Three years ago, the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the hillside campsite. What was supposed to be a peaceful weekend getaway had turned into a nightmare. Chaos reigned as gunfire echoed through the trees, and the scent of burning pine needles filled the air.
Terrified campers huddled together in tents, seeking refuge from the unfolding violence. Screams and frantic footsteps merged into a symphony of panic. Among them were a group of college students who had stumbled upon this grim spectacle unwittingly, their plans for a relaxing escape shattered.
Hidden amidst the mayhem were the drug traffickers, their faces contorted with both fear and aggression. They had arrived with intentions of striking a deal, but fate had other plans. A rival gang had set a trap, catching them off guard. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to be pulled into a deadly showdown.
The first shots rang out, a cacophonous "Bang! Bang!" that shattered the night's fragile tranquility. Gunfire erupted, and the hillside became a battleground. For the next thirty minutes, the woods reverberated with the staccato rhythm of bullets.
Some of those embroiled in the firefight fell to the ground, clutching wounds inflicted by the exchange of gunfire. Others, driven by adrenaline and desperation, continued to shoot at their adversaries, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames from nearby tents set ablaze.
Amidst the chaos, the college students tried to find cover, their minds racing with disbelief and terror. As the minutes ticked by, the hillside became a scene of utter madness.
Max's heart raced as he fumbled with his Bluetooth earpiece. The chaotic symphony of gunshots and screams provided an unsettling backdrop to his frantic attempts to reach Francisco.
"Can you hear me, Francisco? Francisco…" Max's voice quivered with worry, but there was no response, just static silence. His concern deepened.
Huddled behind the tree, Max felt the chilling proximity of danger as a bullet slammed into the bark inches away. "Fuck!" He cursed, his senses sharpening with adrenaline. He gripped his firearm tightly, ready to return fire.
Amidst the relentless chaos and the sounds of gunfire echoing through the night, Max's thoughts were consumed by one relentless question, "Where are you, Francisco? Are you alright or not?"
Francisco didn't return his call, and those traitors were on the opposite side. This caused him serious concern. In the midst of the turmoil, his sole thought was that he had to find Francisco at all costs.
In the midst of the raging firefight, hidden within a dense thicket, a wounded boy lay sprawled out in the dirt. His face was pale, and beads of sweat clung to his furrowed brow. The pain from his gunshot wound pulsed through his body, leaving him dizzy and disoriented. His right arm throbbed with agony, a grim reminder of the price he had paid while trying to save a girl.
Unable to grip his gun, the boy felt powerless and vulnerable. He had been on the brink of losing consciousness when a soft, reassuring voice broke through the chaos.
"Hey, keep your eyes open," the girl's voice urged, a beacon of hope in the darkness. "The police have been informed, and they are on their way. Just let your eyes open."
With great effort, the boy's eyelids gradually lifted, revealing eyes clouded with pain and fear. He blinked away the haze, focusing on the girl's face that hovered above him. He found himself lying with his head on the unknown girl's lap.
Her face, partially obscured by the darkness and smeared with blood, was now a comforting presence in his hazy consciousness. She gently pressed herbs against his gunshot wound; her touch was surprisingly soothing.
His parched throat ached with the desire to speak, but the pain held him in a vice grip. His voice emerged as a mere croak, barely audible over the ongoing chaos. Her soft voice cut through the cacophony once more, breaking through the boy's confusion.
"Do you want to say something?"
The events of the night had taken a heavy toll on him, both physically and emotionally. The girl's presence and her care in treating his wound provided a glimmer of humanity amidst the madness.
The boy's attempt to speak left him gasping in agony, his lips trembling as he tried to suppress the searing pain that coursed through him. The girl continued to watch him with concern etched across her blood-stained face. Minutes passed in heavy silence, broken only by the distant echoes of gunfire that seemed worlds away.
Finally, as if coming to a decision, she retrieved a water bottle from her backpack and held it up. Her voice was gentle, filled with a genuine desire to help.
"Do you want to drink water?"
The boy managed a small nod, though it was more a slight inclination of his head than a proper response. He longed to quench his thirst and soothe his parched throat, but his body rebelled against even the simplest of movements.
Without hesitation, the girl carefully poured a small amount of water into his mouth. However, he struggled to swallow, his weakened body refusing to cooperate. Each attempt sent waves of pain radiating from the gunshot wound in his arm. He coughed, and the remaining water rolled from his mouth. The girl took the water in her mouth when she understood he couldn't even drink.
As the girl leaned down, her lips gently touching his in an act of selfless compassion, the boy's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise.
Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment as she shared the precious water with him mouth-to-mouth. It was an intimate act born out of necessity, a lifeline that transcended words. He drank in the water, and he finally saw her face...
Her hazel-green eyes.
With his thirst finally quenched, the boy slowly closed his eyes, a sense of relief washing over him. As he drifted into unconsciousness, he held onto a thought, a promise to himself, 'If I survive this time, we will definitely meet, girl. You owe me one thing.'