Chapter 5
Mel’s POV
I storm out of the Academy flipping off and cursing Dad's name underneath my breath. How fucking dare he says those things to me in front of everyone —especially in front of Jaxon! Jaxon may be his little obedient lap dog, but I’ll never bow down to him!
I get into my car, slamming the door as I mind-link Bliss.
What's wrong, honey bun? She asks, her tone gentle, as always.
My dad is the biggest dick ever! I exclaim.
She sighs heavily. We already knew today would be hard for you.
Yeah, but I planned to avoid him. Tell me why he purposely sought me out!
He didn't!
He did! And in front of his little golden child.
Wow, I'm so sorry, sis. That's so fucked up.
I can't do this anymore, Bliss. I think tonight I'm going to leave, I tell her, my voice hardening with determination.
There’s a long silence, and I can almost feel her concern through the mind-link. I really hope you're joking, Mel. I know you want to get away from all this Alpha Damon/Jaxon shit, but please, just wait until you get your mate, and then you can go to his pack!
I wrinkle my nose in disgust. I would rather be a rogue than do that. I was meant to be an Alpha, not some dude's housewife. I can't promise you that, Bliss.
Her voice softens. What about your sister? You've always withstood all your dad's hatred, so she doesn't have to. What did you think he would do if you left?
The question hits me hard, and I grip the steering wheel tightly. I wasn't even considering her in all of this. Moon is only five years old, but he would surely start taking it out on her if I ran away. Can I really leave her behind? Mom won’t be able to protect her.
The thought makes bile rise in my throat. Fuck, I need a plan B. I'll meet you at the pack dinner tonight.
With a frustrated growl, I cut the connection before she could respond. Pushing the start button, I drive to Moon's school to pick her up early for a lunch date. After I sign her out, I make sure she is safely buckled into the back seat before I get in.
"What are we having today, Princess Moon?" I ask, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. Today she is wearing the cutest purple dress and black dress shoes.
"Pancakes!" she screams, clapping her hands with excitement.
I chuckle. “Of course.” Her favorite food is pancakes. She could eat them every day if she could.
It doesn’t take long for us to get to the diner. As we walk in, Donna's face brightens up when her eyes land on Moon. She rushes over to hug her. "Well, if isn't my favorite little lady!"
I smile as I sit down at our usual booth. I love how Moon brings happiness to so many people; she is truly a princess. Donna brings her over to our booth and helps her into the seat across from me. "Now, what are you ladies having today?” she asks, not really needing to. Moon orders the same thing every single time.
"Pancakes and hot chocolate!" we exclaim at the same time. Donna chuckles as she goes to place our order, quickly returning with mugs.
I take a sip out of mine and moan. There's a perfect mixture of whipped cream and chocolate, and it tastes amazing. "Holy crap, Donna! This is top tier right here!” My enthusiasm makes Moon try her drink, her eyes widening with delight.
As I savor another sip, I ask, "Moon, how was school today?"
"It was great! Avianna was nice to me. I think we're best friends now!" she replies, beaming.
I nearly choke on my hot chocolate. "Avianna? Jaxon's sister?" Is it just me or is it a weird coincidence that he has a sister the same age as Moon? It’s like he’s been trying to steal my identity our entire lives!
She nods eagerly. "Yeah! You think mom will let me go over to their house for a playdate tomorrow?"
Of course, she would. Mom is just...there. Years of emotional abuse have made her a shadow of her former self; the mom I knew before Moon was born is long gone. Since then, I have practically raised Moon because she’s trapped in her own world, and my dad is busy obsessing over his male successor. I’m the one that named her, after all.
"You know what, I'll ask her for you when we get home, okay?" I say, giving Moon a reassuring smile.
She grins back at me.
Donna soon arrives with our pancakes, and gently places them in front of us with a cheerful, “Enjoy, girls!” We thank her and dive into our food, enjoying the quiet comfort of the diner.
After a while, I notice Moon’s mood shift, her eyes filled with worry as she stares down at the table.
"What's wrong, princess?" I ask softly. I set my fork down, ready to listen. I don’t like it when she’s upset, but thankfully, she trusts me enough to talk to me.
Moon’s frown deepens. "Are you mad that I'm friends with Ava?"
"Why would you think that?"
"I know you hate her big brother.” She searches my face for a reaction, but I remain composed.
I shake my head. "I don't hate him, it's just...complicated."
Okay, that’s a lie. But she doesn’t need to know that.
"Is it because Daddy is nicer to him than you?" she asks, her brown eyes wide with curiosity.
"Something like that," I mumble, finishing the last bite of my pancakes. Moon is more observant than I give her credit for. Sometimes, I forget that kids watch everything we do.
She grows quiet again, her brow furrowing in deep thought. After a long pause, she asks, “If Mommy says it's okay, can you drop me off at their house tomorrow?"
I internally grimace. I don’t want to be anywhere near that asshole, but I’ll do anything for my sister. "Of course, princess,” I reply, somehow able to hide my reluctance.
When we get home, Dad and Mom are sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner in tense silence. Moon runs to mom and gives her a hug. "Mommy!" she exclaims.
Dad immediately snaps, "Child, go away! Don't you see we're trying to enjoy our meal in peace?”
The harshness in his voice instantly destroys any joy in my sister, making her eyes fill with tears. "I-I'm sorry," she stammers with a whimper. Rage surges through me when Mom doesn't say anything. It was one thing for her to not be there for me, but I'll be damned if she does that to Moon.
I pull Moon out of Mom's arms and crouch down to her level. "Hey Moon, why don't you go upstairs and play?" I suggest in a gentle tone.
She nods, wiping her tears, and runs upstairs. Once I hear her door shut, I turn my attention to my asshole of a father. "Why did you speak to her like that? She was only greeting mom after not seeing her all day!" I growl, giving him a death glare.
He doesn't even look at me. He just continues shoveling food into his mouth like I don’t exist. "She must be learning her disrespect from you. That child needs to be taught some manners."
Mom plays with the peas on her plate with a fork. I can tell she wants to say something, but she just doesn't...as usual.
"Stop calling her ‘child,’ her name is Moon!" I retort, my voice rising.
"Moon," he scoffs with a bitter laugh. "Who the fuck names a child that?"
He has definitely hit a nerve now.