trees until a familiar figure stepped out into the clearing and headed towards the cliff's edge. But even then, I took my time to watch him.

I couldn't understand why, but something had been bothering me lately, making it harder to lean into my natural intuition. When I didn't step out immediately, the figure scanned the woods, missing me easily.

I smiled to myself. It was Nat, one of the most skilled killers, yet he missed me even when I was partially visible. I guess my several hours of camouflaging practice were paying off well.

"I'm here," Nat announced when I didn't step out yet. I pondered for a couple of seconds, wondering how it'd go if I teased him. That would be comical, but my shoulders dropped immediately because that wouldn't be possible today. I had somewhere else to be after this meeting.

Maybe next time.

Casually, I stepped out of cover, my hands in my pockets, my mask and the voice modulator on and my eyes set on the man. I noticed how his body visibly stiffened to see me. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

He feared me, and for some reason, it pleased me. Deeply. It made me yearn to see the fear in his eyes as I stepped before him.

"You're late," I told him and saw him gulp hard visibly. It made me smile wider under the mask.

"I got stuck at an errand," He clarified quickly, "Your task has been carried out flawlessly. The payment has to be done by tonight," He pushed, tilting his head to a side and giving me a challenging look even though the tension in his body grew severe.

I chuckled.

"Show me first," I demanded, stepping closer and seeing him getting tenser. He gave out a breath before pulling an envelope out of his coat. I snatched it from him and tore it before looking at the pictures of a man shot in the head.

"What do you think?" He asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. I glanced at him.

"Ten thousand dollars deducted," I spat, "It'd have been perfect had the shot been in the middle of his eyebrows,"

"Come on! You wanted him dead, and he's dead," He protested, angrily throwing his hands in the air. I gave him a stern look, and he straightened up quickly. He couldn't see my eyes, but he could feel the wrath in my gaze under the mask.

"Twenty thousand dollars deducted,"


"Total thirty thousand,"

"Wait, no," He cut, "Alright. I get it. I will keep that in mind from next time,"

I nodded, took the lighter from my pocket, and burned the pictures.

"I have some news," He tried to tempt me before I could leave. I tilted my head and glanced at him. My hand on the gun just in case he was wasting my time. "But I'd need those thirty thousand if you wish to hear it," He told me.

"What about you tell me the news, and then I kill you?" I asked, and he straightened up quickly.

"This is going to get you killed someday," I heard him mutter under his breath. I pondered if I should show him my new gun, but he spoke up before that, "But I'll throw you a bone today. Florence is dead,"

"That's old news,"

"And so is Jeremy," He added quickly, making me freeze. He smirked at me, knowing that this was the first time he caught me off guard. I clenched my fist as he continued, "And you could guess who took him down,"

The King brothers.

Those two bastards.

Not that I was sad at Jeremy's death. No. I was glad he was dead because he had been trying to keep tabs on me. With him gone, I had one less thing to worry about, but if anything, his death was more of an indirect message by those bastard brothers.

They're out there. Looking for me. I knew I was next after Jeremy. I should have been scared, but it made me laugh out loud, puzzling Nat. He watched me with shock.

"You shouldn't be laughing, really," He commented, his expression hardening. "They're coming for you, Morgan. If I were you, I'd wish the earth swallowed me whole before the brothers could reach me,"

"That's the thing, Nat," I laughed. He was trying to warn me, but if anything, his words made me laugh. "You're not me. You'll never be me. I have my ways, and it's okay if you don't understand them. Just stay in your lane and do as you're told to do," I told him.

He shook his head at me.

"You should fear them, Morgan," He told me. "They're not like Simmone. They're much more dangerous, and they can go to any extent to hunt you down,"

"And why are you so concerned about me?" I laughed instead of getting serious like he wanted me to be but fuck that. I didn't fear anymore. Not even those bastard brothers. They'd never get to me. Ever.

"You pay me well. I would hate to get that cut; besides, they're the Alpha brothers. Everyone fears them. You should, too,"

"I'm not everyone, Nat. I appreciate your concerns, but it's clear you undermine me. A lot," I told him, "I think it's time for me to find a new hitman," I announced, and he shook his head again. I could tell that he wanted to say more, but I left before that.

I had more important shit to deal with than those bastards.

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