3. Yan
666’s gaze is full of wrath. She rarely displays such emotions. Most of the time, she’s lost in her own thoughts, pretending I’m not here. I try to pretend the same, but I can smell her scent through the walls, which is madness. I tried spending as much time away from here as I could, hunting down Dukes for the Elders, but day after day, I find myself returning to the basement.
To her. To this woman who I hate with every fiber of my body for disrupting my life.
I bet she wonders why I kidnapped her. I ask myself the same thing several times a day. She’d not be here if not for my angel. He’s the one who demanded I bring her here, but with what purpose, I don’t know. She is nothing to me. She’s just one of Azael’s experiments.
Just like I am.
Just like 517 was.
Her name is what makes my heart race and stop at the same time. If not for Azael and 919, Indy would still be alive. She’d be my wife, and I’d give her the world. Now, I can only put flowers at her grave.
Indy might not be alive anymore, but I’ll always honor her memory and the pure love that was between us. She understood me on a level no one else did. Losing her was a tragedy I’ll never get over, no matter how much time passes. The day 919 killed her, my soul died with her.
There’s nothing about 666 that stands out to me in particular. Her hair is…too blonde, and her lips are too full. Not to mention her eyes.
My angel huffs as if demanding to say what’s wrong with her eyes. They are blue, and I hate blue. It’s the same eye color Azael has. Looking at her reminds me of what Azael did to me, but I can’t allow myself to forget what was done to me, so I force myself to stare into her eyes while I relive the horrors I’ve been through.
If only she had another eye color, I wouldn’t feel this rage each time I’m forced to come down here and have her eat. As much as I want to get away from her, I can’t afford to have her starve to death. Cirro and Rin won’t know how to take care of her. Cirro would probably forget all about her and Rin is too busy helping all the other Lords kill Dukes.
For now, 666 is trapped with me.
Not only because my angel is obsessed with her but for many other reasons.
Not only is she a hellstar, but she’s also the woman who is responsible for the death of Alekos’ father. Rin has made it clear plenty of times that he’s thinking about how to let Alekos and his blood-brothers know that 666 is alive and that we have hidden her in our home since last December.
I don’t give a shit about Alekos. I owe him exactly nothing. Yet Rin insists that Lords need to be united now more than ever. What Rin doesn’t understand is that I’m not a Lord. I’m not a Duke either. I’m…different. Something new.
I pick the cup up from the floor, slightly annoyed that 666 didn’t finish the smoothie. She’ll have the other half for dinner then, I decide as I leave the basement through the door that leads to the laundry room. There’s another door that leads to the backyard, but after years of being locked in a small cell, large spaces make…my angel spiral out of control.
The smell of bacon and eggs from the kitchen reminds me that I barely ate today. When I was still in the medical facility, I usually ate once a day, but there were times when I’d starve for days. Withholding food from the experiment was one of the methods Azael used to control everyone since hunger usually meant being weak. He wanted the men he tormented and experimented on, on their knees, begging for scraps of food. Sometimes, it happened, but I refused to bow before Azael. Those who did usually became his lap dogs. No one will ever put a leash on me, especially the monster who took everything from me—from my dignity to the love of my life and the mate of my demon.
Steven is seated at the table while Rin is over at the stove frying eggs. Bacon is neatly stacked on a plate.
Ever since Levi was killed and Steven lost two of his blood-brothers, he’s been hanging out a lot with Rin, which means that he’s here almost every day. Sometimes, the walls are closing in on me, but I can’t say anything because this is not my house.
If not for my thirst for revenge, I’d be long gone. I’d go live up in the mountains and wait for the day my demon or angel devours my soul. I’m too damaged to have a normal life. What the hell is normal for someone like me?
The moment my angel is over his fixation with 666, and Azael is taken care of, I’m out of here. Rin doesn’t need me. He has his own shit to deal with.
“Eggs and bacon again?” I grumble.
Rin rolls his mismarched eyes at me. “If you want something else, make it yourself.”
My cousin is a man of habits. He likes to wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and watch the same show—The Big Bang Theory.
“Maybe I will,” I say. Cooking is not that hard. You put some shit in the pan, stir them a bit, and voilà, food is done.
I put the rest of the smoothie in the fridge.
“This is what, the tenth day she’s refused to drink that shit?” Rin asks over his shoulder. “You might force her to do what you want, but everyone has a limit.”
I lean against the counter and fold my arms against my chest. The scar left from the operation I had five months ago still bothers me, but it was either giving up a kidney to get rid of the tracker or blowing my brains out, there was no way in hell I would have returned to Azael after finally escaping his clutches. Only God and I know how I ran away without being caught by 917, one of Azael’s most loyal lap dogs.
“Smoothies are good for your health,” I retort.
Rin puts bacon and eggs on a plate and hands it to me together with a fork. “Not when you've had nothing else but smoothies for months.”
I take a bite of bacon and take the time to savor it. The flavor is rich, but my insides churn after a second bite and it takes seconds for a dull ache to settle in the pit of my stomach, so I put the plate on the counter.
Most people don’t know how lucky they are to be able to eat without their bodies turning on them.
Steven looks first at me, then at Rin. “Are you talking about your mysterious woman?”
Rin shrugs, not wanting to reply. He sits next to Steven and digs into his food.
I’ve never wanted a word about 666 said to anyone, but Rin got a little too carried away one night when he was drunk and accidentally mentioned at a Lord gathering that we have a woman in our house. Everyone assumed we meant our woman.
“So, when do I get to meet this woman who is so special that you all refuse to let her out of her gilded cage?” Steven asks.
The idea of someone who is not me around 666 fills my demon with anger. “Never,” I seeth.
Steven’s eyebrows shoot up. “She must have the most amazing pussy ever if you’re so determined to keep her identity a secret.”
Rin almost chokes on his food.
“What?” Steven keeps poking his nose where it doesn’t belong.
“He doesn’t fuck her, he only…looks at her for hours,” Rin says.
Anger implodes inside of me. “Stay out of my shit,” I say before leaving the house.
There’s a small lake a few properties down the street. The owners are rarely home, so I’ve used the lake as my safe place for months. I run there, and as soon as I’m at the lake, I remove my T-shirt, sneakers, and socks, keeping only my shorts on. I jump into the dark waters.
It would be so easy to dive in and never return to the surface.
My demon doesn’t agree, but my angel is more than ready to find Indy in the next life.
Taking the easy way out is not an option, not when Azael is still out there.
Besides, I still need to find out what it is about 666 makes my demon so obsessed with her.
My angel blocks all my emotions so I can plot Azael’s downfall.
‘Don’t forget about 919*,’* my angel reminds me.
To localize 919, I need to find out where he and the other experiments went after the facility was burned to the ground.
Rin’s friend, Rueben, might have a clue.
‘What about Maddox?’ my angel asks next.
Maddox is not an option.
Since my angel is listening to my thoughts, he wonders, ‘Why?’
‘He betrayed the Lords. He is lucky he’s alive,’ I remind my angel. My demon silently listens to the conversation.
A snort comes from my angel. ‘But you are not a Lord and don’t owe them your loyalty. Maddox can help you find 919. He has the resources you lack. Besides, Indy was his sister. He wants revenge just as much as you do.’
‘I should talk to Rin about this,’ I try to argue.
My angel argues back, ‘Which Rin will you talk to?’
I hate it when my angel is right. And I hate hearing his voice, talking to him. It only means that my time is short. I might only have months before my soul is consumed.
‘I’ll think about Maddox,’ I end the conversation.